2017Gulf Coast Technology Council
Scholarship Fund Contribution Form
The Gulf Coast Technology Council (GCTC) has established a Scholarship Fund with several universities and colleges in Mobile and BaldwinCounties. These include:
University of SouthAlabama / VirginiaCollegeUniversity of Mobile / RemingtonCollege
SpringhillCollege / FaulknerStateCommunity College
BishopStateCommunity College
GCTC designates that the income will be used to provide one or more scholarships to eligible students attending these universities and colleges. Eligibility includes:
2017Gulf Coast Technology Council
Scholarship Fund Contribution Form
Full-time enrollment/full class schedule
At least a junior in 4-year college
Beginning 2nd-year student at 2-year college
Minimum GPA of 3.25 out of 4.0
College is in Mobile or Baldwin County Alabama
Major in technology related field
High likelihood to stay in Mobile
2017Gulf Coast Technology Council
Scholarship Fund Contribution Form
There are three levels of contributions. All are eligible for charitable tax deductions through making checks out to the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Please choose your level:
Level 1 Sponsor – $250
Recognition: Thank You in Business Viewmagazine and listed on the GCTC Website, recognition emails to GCTC members and recognition with a framed certificate at the luncheon at which the awards are presented.
Level 2 Sponsor – $500
Recognition: Thank You in Business Viewmagazine and 100-word business profile on GCTC Website,recognition emails to GCTC members and recognition with a framed certificate at the luncheon at which the awards are presented.
Level 3 Sponsor – $1,000and greater
Recognition: Thank You in Business Viewmagazine and 250-word business profile on GCTC Website; recognition emails to GCTC members, free logo and Thank You in the Business View Weekly email newsletter from Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce (reaches over 11,000 individuals every week) and recognition with a framed certificate at the luncheon at which the awards are presented.
Sponsorship Amount: Amount will be billed upon receipt of this form.
Checks must be made out to the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
Sponsor Company: Today’s Date:
Name as it will appear for promotion of event
Mailing Address:
Primary Representative (CEO/Pres.):
Signature: Date of Signature:
Billing Contact Name (if different from above):
Phone: Email:
Volunteer Name: Chamber Staff:
For more information regarding the GCTC scholarship fund and luncheons
please contact the Economic DevelopmentDepartment at 431-8654.