
1)To construct a timeline that shows key events in environmental history.

2)To see the relationship between scientific investigation, cultural changes, and legislative changes that effect the environment.

Due Date: FRIDAY, September 4th


Research and investigate dates and details on the events in the attached list. Additional details should include but are not limited to:

  1. If the event is a publication, you need to know the author and it’s subject (main environmental focus).
  2. If it is an environmental event, you need details such as location, cause, effect, and key people or organizations involved, impact on the environment.
  3. If it is an environmental law, act, or treaty you need to know date it was passed (original), it’s focus (one sentence summary), and an abbreviation or nickname if any (or what the acronym stands for if given).

*You may work with a partner on the construction of the timeline and turn in one complete timeline and rubric.

HOWEVER, each individual must complete the notes chart and put in class notebook.

Grading Rubric

Pts. Possible / Points received
All events from list are represented in timeline and information and dates for each event are accurate. / 70
All events in correct order by date / 10
Timeline includes pictures (not necessarily of every event) / 10

Timeline is neatly done. Grading rubric is stapled to front.

/ 10


/ 100

NAME (s) ______Period ______

CH. 1 NOTES – Important Environmental Events in History






Life In The Woods published

Mining Act

Sierra Club founded


(by who?)

Atomic Energy Act

Everglades National Park established
FIFRA passed
Sand County Almanac published

Mercury poisoning in Minamata Bay, Japan

Price Anderson Act

Silent Spring published

Hundreds of people die in NY from air pollution

Clean Air Act first passed


300 deaths in New York from air pollution

Environmental Defense Fund established
Torrey Canyon shipwreck and oil spill disaster
The Population Bomb published
Tragedy of the Commons article published

Cuyahoga River in Cleveland Ohio

First Earth Day held

Occupational Health and Safety Act



Clean Air Act amendment


(what are NAAQS?)

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Photo of Earth taken from Apollo 17

Clean Water Act

Roland and Molina publish report on CFCs
(RCRA) first passed

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

Love Canal toxic waste leak

Gaia: A new look at life on Earth first published /


What is the Gaia Hypothesis?
Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island


Times Beach Missouri dioxin contamination evacuation
Bhopal India pesticide plant tragedy
Scientists discover thinning ozone layer above Antarctica
Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion
Montreal Protocol

Exxon Valdez oil spill

International Convention on Biological Diversity
Kyoto Protocol (Treaty)
Last Child in the Woods published
Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster