WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2007 - 9:07 AM
PRESENT: Mayor Hazel McCallion
Councillor Carmen Corbasson Ward 1
Councillor Pat Mullin Ward 2
Councillor Maja Prentice Ward 3
Councillor Eve Adams Ward 5
Councillor Nando Iannicca Ward 7
Councillor Katie Mahoney Ward 8 (Chair)
Councillor Pat Saito Ward 9
Councillor George Carlson Ward 11
ABSENT: Councillor Frank Dale Ward 4
Councillor Carolyn Parrish Ward 6
Councillor Sue McFadden Ward 10
STAFF PRESENT: Janice Baker, City Manager & Chief Administrative Officer
Martin Powell, Commissioner, Transportation and Works
Paul Mitcham, Commissioner, Community Services
Ed Sajecki, Commissioner, Planning and Building
Brenda Breault, Commissioner, Corporate Services & Treasurer
Mary Ellen Bench, City Solicitor
Barb McEwan, Manager, Corporate Records & Deputy City Clerk
Karin Ann Brent, Committee Coordinator, Office of the City Clerk
Sacha Smith, Committee Coordinator, Office of the City Clerk
A. Bruce Carr, Director, Strategic Planning & Business Services, with respect to the 21st Century Conversation Speakers’ Series.
B. Item 5 Jana Joyce, Brook McIlroy Inc. Pace Architect, with respect to the Waterfront Parks Strategy report.
1. Obsolete Corporate Policies and Procedures
2. 15-Hour Parking Anytime (Lay-bys) - Eglinton Avenue West (Wards 8 and 10)
3. Heavy Vehicle Prohibition – Westminster Place (Ward 3)
4. Assumption of Municipal Services (Ward 3 and 10)
5. Waterfront Parks Strategy (Wards 1 and 2)
6. Mississauga Crime Prevention Association (MCPA)
7. Civil Marriage Ceremony Services Update
8. Realty Services Property Matters Under $25,000.00 – Transfer 0.3m Reserve
from Region of Peel to City of Mississauga (Ward 11)
9. Authorization to close out a part of Prince of Wales Drive (Ward 4)
10. Surplus Land Declaration for the purpose of sale to Jungfrau Development Limited, east side of Mississauga Road, south of O’Neill Court (Ward 8)
11. Surplus Land Declaration – proposed closed out road allowance being part of Blythe Road, lying adjacent to 2681 Mississauga Road, being Parts 4 and 5 on Plan 43R-31565 (Ward 8)
12. Surplus Land Declaration for the purpose of sale to the adjoining owner, Gemini Urban Design Corp. – Lands west of Southdown Road and north of Lushes Avenue (Ward 2)
13. Transfer of Easements to Peel Region for Sanitary Sewer and Forcemains at Birchwood Park (Ward 2)
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14. Environmental Advisory Committee Report 6-2007 – November 6, 2007
CLOSED SESSION (Pursuant to Subsection 239(3.1) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended)
1. Pending Litigation
2. Educational Session
General Committee - 14 - November 14, 2007
CALL TO ORDER – 9:07 am
A. Bruce Carr, Director, Strategic Planning & Business Services, with respect to the 21st Century Conversation Speakers’ Series.
Bruce Carr, Director, Strategic Planning & Business Services appeared before Committee to provide an update about the Speakers Series. Mr. Carr advised that Jan Gehl and Ken Greenberg were the speakers for the last session. Mr. Carr noted that Jan Gehl described Mississauga as a 60 km/hr city and that if the City of Mississauga desires to become a more livable city it needs to be redesigned to a 5 km/hr city. Mr. Carr advised that Ken Greenberg focused on the historical villages in Mississauga. Mr. Carr noted that both speakers agreed that the best strategy for Mississauga to make these changes is to concentrate on specific areas such as the historical villages. Mr. Gehl challenged Mississauga to be the first new city to transform itself from a city designed for cars to a city of the next generation of cities.
Mr. Carr advised that over 3000 people attended the Speakers Series and the next event to look forward to would be a Visioning symposium on February 1-3, 2008. He encouraged Council and everyone to attend this event. Councillor Carlson advised that he attended the session and was impressed with the audience at the session and that he found it interesting that other comparable cities have done well. Councillor Corbasson concurred that the speakers were interesting and that some of their suggestions were not cost inhibitive. Councillor Katie Mahoney agreed that the downtown core of Melbourne, Australia is a walkable city. She made reference to a visit were she observed transit terminals at the sporting facilities and the cost of transit was included in the cost of the sporting event ticket. She suggested that the City could look into incorporating the same idea.
Councillor Pat Saito enquired how the speakers viewed the parks in terms of accessibility to the water. Mr. Carr advised that both speakers visited the Credit River at River Wood and the parks in Port Credit area and both were impressed with the parks. He further advised that they found Malton too separated and suggested that the public spaces be used to knit together the pieces of the community. Mayor Hazel McCallion commended staff for doing an excellent job with organizing the Speakers’ Series and was delighted to see the participation of young people.
Mr. Carr advised that a professor at the University of Toronto is interested in a project for the Port Credit and Lakeview area. Mayor Hazel McCallion suggested that the Malton and Cooksville areas would be good to include in the project to get new ideas for these areas. Mr. Carr noted that the Cooksville area has a lot of potential for change to be implemented.
B. Item 5 Jana Joyce, Brook McIlroy Inc. Pace Architect, with respect to the Waterfront Parks Strategy report.
1. Obsolete Corporate Policies and Procedures
Corporate Report dated October 22, 2007 from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer with respect to Obsolete Corporate Policies and Procedures
That the following Corporate Policies and Procedures be declared obsolete:
1. Sponsorship Program (06-03-04)
2. Subsurface Contamination Response (09-08-01)
3. Noxious Weed Control Program (09-02-01)
4. Boulevard Maintenance Program (10-06-06)
Approved (Councillor Nando Iannicca)
Recommendation GC-0751-2007
2. 15-Hour Parking Anytime (Lay-bys) - Eglinton Avenue West (Wards 8 and 10)
Corporate Report October 26, 2007 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works with respect to 15-Hour Parking Anytime (Lay-bys) - Eglinton Avenue West (Wards 8 and 10)
That a by-law be enacted to amend By-law 555-2000, as amended, to implement 15-hour parking anytime on Eglinton Avenue West between Churchill Meadows Boulevard and Ninth Line in the following lay-bys:
1. Easterly lay-by on the north side of Eglinton Avenue West between Churchill Meadows Boulevard and Intrepid Drive.
2. Westerly lay-by on the north side of Eglinton Avenue West between Churchill Meadows Boulevard and Intrepid Drive.
3. Easterly lay-by on the north side of Eglinton Avenue West between Intrepid Drive and Ninth Line
Approved (Councillor Eve Adams)
Recommendation GC-0752-2007
3. Heavy Vehicle Prohibition – Westminster Place (Ward 3)
Corporate Report dated November 5, 2007 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works with respect to Heavy Vehicle Prohibition – Westminster Place (Ward 3)
That a by-law be enacted to amend By-law No. 555-2000, as amended, to implement heavy vehicle prohibition on Westminster Place from the south limit of Willowbank Trail to a point 355 metres (1165 feet) southerly thereof.
Approved (Councillor Maja Prentice)
Recommendation GC-0753-2007
4. Assumption of Municipal Services (Ward 3 and 10)
Corporate Report dated October 30, 2007 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works with respect to Assumption of Municipal Services (Ward 3 and 10)
1. That the City of Mississauga assume the municipal works as constructed by the developer under the terms of the Servicing Agreement for OZ-00/051, Peel Housing Corporation, (1749 Dundas Street East, lands located east of Dixie Road and north of Dundas Street East), and that the Letter of Credit in the amount of $52,552.50 be returned to the developer.
Approved (Councillor Maja Prentice)
Recommendation GC-0754-2007
OZ-00/051 (Ward 3)
2. That the City of Mississauga assume the municipal works as constructed by the developer under the terms of the Servicing Agreement for OZ-98/028, Castlegreen Building Corporation, (lands located east of Ninth Line, north of Britannia Road West, known as Prairie Circle Subdivision), and that the Letter of Credit in the amount of $32,303.15 be returned to the developer.
Approved (Councillor Maja Prentice)
Recommendation GC-0755-2007
OZ-98/028 (Ward 10)
5. Waterfront Parks Strategy (Wards 1 and 2)
Corporate Report dated November 5, 2007 from the Commissioner of Community Services with respect to Waterfront Parks Strategy (Wards 1 and 2)
1. That the report titled “Waterfront Parks Strategy” dated November 5, 2007 from the Commissioner of Community Services be received for information.
2. That the “Final Draft Waterfront Parks Strategy”, under separate cover, be presented to the public and circulated to City departments, agencies and stakeholders for final review and comment.
Jana Joyce, Brook McIlroy Inc. Pace Architect appeared before Committee to present the Waterfront Parks Strategy. She advised that the purpose of the strategy is to guide future park planning designs and expansion, and identify key park elements. The waterfront parks were divided into 8 distinct park areas and each area calls for an action plan that would incorporate short term, medium & long term items.
Ms. Joyce advised that five priority parks were chosen to alleviate the environmental, operational and recreational impacts on other well-used waterfront parks. The parks that were chosen were Port Credit Memorial Park West, Marina Park., J.C. Saddington Park, Lakeside Park and Park 389 (unofficially referred to as Fusion). Ms. Joyce reviewed the draft concept plans for each park and explained that the plans would determine how people would react and interact with the waterfront. Ms. Joyce concluded that the waterfront strategy is a comprehensive plan that would outline the framework for the enhancement and maintenance of the waterfront which recognizes Lake Ontario and the Credit River as a natural and cultural resource.
Councillor Carmen Corbasson noted that she was pleased to see in the report that there was a promotion of year round activities. She noted that the City spends a lot of money acquiring lands for parks and would like to see more usage of the parks during the winter months. Mayor McCallion concurred that there should be initiatives with the strategy that would encourage people to go to the parks especially during the winter season. She noted that it is important for transportation to be apart of the program in order for it to be successful.
(5) Councillor Pat Mullin advised that a number of people use Jack Darling Park in the winter, but following a snowstorm there are not a lot of people because there are no clear walking areas. She noted that maintaining the walking areas is important if we want people to be encouraged to use the parks during the winter season. She suggested that a bicycle or walking path in the Fusion Park would be good addition.
Councillor Eve Adams advised that the statistics for trails usage in the Malton area indicate that they are heavily used and that the parks in that area are in need of some improvements.
She requested that there be some consideration on a strategy for the Malton area. Councillor Maja Prentice thanked staff for their work and noted that the waterfront strategy should not be at the expense of other amenities within the City of Mississauga that are in need of repair.
Approved (Councillor Pat Mullin)
Recommendation GC-0756-2007
6. Mississauga Crime Prevention Association (MCPA)
Corporate Report dated November 2, 2007 from the Commissioner of Community Services with respect to Mississauga Crime Prevention Association (MCPA)
1. That additional funding in the amount of $20,000 from the 2007 Corporate Grant Program (account # 28530) be provided to the Mississauga Crime Prevention Association.
2. That Sheila Wilson, Manager Special Events, be seconded as interim Executive Director of the Mississauga Crime Prevention Association pending launch of Safe City Mississauga (SCM).
3. That subject to the launch of Safe City Mississauga funding to the Mississauga Crime Prevention Association be discontinued.
(6) 4. That subject to launch of Safe City Mississauga and the development of a formal organization mandate and structure, the City support an application to the World Health Organization (WHO) for designation as a “Safe City”.
Councillor Pat Saito advised that she was in agreement with the first three parts of the recommendation. She expressed concern about the relationship between Safe City Mississauga and the Safe Driving Committee and Traffic Safety Council. She advised that she would like to see a connection between those groups were they may have parallel goals, but no reporting connections. Councillor Saito enquired about the vision and structure of Safe City Mississauga. Paul Mitcham, Commissioner of Community Services advised that there would be no intentions to change the reporting of the Safe Driving Committee and Traffic Safety Council, but create an active process of linking the organizations to create a broader mandate. He advised that a Corporate Report to a future Council meeting would address the structure and framework of the new organization, once the Board and an Executive Director was established to help provide those details. Councillor Saito expressed concern with establishing a Board and hiring an Executive Director before a framework of the organization was established. She suggested that a steering committee could be formed to work on establishing a framework for the new organization before interviewing prospective members
Mayor Hazel McCallion thanked staff for taking over the Crime Prevention Association to reorganize it. She stated that Council should be briefed on any financial liabilities that the Crime Prevention Association may have. Mr. Mitcham advised that the current Board would remain in place until the new organization was established. He further advised that the job posting for an Executive Director would remain posted, but the resumes collected would not be acted upon until an appropriate time. Mayor McCallion expressed concern with the possibility of the current Board making decisions. Mr. Mitcham advised that the current function of the remaining Board would be to limited to maintaining the organization and to address any financial liabilities the association may have.