Eighth Grade Physical Science

Course Syllabus

Ralph J. Bunche Middle School

Phone: 404-802-6700


Teacher: M.Favors-Bell

Room: B7

Course Description

The eighth grade science curriculum is designed to introduce students to a variety of concepts, principles, and laws in the area of Physical Science. Through the use of scientific process skills, problem-solving,and hands-on activities, students will be guided in exploration and understanding of the world around them.

Units 1 Structure of Matter

Units 3 & 4 Force and Motion

Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Energy and its Transformation

Course Standards:

S8P1. Students will examine the scientific view of the nature of matter.

S8P2. Students will be familiar with the forms and transformations of energy.

S8P3. Students will investigate relationship between force, mass, and the motion of objects.

S8P4. Students will explore the wave nature of sound and electromagnetic radiation.

S8P5. Students will recognize characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of forces acting in nature.


Prentice Hall Science Explorer. If damaged or lost, replacement cost is $67.97.


Students are responsible for reading and following the rules of conduct as outlined in the Atlanta Public Schools Discipline Handbook, in addition to the Bunche Middle School Code of Conduct (which is aligned with the District’s Code of Conduct) and the classroom conduct rules.


Verbal Praise

Positive/Parent Contact

Tangible Rewards


Consequences: 5-Step Discipline Plan

1st Infraction: Verbal Warning

2nd Infraction: Parent contact/student conference/writing response at Reflection Center.

3rd Infraction: Parent contact and detention (after school or during lunch)

4th Infraction: Parent conference required.

5th Infraction: Referral to Administrator

Materials - Bring in bold are daily required materials; these materials will not be provided.

1.  Notebook Paper 6. Ruler

2.  Binder 7. Flash Drive

3.  2 Composition Notebooks 8. Project Board

4.  2 Pencils & Hand-Held Sharpener 9. Glue Sticks

5.  2 Pens (black or blue ink) 10. Colored Pencils

Grading Scale Grading Criteria

A = 100 - 90 Classwork/Participation 30%

B = 89 - 80 Homework 10%

C = 79 - 70 Projects 15%

F = 69 - Below Tests 30%

Quizzes 15%


Assignment Submission Policy

All assignments will need to be submitted on the designated due date. Assignments are considered late if they are not submitted by the end of the school day. If an assignment is late, it will receive half credit. Prior (the day before) parent notification – email, contact, letter, must be given if the assignment will not be turned in on the designated due date.


Class information will be located on the school’s website, under 8th grade; M. Favors-Bell. Information will include assignments, assessments, projects, and links for additional resources. If the student has internet access, they will be required to retrieve the before mentioned via the website. If the student does not have internet access, they will receive a hard copy. This will help alleviate the extensive use of paper distribution.

Parents are also encouraged to view the website to for report card, progress reports, and deficiency notice distribution dates.

Tutorial Sessions are held on Tuesdays from 3:55-4:55 p.m.


Parents please complete and return the following section to your child’s teacher.

I have read and understand the eighth grade science course syllabus.

Parent or Guardian’s Name ______

Child’s Name ______

Date ______