Confirmatory Factor Analysis of DSM-IV Defined Symptoms of Common Psychiatric Among 4-year olds in Norway.

Supplemetary material to article: Wichstrøm, L. & Berg-Nielsen, T.S. Psychiatric disorders in preschoolers: The structure of DSM-IV symptoms and profiles of comorbidity. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Symptom / Ld.
Factor 1. ADHD – predominant inattentive type
a)Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes / .54
b)Has difficulty sustaining attention / .82
c)Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly / .68
d)Does not follow through on instructions / .79
e)Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities / .78
f)Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort / .74
g)Loses things necessary for tasks or activites / .56
h)Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli / .76
i)Forgetful in daily activities / .52
Factor 2. ADHD – predominant hyperactive-impulsive type
a)Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat / .78
b)Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations / .95
c)Runs about or climbs excessively / .98
d)Difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly / .93
e)Talks excessively / .96
f)'On the go' or often acts as if 'driven by a motor' / .49
g)Difficulty awaiting turn in games or group situations / .42
h)Blurts out answers to questions before they have been completed / .51
i)Interrupts or intrudes on others / .60
Factor 3. Oppositional defiant disorder
  1. Loses temper
/ .69
  1. Argues with adults
/ .59
  1. Actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
/ .59
  1. Deliberately annoys people
/ .54
  1. Blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
/ .43
  1. Touchy or easily annoyed by others
/ .71
  1. Angry and resentful
/ .69
  1. Spiteful or vindictive
/ .41
Factor 4. Conduct disorder
  1. Bullies, threatens, or intimidates others
/ .71
  1. Initiates physical fights
/ .35
  1. Has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to others
/ .44
  1. Has been physically cruel to people
/ .72
  1. Has been physically cruel to animals
/ .97
9. Has deliberately destroyed others' property / .60
11. Lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations / .48
12. has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim / .36
Factor 5. Generalized anxiety (GAD) and major depression (MDD)
  1. Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge(GAD)
/ .90
  1. Easily fatigued(GAD)
/ .55
  1. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank(GAD)
/ .78
  1. Irritability (GAD)
/ .39
  1. Muscle tension(GAD)
/ .44
  1. Sleep disturbance (GAD)
/ .34
j)Depressed mood most of the day (MDD) / .54
  1. Diminished interest or pleasure in all or most activities (MDD)
/ .70
k)Significant unintentional weight loss or gain (MDD) / .17
  1. Insomnia or sleeping too much (MDD)
/ .31
  1. Agitation or psychomotor retardation (MDD)
/ .64
  1. Fatigue or loss of energy (MDD)
/ .59
  1. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt (MDD)
/ .46
  1. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness (MDD)
/ .61
Factor 6. Social phobia
  1. Marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations
/ .95
D. Feared social or performance situations are avoided or else are endured with intense anxiety or distress / .94
Factor 7. Separation anxiety
  1. Excessive distress when separation from home or major attachment figures occurs or is anticipated
/ .54
  1. Persistent and excessive worry about losing, or about possible harm befalling, major attachment figures
/ .63
  1. Persistent reluctance or refusal to go to school or elsewhere because of fear of separation
/ .58
  1. Persistently and excessively fearful or reluctant to be alone or without major attachment figures
/ .73
  1. Persistent reluctance or refusal to go to sleep without being near a major attachment figure
/ .19
  1. Repeated nightmares involving the theme of separation
/ .55
  1. Repeated complaints of physical symptoms when separation from major attachment figures occurs or is anticipated
/ .59

Ld. = Standardized loading. Results from confirmatory factor analysis with robust maximum likelihood estimator