Manheim Solutions, Inc. is a consultancy specializing in community economic development services, workforce development, and now foodshed strategies. Clients range from small municipalities requiring general economic development staffing to corporate real estate houses and school districts. Current clients include the Clearwater Economic Development Association (Lewiston, ID), Elgin (IL) School District U-46′s Career and Technical Education Division and South Suburban College Business & Career Institute (Oak Forest, IL).

Key Results:

  • Completion of a Food Innovation Feasibility Study for Latah County, Idaho
  • Conducted ACT WorkKeys Job Profiles for South Suburban College, Oak Forest,IL;Hoffer Plastics Co. of South Elgin, IL; Fabric Images, Inc. of Elgin, IL; Triton College of River Grove, IL; Stepan Co. of Elwood, IL
  • Retention/expansion of Forest City Gears, Inc., Roscoe, IL. FCG is an aerospace gear manufacturer with its gears on both first and second generation Mars Rovers. Retention of 85 highly skilled jobs and creation of another 25 positions
  • Recruited more than 100 employers to the National Career Readiness Certificate Letter of Commitment for Elgin School District U-46
  • Attraction of American Aluminum Extrusions, LLC to Roscoe, a $27 million manufacturing project creating 130 jobs
  • Retention and Expansion of Diversapack, LLC to Marengo, retaining 100 jobs and creating 10 additional jobs
  • Member of the Illinois National Career Readiness Certificate Advocates Steering Committee
  • Golden Corridor Manufacturing Group Steering Committee
  • ACT WorkKeys Job Profiling Consultant to the Boone-Winnebago Counties Workforce Investment Board, Rockford, IL

Economic Development Services

Manheim Solutions, Inc. can help your community or business grow! With more than 30 years of community economic development experience, we know how to help communities create jobs and help businesses find the skilled workers they need.

The Manheim Solutions Team offers the following economic development services:

For Corporate Clients:

•Site Selection Research and Analysis

•ACT Authorized Job Profiling® Workforce and Skills Assessments

•Incentives Negotiations

•Small Business Development:

SBA Programs

Revolving Loan Funds

Other small business assistance programs

For Community Economic Development Organizations:

•SWOT Analysis & Strategic Planning

•Target Industry Analysis

•Workforce / Labor-shed Analysis

•Business Development Strategies

•Retail Trade Analysis

•Business Retention & Expansion Studies and Implementation

•Incentive Policies

•Retail Sales Tax Abatements

•Property Tax Abatements

•Revolving Loan Funds

•Coordinate and create partnerships with regional and state agencies to leverage your community’s limited resources

Learn about our Workforce Development and Foodshed Strategies services by clicking the “Services Tab” on this website, or by contacting us at , or calling 847-691-0008.

Foodshed Strategies

Manheim Solutions, Inc. can help your community plan for a more sustainable, resilient and healthier future by supporting your region’s agricultural sector. By identifying opportunities to develop your foodshed, we can help you tailor fit strategies to adapt to the 21st Century’s shifting macroeconomic conditions— and minimize or even capitalize on today’s rising commodity prices, growing population and other environmental stresses creating the conditions for strong growth in local food systems.

Foodshed Analysis

Our Foodshed Analysis is innovative, data-driven and draws from our more traditional Cluster and Laborshed analyses. Applying an objective and rigorous methodology, Manheim Solutions can provide the robust analytics and factual detail necessary to make informed decisions anddevelop realistic plans to support or expand your community’s foodshed, including:

  • Define and characterize the foodshed, with consideration ofclimate, ecology, transit, economic geography, land use, current and historic crop potential, demographics, demand centers, market and distribution systems, as well as local history, traditions and culture.
  • Inventory existing agricultural and agribusiness assets
  • Map the foodshed’s assets
  • Model economic impacts
  • Profile the foodshed and its entire geography in a Virtual Foodshed, an interactive infographic that integrates multiple data layers in GIS to provide both a ground-level and satellite view of your foodshed—a great demonstration and planning tool!
  • Stakeholder engagement to gauge latent agricultural capacity and consumer demand
  • Community engagement to inform and educate the public, raise awareness, and to generate lasting interest, participation and commitment in new foodshed initiatives.

Foodshed Infrastructure

Once you understand your foodshed, Manheim Solutions Inc. can help your community plan to optimize it with improvements or additions to its existing social and physical infrastructure. We can enhance existing programs, create new initiatives or evaluate and recommend new facilities to serve your foodshed, from small community garden facilities to large food hubs.

Each foodshed is unique, and the needs or opportunities of one foodshed are not necessarily the same as another. Depending on the location, size, health, diversity and productivity of your foodshed, the optimal initiative may be a new farmer’s market, community garden, backyard garden program or land co-op, or perhaps a brick and mortar shared-use kitchen, food innovation and research center, or food hub (whether aggregator, distributor, or incubator).

At Manheim Solutions we believe the most successful and sustainable initiatives are designed to seamlessly integrate into the fabric of the community and market-oriented systems that are already in place. In our feasibility studies, we carefully match the scale and operations of any new initiative or facility to the opportunities in your foodshed and the needs of your community, as well as the objectives of food stakeholders.

The Manheim Solutions Team is interdisciplinary and thoroughly analyzes the many components of the “to build or not to build” threshold question, e.g. “who” will build and operate the facility, “what” type of facility should be built and with what specific features, “when” should it be built (now, later, in phases) as well as when it should be operated (year round or seasonally), “where” it should be built, “how” it should be operated, “how much” it will cost, and “where” and “how” to source investment capital. Some of these components include:

  • For-profit, non-profit, institutional, hybrid models
  • Facilities, equipment, operations
  • Site selection
  • Land Use
  • Incentives, funding and grants
  • Public private partnerships
  • Small business development
  • Workforce development

For more information about Manheim Solutions, Inc. Foodshed Strategies, contact Dan French at .

ACT WorkKeys Job Profiling

Manheim Solutions, Inc. is one of just 400 consultants across the nation to offer ACT WorkKeys® Authorized Job Profiling. This is a unique service that allows us to:

•Identify the skills required for a job

•Determine the level of skills required to perform the job

The job profiling process can be used by your human resources department to:

•Help identify potential job candidates your current recruitment tools aren't finding

•Help you determine candidates for promotion

Manheim Solutions, Inc. is currently working with northern Illinois manufacturers, workforce investment boards, and educational institutions to improve the quality of an employer's workforce and filling your existing skill gaps. Nationwide many companies consider job profiling a competitive edge and keep their results confidential.

•Hoffer Plastics Corporation, South Elgin, IL

•School District U-46, Elgin, IL

•Stepan Company - Millsdale Facility, Elwood, IL

•South Suburban College, Oak Forest, IL

•The Workforce Connection, Rockford, IL

•Triton College, River Grove, IL

•Fabric Images, Elgin, IL

•Chemical and Automotive Manufacturers

About Job Profiling

Job profiling is an ACT WorkKeys® assessment tool that works seamlessly within the WorkKeys® suite of programs, particularly the National Career Readiness Certificate earnable by students and adults retooling their skillset for the modern workplace.

Job profiling is the right approach if your organization prefers:

•A focus group format that promotes discussion between the employees (job incumbents) and an ACT-authorized job profiler.

•A task list describing activities of the job with tasks tailored by the employees.

•A customized job profile report documenting the tasks of the job, skill levels required for the job, and the qualitative reasoning behind the skill levels provided by the job incumbents. Results that can be used to support hiring, promotion, and training decisions.

Job Profiling Requires Four Key Steps

Step 1: Creating an Initial Task List

The profiler obtains background information about the job to be profiled from the company contact person and a tour of the job site. Using SkillPro®, ACT's proprietary job profiling software, the profiler develops an initial list of the tasks most relevant to the job.

Step 2: Task Analysis

The profiler meets with subject matter experts – generally incumbent workers of the job being studied – who review and revise the list of tasks, adding, deleting, consolidating, and changing the wording of each task to make certain the list accurately represents the job as it is performed in their company. Then the subject matter experts rate each task according to two dimensions: importance and relative time spent. The data are used to produce a criticality rating for each task.

The subject matter experts review this revised task list and make any necessary changes. The resulting final task list establishes which tasks are the most critical to performing the job.

Step 3: Skill Analysis

The skills are reviewed one at a time. Profilers present detailed descriptions of each of the WorkKeys® skills to the subject matter experts. To determine the relevance of the WorkKeys® skill to the job, the subject matter experts independently identify the important tasks that require the skill and then discuss the work behaviors that specifically use that skill. Then the profiler presents detailed descriptions of the WorkKeys® skill levels to the subject matter experts. These descriptions include examples of problems or situations employees deal with at each level. The subject matter experts identify the relevant important tasks that require each skill level and decide which skill levels are necessary at the entry level and for effective performance of their job (i.e., cut or passing scores).

Step 4: Documentation

The profiler documents the results in a custom Job Profile Reportcontaining a list of the tasks most critical to performance of the job and information on the WorkKeys® skills and skill levels required for entry into the job and effective performance of the job. This report establishes the link between the tasks of the job and the WorkKeys® skills and skill levels.

Professional Fees for Profiling Services

Manheim Solutions, Inc. charges a market flat rate for services. Our rates are competitive with those of community colleges and Workforce Investment Boards. Contact us at (847) 691-0008 or through .

Chris J. Manheim, CEcD, MA


Professional Background & Recognitions

Chris is a Certified Economic Developer through the International Economic Development Council and holds a Masters in Political Science with a Certificate in Public Administration from Eastern Illinois University. He has done additional post-graduate studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield and the University of Illinois-Chicago in Public Policy.

Prior to directing regional economic development organizations, Chris was the first director of the Small Business Development Center at Joliet Junior College from 1986 through 1988 where he assisted dozens of businesses develop business plans and obtain loans. From 1984 through 1993, he was president of Manheim Associates Economic Development Services, Inc. (MAEDS, Inc.) packaging SBA 7(a) loans for small businesses throughout the southwest suburban area of Chicago. Upon graduation from Eastern Illinois University, he gained experience in Public Finance and Public Budgeting as a performance auditor and then budget analyst for State of Illinois Auditor General and later the Bureau of the Budget. Later, he contracted with Chicago-based municipal consulting firms as a researcher on municipal bonds, Industrial Revenue Bonds and SBA 504 loans.

For 20 years, Chris directed four Economic Development Organizations in the Chicago Metro Area, including the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce Challenge 21 Program and the Grundy County Economic Development Council.

During the past 30-plus years, Chris Manheim has served on a vast number of boards of directors, writtennumerous articles, and received recognitions by the International Economic Development Council and its predecessors for Programming Excellence. Also honored by the Mid-America Economic Development Council, Site Selection Magazine and others.

Daniel French, JD, LLM

Director of Environmental Strategy and Planning

Professional Background & Recognitions

Danis an environmental transactions expert that leads strategic planning and research initiatives for Manheim Solutions, Inc. Mr. French is responsible for the formulation of project-level strategy, analysis and oversees project operations in the areas of environment, redevelopment, adaptive reuse, feasibility analysis, and regional analysis. Sustainable land use planning is a particular focus of his practice, in which he blends traditional analysis with principals ofeconomic geography, place making, green infrastructure, ecosystem services, and network analysis to lend a balanced, creative and impactful perspective. After receiving a B.A. at the University of Illinois, Dan completed his law degree from St. Louis University with concentrations in business transactions and tax law, before finally completing a Masters of Law (LL.M.) from Erasmus University in the Netherlands. Following his studies, Dan briefly interned at the law firm Nautadutilh in Rotterdam before joining British Petroleum in Chicago in 2007 where he supported retail and midstream asset divestment in both portfolio and single-site sales— transacting over a billion dollars in total value and liability in more than a dozen states in just 5 years.

Mr. French’s most recent major projects include leading the redevelopment analysis and strategy development for a 400 acre brownfield in a mountainous region of the rural South East and a 440 acre brownfield in industrial corridor of northwest Indiana.



Professional Background & Recognitions

Career Summary: Michele Vachon, CHMM, MS links communities with developers to enhance community culture, resource base, their built environment and economic vitality. She has over fifteen years of environmental assessment, CERCLA emergency response, ISO 14001, and remediation consulting experience. Her expertise is rooted in industrial resource management combined with targeted regional economic development modeling and green workforce development. She is often the liaison between community needs, government and the business community; performing extensive public outreach and engagement activities. She is nationally recognized EPA brownfield assessment grant writer focusing on helping communities develop state, federal and private foundation funding portfolios for redevelopment projects. She specializes in identifying both short and long-range value-added property funding opportunities for private and public organizations.

Philip Watson,PhD, Affiliate, Watson Regional Economics Network

Dr. Watson is the lead economist for Watson Regional Economics Network ( In addition to his business, Dr. Watson also has academic year responsibilities as an Assistant Professor of Agricultural & Regional Economics in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Idaho. Phil has received funding to support his research from the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative program and he is currently working in Priest River, Idaho on a targeted community economic analysis tool to help guide strategic decision-making in rural communities. Phil also serves as lead on several National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and industry association economic impact studies (i.e. Cattleman, Dairy, etc.) and is well versed in regional and community economic practices in the Intermountain West. He has over ten years experience in conducting research and teaching about regional economic theory and practice, recreation and tourism management, fisheries planning, natural resource valuation, and public involvement. He has conducted workshops and training in regional economics for the Northwest Community Development Institute and several other, federal, and state agencies. Phil is a Pullman, WA resident.

David Butts, MS, PHR


Professional Background & Recognitions

David is a Human Resources professional with 20 years experience in various industries including; Freight transportation, Automotive, Pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. A seasoned manager, facilitator and trainer with practical hands on experience, David is knowledgeable in leading human resources systems and has demonstrated proficiency and success across all disciplines of Human Resources.

Previously Vice President of Human Resources, David holds a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management and a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certificate. Professional affiliations include national member Society for Human Resource Management, active member with STATELINE SHRM, the Illinois Employers Council and has actively served on the Board of Directors for the IL Fox Valley SHRM since 2006, serving as chapter President in 2009.


Chris Manheim

Manheim Solutions, Inc.

Elgin, IL


(847) - 691 - 0008 — —

Authorized ACT WorkKeys®Job Profiler Certified Economic Developer®