AyenEnerji A.Ş. was established in 1990 for the Generation, Transmission, Distribution, and Trade of Electricity.
It went public in 2000 and started to be traded at the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE).
Projects which have been installed and being operated by our company:
Camlıca I HEPP is located on Zamantı Creek, which is one of the main branches of Seyhan River at the localityof Çamlıca Village connected to Yahyalı district in the Province of Kayseri. The facility, which was startedto be constructed under the Build-Operate-Transfer model in 1995, was commissioned in December 1998.
The installed power capacity of the power plant is 84 MW with an annual energy production of 429 m kWh.
Yamula Dam and HEPP was commissioned in July 2005 under the Build-Operate-Transfer model by KAYSERİELEKTRİK ÜRETİM SAN. ve TİC. A.Ş. which is one of our subsidiaries, on Kızılırmak River, Kayseri. The installedpower capacity of the power plant is 100 MWwith an annual energy production of 423 GWh.
Büyükdüz HEPP; was commissioned in 31.05.2012 and located in the district of Taşoba – Elmalı Villages of Gümüşhane province. The installed power capacity of the power plant is 68.8 MW with an annual energy production of 192 GWh.
AyenOstim Combined Cycle Natural Gas Power Plant was commissioned in June 2004 by AYEN OSTİMENERJİ ÜRETİM A.Ş., one of our subsidiaries, in Ankara Ostim Organized Industrial District. The installed power capacity of the power plant is 41 MW with an annual energy production of 280GWh.
Akbuk Wind Energy Power Plantis built on the locality of Saplatan Mountain within the boundaries of the district of Didim in theProvince of Aydın. The facility, which was started to be constructed in 2008, wascommissioned in March 2009. The installed power capacity of the power plant is 31.5 MWwith an annual energy production of 122.5 GWh.
Aksu Wind Energy Power Plant was commissioned in April 2012 by our subsidiary AKSU TEMİZ ENERJİ ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM SANAYİ ve TİCARET A.Ş with 36 wind turbines of 2 MW each. The plant is located in Yahyalı, Kayseri. The installed capacity of the power plant is 72 MW with an annual energy production of 237GWh.
In addition, generation licenses for 49 years have been obtained from the Energy Market Regulatory Authorityfor KorkmazMordoğan & Akbük 2 Wind Energy Projects. KorkmazWPP has the installed power capacity of 24 MW and an annual generation capacity of 73 GWh.MordoganWPP has an installed power capacity of 30.75 MW and anannual generation capacity of 96 GWh.The importsof all wind turbine-generator groups have been completed for both projects and construction works have started. Both facilitiesare planned to start operating in the second half of 2013. Concerning the Akbük 2 project, the turbine supply agreement has been signed and the construction works will start in second half of 2013. Akbük 2 WPP will have the installed power capacity of 20 MW and a production capacity of 68GWh per year.
Fan RiverBasin HEPP Project: To be filledby IM Maggia.
AYEN ENERJİ A.Ş. currently holds a total installed power of 397.3 MW, comprised of 252.8 MW hydroelectric, 103.5 MW wind and 41 MW natural gas; and a total annual electricity generation capacity of 1,683.5GWh, comprised of 1044GWh hydroelectric, 359.5 GWh wind, and 280 GWh natural gas.
It is aimed toincrease the installed capacity to 472.05 MW and generation capacity to 1,920 GWh with planned powerplants, which are to be commissioned at the end of 2013.