Resume 11/25/14

Kathleen O’Brien

4848 Northrop Drive

Minneapolis, MN 55406

Phone: (612) 722-8475


Independent Scholar and Community Service Activities, 2012-present

Created and directing the Women in Minnesota Local Government project; Serve on the St. Catherine’s U Board of Trustees, Secretary to the Board; Humphrey School Advisory Board; Friends of the UMN Library Board, Nominations Committee Chair; UMRA Board; and HOPE Community, Franklin and Portland, Minneapolis, capital campaign.

University of Minnesota, 2002 to 2012, Vice President, University Services

Served as the non-academic operations VP for a complex organization of nearly 3500 employees with Twin Cities and system responsibilities; managed an annual operating budget of over $300 million and annual capital budget averaging $200 million.

City of Minneapolis, 1994 to 2002, City Coordinator

Served as the chief administrative officer of the City of Minneapoliswith an annual operating and capital budget of $1 billion and 4500 employees; Appointed by and reported to the Mayor and thirteen Council Members. Governing Magazine’s Grading of the Cities, February 2000 issue, ranked Minneapolis as the third best-managed city among its 35 large city peers.

University of Minnesota, 1989 to 1994,Assistant/Associate to the President

Served as chief of staff and senior policy advisor to the University President and the executive officers; directed the President’s Office and External Relations with an annual budget of $15 million and 160 employees; provided oversight and coordination to institutional communications, media relations, government relations, alumni relations and development.

City of Minneapolis, 1982 to 1989, Council Member, Second Ward

Majority Leader and Chair, Ways and Means Committee, 1984 to 1989

Chair, Zoning and Planning Committee, 1982 to 1984

Served asthe policy leader of $400 million annual budget, labor negotiations with 20 bargaining units, debt policy and retention of the AAA credit rating. Represented the University community on the City Council and the City on 18 boards and commissions, including the League of Minnesota Cities, Minneapolis Community Business Employment Alliance, Nicollet Mall Implementation Committee, Citywide Labor Management Council, Metropolitan Council and Hennepin County Light Rail and Solid Waste committees.

Women’s History Center, Minneapolis, 1980 to 1982, Director

Conceived and authored curriculum on United States Women’s History for grade and high schools students. Sponsored by a federal Women’s Educational Equity Act grant,

the curriculum materials were sold and distributed nationally.

Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, 1973 to 1979,Research Historian

Created and authored Minnesota History curriculum for grade and high school students;

designed and conducted a statewide survey of historic resources mandated by state legislation during the administration of Governor Rudy Perpich;and surveyed MHS manuscript/archives collections to identify women’s history sources.

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1977 to 1978, History Department, Lecturer

Developed and taught course in Minnesota History.


PhD candidate, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U. S. Immigration History, 1974

Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, Seminar in quantitative history, summer, 1973

MA, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, History, 1969

BA, College of Saint Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, History, 1967

Honorary societies: Pi Gamma Mu and Phi Alpha Theta

Awards and Recognitions

Special Achievement Award, Minneapolis Downtown Council, January 2002

Champion Award Winner, Minnesota Women’s Campaign Fund, May, 2000

Susan B. Anthony annual award to one woman in Minnesota Government, May, 1989

Professional and Community Activities: Selected Boards and Commissions

  • Weisman Museum, University of Minnesota, Advisory Council, 2004-10
  • Gilmore Commission to the President and Congress to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction; 1999-2005
  • Greater Minneapolis Red Cross Board, 1998-2002
  • MAP (Management Assistance for non-profits) Board, 1998- 2002
  • Blue Ribbon Committee to Evaluate the Minneapolis Community Development Agency (MCDA), Chair, 1992-3
  • MN State Review Board for Historic Preservation, 1989-96, Chair, 1992- 96
  • Institute of Minnesota Archeology, State Board, 1990-94
  • Blue Ribbon Commission on the Minneapolis Public Library, 1990-94
  • Minnesota Women in Government, State Board, 1989-95
  • St. Anthony Falls Heritage Advisory Board (Jt. powers state and city), 1988-94
  • Minnesota Women in City Government, State Chair, 1985-87
  • Upper Midwest Ethnic Studies Association (UMESA), 1974-78
  • Women Historians of the Midwest (WHOM), 1972-80