The 9th East Asia International Workshop on
Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Asia-from Continent to Island Arc-
October 8 (Mon) –13 (Sat), 2012
Kobe, Japan
The purpose of the East Asia International Workshop is to exchange information on presentearth surface processes and long-term environmental changesin East Asia for sustainable Earth and establishing mutual understanding on earth environment, especially in East Asia.
The International Workshop was initially held in Daejeon, Korea (2004), and was subsequently in Kanazawa, Japan (2005), Seoul, Korea (2006), Nanjing, China (2007), Hakodate, Japan (2008), Taipei, Taiwan (2009),Jeju Island,Korea (2010), and Chengdu, China (2011). The 9th Workshop (2012) will be held inKobe,Japan.
This workshop also includesthe themes on “Terrestrial Environmental Changesin East Eurasia”on the basis of long continental records which have been discussed in Japan, China, Korea, Russia, and Mongolia during the past 10 years.
Main topics:
- Present earth-surface processes and sediment information
- Landforms and natural hazards: earthquake, landslide, debris-flow
- Dynamics of terrestrial processes and landuse changes
- EastAsianmonsoonandenvironmental changes
- Global changes and regional environmental change
- Paleoenvironmental changes: paleoclimate, paleohydrology, paleolimnology
- Modeling and forecasting of environment changes
Hosted by:
Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa
Research Center for Inland Seas, Kobe University, Kobe
Organized by:
Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa
Research Center for Inland Seas, Kobe University, Kobe
IAG Committee, Science Council of Japan (to be negotiated)
State Key Laboratory of Lake Sedimentation/Environment, NIGLAS, Nanjing, China
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), Korea
State Key Laboratory of Geo-hazard Prevention (SKLGP), CDUT, Chengdu, China
State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, IEE, Xian, China
Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Mongolian Academy of Science
Sponsored by:
International Association of Geomorphologists
Japanese Geomorphological Union
Hotel Maiko Villa Kobe(MV: Higashi Maiko,Tarumi, Kobe 655-0047, Japan)and
Kobe UniversityCentennial Hall (KU: Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501 Japan)
Program (Tentative):
Date / AM / PM / EveningOctober8 / ArrivalRegistration (MV) / Welcome Party (MV)
October9 / Opening Addresses (MV)
Oral Session (MV) / Oral/Poster Session(MV) / Banquet
October10 / Oral Session (MV) / Oral/Poster Session (MV)
October11 / Oral Session (KU) / Oral/Poster Session (KU) / Sightseeing Tour
October12 / Field Excursion / Farewell Party
October13 / Departure
Deadlines:Response form and abstract:August 31, 2012
Language and format:
The workshop will include Oral, Poster sessions and a Field excursion. The official language for all presentations is English. Abstracts will be required from all participants wishing to submit a poster or oral presentation in the workshop.Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman 12 pt fonts and should include, in this order: Abstract title, Authors’ names (fist name and family name), Affiliation (Institutions and address), First author’s e-mail and Abstract text (less than 2000 words and figures: whole less than two pages).
Registration: 20,000JPY
(Including a volume of abstracts, welcome party, lunches on Oct. 9-12)
One-day excursion: 4000JPY
Banquet: 4000JPY
Accommodation (with breakfast):Hotel Maiko Villa Kobe( Higashi Maiko,Tarumi, Kobe 655-0047, Japan)
7000JPY/person/night for twin use of a twin room
12000JPY/person/night for single use of a twin room or double room/Japanese room
*Lecture-audience is free for lectures.
Field Excursion: The epicenter of the Kobeearthquake and 1995 Earthquake Museum
Weather: October in Kobe is a beautiful season. The weather is mild. The temperature will usually be 18-24℃.
Letters of invitation:
Participants who require letters of invitation, please contact to
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Reiko Obayashi
Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa
Kakuma, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
Tel: +81-76-264-6529, +81-76-264-6531
Fax: +81-76-264-6529, +81-76-264-6531
Response Form:
Please provide the following informationto before August31, 2012to help with relevantarrangements.
Position/Title: (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms.)Last Name: / First Name:
Country: / Passport number:
Gender: / Male [ ]or female[ ] / Tel: / Fax:
Email: / Presentation : / poster? [ ] or oral? [ ]
Presentation title:
Accompanying Person Number: / Name:
Activity Participation: / Will you attend the field excursion? [ ] the farewell party? [ ]
Hotel Accommodation: / Twin use of a twin room/double room? [ ]
Name of room-sharing person*
Single use of a twin rooms/double room/Japanese room? [ ]
Check in and Check-out: / Your Check in date [ ] Check-out date [ ]
* Organizing committee will ask participants who prefer twin use of a twin room to be room-shared if a room-sharing person is not mentioned.