Zablocki Park is a 47 acre special metropolitan park located in the City of Greenfield. It is bounded by Howard Avenue on the north and South 35th Street and Loomis Road on the east and South 40th Street on the west.
The land for the park was purchased in 1958 and initial site development commenced in the early 1960’s, however, the most significant improvements occurred in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Major improvements in this era included construction of the following:
· Park Pavilion
· Play equipment area
· Tennis courts
· Athletic fields
· Par 3 golf course
· Combination Golf Starter/Service Building
· Parking areas
In 1984 the park which had originally been named Cherokee was renamed Zablocki. This move was taken to honor the popular Congressman Clement J. Zablocki who had died the previous year.
The park today contains a variety of active and passive recreational activities including lighted baseball, softball and soccer fields as well as lighted tennis courts. Additionally, there are other athletic fields, basketball courts, the par-3 golf course and picnic areas.
In 1998, the play equipment area was renovated and all new equipment installed.
In addition to the numerous public facilities, the park also serves as headquarters for the Parks Department South Region.
LCE:el 12/99