San Diego Quick Assessment

Student: Maria Olvera

Date administered: June 5, 2007

Description of assessment:

This assessment is a sight-word vocabulary assessment administered to obtain a quick estimate of the student’s independent, instructional, and frustrational reading levels. It also determines a starting level for the oral reading passages, and a student’s initial diagnosis of basic sight vocabulary, phonics, and structural analysis skills. High frequency words in sets of ten with the words becoming progressively more difficult with each set of words, testing the student’s ability to readily call words within 3 seconds. This assessment should be administered when a teachers wants to gain additional informal information concerning a student’s reading ability.


The student is given a test sheet were you tell them, “Here are some words I would like you to read aloud.” The list range from pre-primer to 12 grade. It is best to start them at a lower level so the student can gain some confidence and have some success. The test continues with the student reading the list until they are unable to read 3 or more words on any given list. The administrator must record if the student is pronouncing the words correctly and in the time allowed. Once the student have hit the level of frustration the test is discontinued and the scored. The administrator should give positive feedback and thank the student for participating.

Why I chose to administer this assessment:

I chose this assessment as a measure to determine her oral reading level. It is very effect and quick way to determine where to begin instruction and also what type of books to use during the tutoring sessions.


Independent Level 3rd grade (she did not miss any words)

Instructional Level 4th grade/ 5th grade (she missed 2)

Frustrational Level 6th grade (she missed 3)

4th grade 5th grade 6th grade

Word / Maria’s response / Word / Maria’s response / Word / Maria’s response
Decided / decide / develop / De-de-developed / Abolish / a-a-abolish
wrecked / greeked / discussed / Dis-dis-ques / Trucker / truckter
interrupted / interpret / acquainted / asqanted / Apparatus / Don’t try
Necessity / Ne-nes-city
relativity / relaity

*red denotes words that were not counted against her reading level.


Maria’s results provided considerable information about her reading abilities. Maria appeared very confident about her ability to call the words and moved smoothly through until the fourth grade. From the results Maria’s instructional level is 4th/5th grade. The reason is that she actually missed three words on each list but one word on each list was missed due to her either omitting or adding an ending. In either case she was able to recognize the word. When asked the word a second time at the end of the assessment she was able to pronounce the word automatically. From the remaining words Maria was able to say the initial syllables but had a hard time with the middle or root word and the ending. She attempted all but one of the words and when asked why she did not attempt to say the word “apparatus” she replied that she had never seen the word before.

Further Instruction:

In developing her tutoring lesson plan Maria and I will read a 4th grade chapter book and create a word wall of words that she can not automatically recognize. This will allow Maria to be exposed to more words and hopefully create in her the confidence to use her word attack skills when she come across a word that she does not know.