Fourth National Conference

Critical Perspectives: Criminology and Social Justice

Quatriéme Conférence Nationale

Criminologie et justice sociale: perspectives critiques

Carleton University Canal Building

June 10th – June 12, 2014

10-12 juin 2014

Organizing Committee / Comité Organisateur

Steven Bittle Nicolas Carrier Aaron Doyle Maritza Felices-Luna

Christine Gervais Lara Karaian Jennifer Kilty Maeve McMahon

Bastien Quirion Justin Piché Prashan Ranasinghe George S. Rigakos

Diana Young

Financial support / Soutien financier:

Carleton University /Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Carleton University / Department of Law

Carleton University / Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Carleton University / Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Carleton University / Faculty of Public Affairs

University of Ottawa/Department of Criminology

The conference is free and open to the public.

No registration required, but please sign our e-mail list.

La conférence est gratuite et ouverte au public.

Aucune inscription n'est requise, mais s'il vous plaît signer notre liste e-mail.

Updated program information will be posted here:

Lorsque le programme sera disponible, il sera affiché sur le site:

Evening Events - Soirées

Opening Night Reception – Réception d'ouverture de nuit

June 10, 2014 at 7 p.m. – le 10 juin à 19 heures

Avant-Garde Bar 135 Besserer St, Ottawa (613) 321-8908

Everyone at the conference (and friends) are invited to our opening day reception. The reception is co-sponsored by Red Quill Books, the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons and the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project . The fourth annual "Critical Perspectives: Criminology and Social Justice" conference jointly organized by criminologists at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.

Vous êtes cordialement invités par Red Quill Books, le Journal des prisonniers sur les prisons ainsi que le projet d'éducation sur la criminalisation et la répression à une réception pour inaugurer la quatrième conférence "Criminologie et justice sociale: perspectives critiques» organisée conjointement par les programmes de criminologie à l'Université Carleton et de l'Université de Ottawa.

Book Launch Party – Lancement de livre

June 11, 2014 7:30pm (Doors open at 7pm) – le 11 juin à 19h30

Venus Envy, 226 Bank Street, Ottawa (613) 789-4646

Everyone at the conference is cordially invited to a book launch party for Vicarious Kinks: SM in the Socio-Legal Imaginary by Prof. Ummni Khan, of Carleton’s Department of Law and Legal Studies (and presenter at the conference). Come enjoy a glass of wine while we explore the regulation of kinky subjectivity and the boundary between normal and perverse. Music, performance, reading and discussion. Wheelchair accessible.

Vous êtes cordialement invités au lancement du livre de la professeure Ummni Khan du département de droit et des études légales (et présentatrice à la conférence), Vicarious Kinks: SM dans l'imaginaire socio-juridique.Venez déguster un verre de vin pendant que nous explorons les lois qui régissent la subjectivité "kinky" et la frontière entre le normal et pervers. Soirée de musique, performance, lecture et discussion.

Conference Closing Night Event - Nuit de clôture de la Conférence de l'événement

Artists For Justice : Open Stage & Art Exhibition

Les Artistes Contre La Répression De L’état: Scène Ouverte Et Exposition D’art

June 12th at 7:00pm -- 12 juin à 19h00

Café Nostalgica, 603 rue Cumberland, Université d’Ottawa -- (613) 562-5800 x3000

Everyone is also invited to the conference closing night party and open-stage arts event, organized by the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project. The event doubles as the opening event of the International Conference on Penal Abolition which will be held at the University of Ottawa, Friday June 13-Sunday June 15 ( Come raise a beer or glass of wine. The event with feature musicians, poets, visual artists and others. Wheelchair accessible. Anyone interested in joining the open stage or contributing artwork can contact Adina / 613.875.8881 /

Vous êtes cordialement invités à la soirée de clôture organisée par le projet d'éducation sur la criminalisation et la répression où des musiciens, poètes, artistes visuels etc. partageront avec nous leurs œuvres dans une scène ouverte. Si vous voulez participer sur scène ou par une œuvre d’art, contactez Adina / 613.875.8881 / Cette soirée sera également la soirée d’ouverture pour la conférence internationale sur l’abolition du système pénal ( qui aura lieu du 13 au 15 juin à l’Université d’Ottawa.

Critical Criminology Programme, 2014 - 1 -

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Room 3101 / Room 2104
June 10 2014
9.30 – 11.00 am / Theoretical Interventions Into Pacification
Chair: Aaron Henry
A Tactical Alliance for Anti-Security: Deploying a Foucaultian Topology and Genealogy of Power in combination with the concept of pacification
Nicholas Lamb, Carleton University
The Savage, the Self and Security-as-Commodity: The Relational Construction of State Legitimacy
Wynn Coates, Carleton University
First Nation-building through policing? The curious case of “Peacekeepers”
George S. Rigakos, Carleton University
Wall-building: building the nation or salvaging the sovereignty of the nation-state in a neo-liberal globalising world?
Maritza Felices-Luna, University of Ottawa / Sex Work I
Chair: Zoey Jones, Carleton University
Pimps, predators and business managers: Constructing the ‘procurer’ in Ontario courts
Caitlin Hawkes-Frost, University of Ottawa
Unpacking the Discourses, Convergences, Contradictions and Effects of R. v Bedford
Brittany Ruthven, University of Ottawa
Criminalizing Clients: Furthering the Stigmatization and Marginalization of Sex Workers
Emily Symons, POWER
11.00 – 11.15 am / Break / Pause / Break / Pause / Break / Pause
June 10 2014
11.15 – 12.45 pm / Reading Surveillance as Pacification
Chair: George Rigakos
Negotiating Roles: Exploring how probation officers understand surveillance in Canadian community corrections
Kelsi Barkway, University of Alberta
Liaisons and Intelligence-led Policing
Tia Dafnos, York University
Pacification and the Hudson Bay Company Fort: from Containment to Inspection
Aaron Henry, Carleton University
TheDemocratic Potentialsof Mediated Visibility: The Use ofSousveillanceas a Tactic of Direct Action
Laura McKendy, Carleton University / Sex Work II
It’s really not that simple! Third parties in the sex industry
Christine Bruckert, University of Ottawa
Varieties of Intimacy: Experiences of attraction, connection, and sexuality among male clients of sex workers
Zoey Jones, Carleton University
Keep Your Eye on the (Deviant) Customer: Police and Academic Surveillance of Men who Buy Sex
Ummni Khan, Carleton University
Room 3101 / Room 2104
June 10 2014
1.45 – 3.15 pm / New Directions in Surveillance Research
Chair: Maritza Felices-Luna
The Claims made by Surveillance Entrepreneurs in the Marketing of Biometric Products
Carlos R. Hickmann, University of Ottawa
Social Media as an Outlet for Community Response: A Content Analysis of Facebook Dialogue Following the 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Riot
Eathan Lindsay, University of Ottawa
Looking Beyond the System: Introducing Surveillance Theories to the Luhmannian Perspective
Brent Andrew Nellis, University of Ottawa / Effects Of Incarceration On Prisoners’ Families
Collateral Punishments: The Experiences of Families Affected by Incarceration
Stacey Hannem – Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Criminology
Strict Bail Conditions, Surety Requirement and Impact on the Family
Rania Tfaily, Carleton University
The Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre: Experiences of family members of prisoners M.O.M.S. Group
(Mothers Offering Mutual Support)
3.15 – 3.30 pm / Break / Pause / Break / Pause / Break / Pause
June 10 2014
3.30 – 5.00 pm / Social and Legal Control of Marginalized Groups in Public Spaces
Spatial Tactics in Vancouver’s Criminal Courts
William Damon, Simon Fraser University
The process is the punishment revisited: pre-trial conditions and marginalized groups who occupy public spaces in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver
Marie-Eve Sylvestre, University of Ottawa
Nicholas Blomley, Simon Fraser University
Céline Bellot, Université de Montréal
Community Safety for Whom? Safe Zones and Mobile Harm Reduction Services in Ottawa
Lisa Wright, Carleton University
(Un)Mapping the Hyper-visible, Invisible Spaces and Identities of Contemporary Canadian Sex Trade Market
Menaka Raguparan, Carleton University / Shifting Understandings Of Sex Offenders
CoSA Ottawa’s volunteers’ perspectives: ‘Sex offenders’ inherently evil or capable of reform?
Marci Beitner, University of Ottawa
Fluidity for all but one: Conceptualizations, perceptions and internalizations of the immutable identity of the sex offender
Adina Ilea, University of Ottawa
Manufacturing Stigma and Causing Harm: the impacts of media coverage on the relatives of sex offenders in Canada
Marshneil Sarah Vaz, University of Ottawa

Wednesday June 11, 2014

Room 3101 / Room 2104 / Room 3400
June 11 2014
9.30 – 11.00 am / Approaches To Crime Prevention
Insite into the SIS Debate in Canada
Kelly Zhang, University of Ottawa
Smarter Crime Control: Taking Evidence to Politicians to Reduce Violence (and Save Taxes) in 2014
Irvin Waller, University of Ottawa
Appearance of prevention – child sexual abuse in Polish Criminal law
Monika Platek, Warsaw University / Shifts in Canadian Penal Policy
Bill C-279 : why, what, how...the impact on criminology and the penal system
Sophie Cousineau, University of Ottawa
Punishing the (Not) Guilty: Tracing the Trajectory of the Not Criminally Responsible Provision
Erin Dej, University of Ottawa
Taking a Punitive Turn? An Examination of Canadian Correctional Policy
Sarah Heath, University of Ottawa / Prison Labour And Penal Profits
The Aesthetics of Canadian Penality: Indigenous Penal Labour and the Production of Cultural Artefacts
Jean-Philippe Crete, University of Alberta
From the Inside Out: A Study of CORCAN and the Political Economy of Prison Labour in Canada
Jordan House, York University
Penal Populism and Penal Profits: Exploring the Links in Canada
Greg McElligott, Humber College
11.00 – 11.15 am / Break / Pause / Break / Pause
June 11 2014
11.15 – 12.45 pm / Profiling / Le profilage
The Silent Injustice in Wrongful Convictions: Is Race a Factor in Convicting the Innocent?
Andrea Anderson, York University
La définition du profilage: le lieu d'une lutte ou d'un dialogue interdisciplinaire?
Geneviève Bond Roussel, Université de Montréal
L’intersectionnalité, une explication de l’effet du genre et de l’ethnicité sur l’utilisation du pouvoir discrétionnaire des policiers à l’égard des jeunes délinquants?
Camille Faubert, Catherine Montmagny Grenier and Rémi Boivin, Université de Montréal / Public Criminologies
Chair: Aaron Doyle
The Criminalization and Punishment Education Project
Aaron Doyle, Carleton University
Susan Haines, community member
Andrea Hughes, University of Ottawa
Adina Ilea, University of Ottawa
Samantha McAleese, University of Ottawa
Maeve McMahon, Carleton University
Justin Piché, University of Ottawa
Samantha Rice, Social Services Worker
Media Whores, Marketers, Teachers and Activists: Qualitatively exploring the varied and complex engagements of public criminologists
Catlin Davies, Alexandra Henderson, Katy Rozad, Crystal Weston, Krystle Shore, and Amy Henry, Wilfrid Laurier University / Imprisonment / L’emprisonnement
Protection of People Deprived of Freedom:
A Missing Link
Ernest Ogbozor and Andrew Baer, George Mason University
Performing sexualities: The Canadian male prison experience
Rose Ricciardelli and Ailsa Craig, Memorial University
La gestion du risque suicidaire et la sous-culture carcérale, des antagonismes conciliables ?
Caroline Pelletier, Université Laval
12.45 – 1.15 pm / DÉJEUNER POUR TOUS
Room 3101 / Room 2104 / Room 3400
June 11 2014
1.45 – 3.15 pm / Punishment and Culture
A Civilized Society? The Culture of Punishment in Canada
Andrea Hughes, University of Ottawa
Prime Time Crime Policy: The Rhetorics of Risk, Nostalgia and Christianity
Deborah Landry and David Myers, University of Ottawa
Content Analysis of Infotainment: Feminist and Visual Interpretations of “Deadly Women”
Isabel Scheuneman Scott, University of Ottawa / Domestic Violence: Looking Beyond Men as Pathology
Chair: Ummni Khan
Moving Past Pathology: Understanding behaviour as a product of the performative
Gary Glover, Leeds Grenville Mental Health
On Being Politically Incorrect: Treating Abusive Men with Integrity, Respect and Compassion
Mike Richard, Living Without Violence
“Often their lives have been hell”: Will compassion for men’s trauma change feminist activism against violence against women?
Deborah E. Conners, Carleton University / the Justice System at Work /
le Système de Justice au Travail
Commanding Officer, Professor, and Student: Auto-ethnographic experiences of Academic-Police collaborative partnerships
Rose Ricciardelli, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Tracy Hardy, RCMP; Hayley Crichton, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Les «civils» peuvent-ils évaluer la qualité du travail policier? L’expérience du comité de déontologie policière du Québec
Rémi Boivin, Université de Montréal
Policing the snow: Exploring the plural police through training practices of the Snowmobile Trail Officer Patrol (S.T.O.P.)
Kyle Coady, Carleton University
Les critiques adressées aux pratiques de négociations de plaidoyer de culpabilité: présentation et comparaison des points de vues des avocats de la défense et des accusés
Chloé Leclerc and Elsa Euvrard, Université de Montréal
3.15 – 3.30 pm / Break / Pause / Break / Pause / Break / Pause
June 11 2014
3.30 – 5.00 pm / The Bail/Remand Crisis In Canada
Abby Deshman, Canadian Civil Liberites Association
Nicole Myers, University of Ontario Institute of Technology / Policing Gender and Sexuality On-Line
Rape threats and revenge porn: Defining violence in the digital age
Jordan Fairbairn, Carleton University
Data Doubles and Pure Virtu(e)ality: ‘Selfies,’ Scopophilia, and ‘Surveillance Porn’
Lara Karaian, Carleton University
You have to act a certain way online': The Role of Stereotyped Identity Narratives in Gendered Online Conflict
Trevor Scott Milford, Carleton University

Thursday June 12, 2014

Room 3400 / Room 2104
June 12 2014
9.30 – 11.00 am / The State of Abolitionism in Criminology I / L’état de l’abolisionisme en Criminologie I
Chair: Nicolas Carrier, Carleton University
Resistance, Co-option and the Paradox of Women’s Prison Reform in Victoria, Australia
Bree Carlton and Emma Russell, Monash University
‘On ne peut pas faire confiance à l’État’: La decriminalization punitive et les defies pour l’abolitionnisme pénal
Joao Velloso, Université d’Ottawa
Assessing the Boundaries of ‘Public Criminology’: On what does (not) count
Justin Piché, University of Ottawa / Sociology Of Law
Les avocats de la défense et les négociations des plaidoyers de culpabilité:
quelle(s) pratique(s) ?
Elsa Euvrard et Chloé Leclerc, Université de Montréal
Committing Sociology (Of Criminal Law): The Case of Anti-terror Law in Canada
Derek M.D. Silva, Carleton University
The Concept of Law and the New Resistance to Hate Crime Legislation
Amy Swiffen, Concordia University
Criminal law, norms, and the free subject
Diana Young, Carleton University
11.00 – 11.15 am / Break / Pause
June 12 2014
11.15 – 12.45 pm / The State of Abolitionism in Criminology II / L’état de l’abolisionisme en criminologie II
Chair: Justin Piché, University of Ottawa
Women in Social and Penal Landscapes: The Normal Politics of Violence
Vicki Chartrand, Bishop’s University
Sur les traces de l’abolitionnisme pénal au Québec
Pascal Dominique-Legault, Université Laval
The State of Abolitionism in Criminology
Nicolas Carrier, Carleton University, Justin Piché, University of Ottawa / Troubling Identities
Sensing Abjection: A sensory ethnography of homeless males in two windy cities
Dale C. Spencer, University of Manitoba
Prison, Social death, and Natal Alienation
Joshua M. Price, Binghamton University
Reviewing theories on war criminals: Representations of Colombian former paramilitaries
Gabriela Manrique Rueda, Université de Montréal
Room 3400 / Room 2104
June 12 2014
1.45 – 3.15 pm / CCJA Roundtable Discussion on Proposed Victims’ Bill of Rights
Moderator: Hirsch Greenberg, President-Elect, CCJA; Head, Justice Studies, University of Regina
Steve Sullivan, Executive Director, Ottawa Victim Services
Michel Gagnon, Executive Director of Maison Cross Roads, and CCJA board member
Ben Roebuck, Trainer, Mental Health First Aid for Adults who Interact with Youth
Chelby Daigle, COMPAC Administrator with the Ottawa Police Services / Criminalization and power
Chair: Dale Spencer, University of Manitoba
Rational Corporation meets Disciplined Worker: The (re)production of safety crimes as “accidents”
Steven Bittle, University of Ottawa
The Refashioning of Vagrancy
Prashan Ranasinghe, University of Ottawa
Too Old to New Criminology: Too Young to Die! – Decriminalizing Selectivity of Justice
Joao Velloso, University of Ottawa
3.15 – 3.30 pm / Break / Pause / Break / Pause / Break / Pause
June 12 2014
3.30 – 5.00 pm / Closing Roundtable: Critical Criminology In Canada Moving Forward
Conference Organizers And Participants

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