Summer Day Camps
Weekly Information Sheet

Monday to Friday

8am – 5pm


(governmentsubsidy available: visit for more information)

Registration for Current Members is 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm starting on May 23rd.

Registration opens to the Community on June 5th from 5-7pm
and during regular business hours starting June 6.

For more information please contact Justin, Out of School Program Director
780.352.4643 ext.38

Week 1: July 4th – July 7th (closed July 3rd)
Theme: Eye Spy….Canada 150
Calling all detectives….. we need your help! This year Canada turns 150 years old. We are looking high and low for information about how it came to be! Help us to solve riddles, crack codes on secret messages, and search for answers about our amazing country.
Highlights include: An afternoon at Peace Hills Park, and a fieldtrip to Blackfalds Aquatic Centre (Outdoor pool with an indoor field house and climbing structure)
Week 2: July 10th-14th
Theme: Imaginarium
Imagine what you would like to be…a performer, an athlete, a doctor? When we allow our imaginations to run wild it is amazing the things we can come up.Explore the outdoors, create art with different mediums, improvise in the kitchen and work as a team. This week every activity will build up their imaginations and think up the impossible. There is no right or wrong way to play when there are no limitations to our imaginations.
Highlights include: An afternoon at Sacred Heart Park, a fieldtrip to Fred John’s Park in Leduc, the Edmonton International Street Performers Festival,and swimming at theManlukAquatic Centre.
Week 3: July 17th -21st
Theme: Bugs!! Bugs!! Bugs!!
Calling all bug hunters!!! Did you know that bugs are the largest group of animals? This week, we are going to explore this large group of animals through crafts, cooking, science and games.
Highlights include: An afternoon at By the Lake Park, a fieldtrip trip to Edmonton’s John Jansen Nature Centre and swimming at the ManlukAquatic Centre.
Week 4: July 24th – 28th
Theme: Blast From the Past
Did you know that the 1990’s was known for its music? And the 80’s was known for its Fashion. Come time travel back with us as we explore what happened through the past few decades that made the trends possible for today.
Highlights include: An afternoon at Parkdale School park, a field trip to Ukrainian Village and Swimming at the Manluk Aquatic Centre.
Week 5: July 31st – August 4th
Theme:Spread your wings
“Until you spread your wings, you will have no idea how far you will fly”… And not just in an airplane!! This week we are going to test our limits by trying new things through friendship & teambuilding activities,group games, crafts, and cooking. We will also look at ways we can spread our wings through our community.
Highlights include:. An afternoon at Clear Vista Park, a field trip to the an Airport Control Tower spray park, and swimming at the Manluk Aquatic Centre
Week 6: August 7th – 11th(closed August 7th)
Theme: Amazing Survivors
Outwit, Outplay and Outlast your opponents.Test your skills through our Survivor and Amazing Race style challenges!Campers will be put into tribes and earn points for every challenge they complete. And you never know…..there may be a few surprises along the way.
Highlights include: An afternoon at Sacred Heart Park , a fieldtrip to the Edmonton Corn Maze and swimming at the Manluk Aquatic Centre
Week 7: August 14th – 18th
Theme: Hearts and Heroes
Who do you know that is a hero? Do they rescue cities like Batman or Spiderman? Do they put themselves in dangers way to protect like firefighters? Or do they volunteer and help out around their community? This week, we are going to see who the heroes are from the past and present.
Highlights include: An afternoon at Peace Hills Park, tours and activities with our local Protective Services, a field trip to Red Deer Sports Hall of Fameand swimming at the Manluk Aquatic Centre.
Week 8: August 21st– 25th
Theme: Wet and Wild
Let us celebrate the last week of summer… but watch out…… you may get soaked!!! Come join us for team building, boat making, crafts, cooking, and science activities that all involve water.
Highlights include: An afternoon at By the Lake Park, a field trip to the Dinosaur Park and Spray Park in Leduc, and swimming at Manluk Aquatic Centre

Please note that weekly highlights may change or be modified due to inclement weather.

Water bottle

Bug Sunscreen

