‘Star Wars’ vs ‘The Lord of the Rings’

These movies, and their background literature not appearing in the movies, allude to the War between the Planet’s Authorities at ‘level 2’. By noticing the heroes and villains, we can guess the Authority behind each movie. The patriarch of the Atlantean/Nordic race, Mermek the Christ, is behind ‘The Lord of the Rings’*; the planetary prince (Calicastia/Yoda) and the Grays are behind ‘Star Wars’; and just the Grays are behind ‘the Matrix’. All three present Thoth-Hermes as a villain; as Saruman, Lord Sidious or the Merovingian. [*Tolkien glorifies the destroyed Atlanteans and their Nordic survivors, the subject of his evidently nostalgic mythological/linguistic studies, giving the Adamite immortals of Rivendell as Atlantean high Elves (!); not a word about the Adamites. Yet, he also presents the Atlantean Thoth as a villain. (BSW stands for ‘Before Star Wars’; the same as BCE)].

‘StarWars’ Background: (In the brackets […] is our decoding of the two works).

·  25000 years BSW: The Jedi were a monastic non-theistic order ruled by a Council of 12 Masters. [They correspond to Calicastia’s (the Planetary Prince’s) Administrative Council. When the ‘Adamite project’ was set up in the Fergana valley of the Hindukush, ~9000 BCE, Calicastia established his headquarters in Khorasan: Persia to Uzbekistan. (Coruscant, the central setting of ‘Star Wars’ I to III). After Rwanem’s murder, around 7270 BCE, he moved to Mt Kaila, now in Tibet; (Mordor in the Lord of the Rings); venerated as Lord Shiva.]

·  The Sith1 were a Red race that lived in their World on planet Korriban2. After their near extinction by the rogue Jedi, their survivors settled on Ziost. [They correspond to the redhead Adamites; (the immortals* of Rivendell; *of exceptional longevity). Their first colony was in Central Asia, established around 8200 BCE; (see ‘Dune’). The redeemed will settle in Zion.]

·  7000 BSW: Some rogue Jedi were exiled in a spaceship, which crashed on Korriban. In spite the Sith’s superior spiritual powers, (strong with the Force), the rogue Jedi quote: “managed to dilute3 them racially and work them to extinction to build their own Empire and became themselves the Sith Lords”. [The rogue Jedi correspond to dissidents, Nordic/Atlanteans from Egypt, who infiltrated the Adamite priesthood, spied their psychic skills (the use of the Force) and practiced black wizardry (the dark side of the Force) to subdue the Adamites and become their masters. Thoth colluded in the murder of his guru, Rwanem the Adamite high priest, bound his spirit by witchcraft and assumed his role as Hermes. Conjuring terrible sandstorms, Thoth’s wizards destroyed the first Adamite colony in Khorasan-Uzbekistan. After they also destroyed the second Adamite colony, Eden, around 3000 BCE, by a great Flood, Ptah appeared in Khem and founded Memphis (Hikuptah-Aegyptos-hence Egypt). Nubia-Luxor and Naboo, (Abu Simbel Lake and waterfall), were founded by Ionian Adamite immigrants around 2750 BCE. Thoth christened his Nordic/Atlantean companion Mermek and had him appointed at the head of Shambala, a Senate of high mystics behind Calicastia’s administration. Hermes in Egypt and Christ with his allies in Shambala started a War against Yoda’s loyal Jedi. Christ moved the Nordic conquerors, (the Danaans and the Aryans), to wipe out all other Adamites, and the Hyksos reduced the Israelites to slavery, greatly diluted with darker races of slaves, wrongly considered today as typical Semites! To cover up the genocides of the Adamites and usurp the Seth legacy, Hermes made it appear in Genesis that all races descended from Adam through Seth! Christ was Jesus’ symbiote-overself, who left Jesus’ body just before the crucifixion with a copy of Jesus’ software. Having bound Jesus in limbo, Hermes established Christianity, which Christ turned into a new Sith Empire.]

(1) ‘Adam’ was not a man’s name but the characterization of a race by their neighbors. The Chaldean word ‘Adam’ and the Ionian word ‘Phoenix’ are synonyms and mean ‘Fire-red’. Genesis gives the patriarch of the Eden Adamites as Seth; (or Sith); the Seth were fair-skinned blue-eyed redheads.

(2) Korriban is the World of ritual mysticism or wizardry. In the Ionian/Cadmean numeric alphabet, ΕΡΜΗΣ = 353 = Κορριβαν = Σαμπάλα = Θρησκεία (a religion of ritual mysticism).

(3) The male Sith-Israelites were less than 1 in 300 of the male Exodus host. Similarly-diluted are all other Adamites, (Ionians and Phoenicians), scattered all over the World.

·  The War between the ‘Forces of Light’ and the ‘Forces of Darkness’ alludes to the struggle for the Planet’s control between Master Yoda’s loyal Jedi on the light side and Hermes’ initiates, including his allies in Shambala, on the dark side.

·  The Sith Lord Sidious managed to infiltrate the Senate as Palpatine, the Senator from Naboo, to become its Chancellor, and secretly instigated wars to assume further powers. [Similarly, Christ, whom Hermes managed to have appointed at the head of the Senate, pursued conquering wars, using first the Nordic Danaans and the Aryans and then the Romans, to establish Empires all over the known World].

·  If the Atlanteans were the agent behind Star Wars, they would present the Sith Lords as the Forces of Light, led by Christ, and present reptilian Master Yoda and his loyal Jedi as the Forces of Darkness. (This they do in ‘The Lord of the Rings’. Aragorn is a Western warrior king; by marrying Arwen, an immortal Adamite, he infuses the Adamite bloodline into his own progeny and, thus, usurps the Seth legacy).

·  In ‘The Lord of the Rings’, Gandalf is an Atlantean wizard from Westernesse beyond the Grey Havens. His real name is Mithrandir, alluding to Mithra/Maitreya; [Maitreya an Atlantean (?!)]. Like Mithra, he undergoes a death-and-resurrection experience that changes him from Gandalf-the-Gray to Gandalf-the-White and, thus, he outranks Saruman, the corrupt Atlantean wizard (Thoth) in Middle Earth; in the Mediterranean. Aragorn, the chosen one and humanity’s last hope against the Dark Lord, is a Numenorian-Nordic, Dunedain-Western warrior king, identified with the last king of Atlantis Elessar by both Lady Galadriel and the Dark Lord.

·  In ‘Star Wars’, the corrupt wizard (Thoth) is presented as the Sith Lord, the chief of the ‘Forces of Darkness’. Here, the chosen one, Skywalker, is not a king but a very ambitious and impetuous young man of lowly beginnings, who places his emotions and personal goals above loyalty to any of his superiors. He cannot accept anyone as his superior. The ‘Force’ is strong with Skywalker, evidently inherited from a true Seth ancestry, (born like Jesus-Christ supposedly through Immaculate Conception!). Since the chosen one comes from among the ‘good guys’, he must be deceived by the Sith Lord, in order to become his apprentice. [Similarly, Hermes deceived Jesus (4). With Christ as Jesus’ symbiote-overself, Hermes deceived Jesus to serve under him by presenting himself as his senior ally or mentor. After his death, Jesus was bound in limbo in AiA, by having his image permanently nailed to the cross with the sign ‘JNRJ’. This is the ‘Golden Fleece’ of the sacrificial Lamb, hung on the tree of the Dragon. AiA is the state of limbo in the Netherworld, ruled by Hermes. With Jesus bound in limbo, Christ, with a copy of Jesus’ software, as Jesus-Christ (priest-king), being cast out of Heavens, (Shambala), declared himself autocrat in the West and used the Nordic warrior race to establish a new Sith (Christian) Empire all over the World, through conquering, genocide, slavery, colonization and exploitation.]

·  J.R.R Tolkien had his inspiration before World War II. In his times, the ‘good guys’ were those faithful to tradition and Royalty. G. Lucas had his inspiration recently. In accord with the spirit of his times, his heroes or ‘good guys’ are impertinent youth, democrats and rebels. (Lucas’ inspiration came from the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, which describes the technology of the Adamite colony before its destruction: the psychic technology, (using the Force), introduced by Rwanem, and the fire technology inspired from the Grays’ technology, which they used openly at first). Tolkien presents the Nordic Westerners as the royal ‘Forces of Light’ and the Easterners as the ‘Forces of Darkness’ loyal to Sauron, whilst Lucas presents the Easterners, the Jedi loyal to the reptilian Master Yoda, as the democratic ‘Forces of Light’.

·  Notice: It is the Nordic European Christians that have carried out most marauding, conquering, colonization, slave trading and economic exploitation all over the World, Land and Sea. (See the ‘Beast’ with 7 heads and 10 horns in ‘Revelations Ch. 13’).

·  Yet, it is these warring, marauding, conquering, colonizing, slave-trading, persecuting, economically exploiting, gold-and-glory-hunting aggressive individualists and highly competitive Nordic European Christians, (the Sith not the true Sith), that preach the Jesus doctrine of a ‘Loving Father God’ and the ‘Brotherhood of Man’, which, though the noblest of doctrines, for them it remains theoretical. The ‘Brotherhood of Man’ is for the Adamite Lambs and not for the Nordic Predators.

·  In ‘StarWars’, the true Sith are all but extinct, except for the survivors on Ziost. Of course, like all other places in ‘Star Wars’, Ziost is not “in a galaxy far, far away”. It is also on Earth but, until Zion is revealed, the Jews and their whereabouts have to be accounted for somehow. In ‘Revelations Ch. 12’, this Zion, mother of Jesus and all Jews, is given temporary refuge “in the wilderness”. In ‘StarWars’, the Jews are represented by the Jawas, (Jhwhs), despised spineless wandering scavengers of the desert, swindler-peddlers of faulty and outdated equipment. In ‘The Lord of the Rings’ they are given a better place and role. They are represented by the lowly Hobbits, their humbleness expressed in their stature and their unshod feet, forgotten by everybody except Mithrandir. Yet, they have elfish ears. They prove very resilient against the power of the Ring and play a key role in the overthrow of the ‘Dark Lord’.

·  It is clearly evident that Tolkien is the more highly inspired of the two, due also to his educational background, dwelling on a much higher Philosophic plane and giving us a complete and quite accurate Theogony in only a few pages in ‘Ainulindalë’ of his ‘Silmarillion’. Lucas’ inspiration-imagination is tangled up in modern computerized technological Science Fiction, setting his plot in “galaxies far, far away”, following a trend set by TV series and movies like ‘Star Trek’. Planets allude to places on Earth.

From the Greek subtitles of the ‘StarWars’:

Obi-Wan Kenobi ─ ΟΜΠΙΓΟΥΑΝ ΚΕΝΟΜΠΙ = 999

Qui-Gon Jinn ─ ΚΟΥΑΪ ΓΚΟΝ ΝΤΖΙΝ = 1061

Darth Plagueis ─ ΝΤΑΡΘ ΠΛΕΓΚΙΣ = 808 or ΝΤΑΡΘ ΠΠΛΕΓΚΙΣ = 888 (5)

Skywalker ─ ΣΚΑΪΓΟΥΟΚΕΡ = 899 (combining a high priest-888, like Jesus, and a Planetary Prince-99, a Christ, intended as Jesus-Christ. Hence, his idiosyncrasy oscillates between that of a lamb (like Jesus) and that of an autocrat, who places his own goals above loyalty to his superiors. In the end, he betrays all his superiors and peers: his guru Obi-Wan, Sidious and all the Jedi except master Yoda. (“I am more powerful than the Chancellor. I can overthrow him and together we can rule the Galaxy”). With Yoda also gone, Luke Skywalker is the only warrior Jedi left to eventually become the autocratic ‘Grand Master Jedi’.


ΡΩΑΝΗΜ (Rwanem) = 999: the first high priest/teacher of the Adamite colony. [Jesus refers to him as “the root of the tree of which he is the fruit”. So, Obi-Wan Kenobi (999) is Rwanem, (not one of Yoda’s Jedi). He was the spiritual guru of all moral teachers: Zoroaster, the Upanishadic teachers and Jesus. Unfortunately, Christ plunged the World in the darkness of the Middle Ages instead of bringing light to it. (See ‘Reappraisal of Thoth-Hermes’).]

ΙΑΣΩΝ (Jason) = 1061: (‘Jason’ is another form of the name ‘Jesus’- 888).

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Jesus) = 888: a Planetary System high Priest.

ΘΟΘ (Thoth) = 88: a Planetary high Priest.

ΚΑΛΙΚΑΣτΙΑ (Calicastia) = 99: the Planetary Prince of top predator dragon idiosyncrasy.

‘888’ signifies the highest Priesthood rank. ‘999’ signifies the highest Administrative rank.

‘88’ signifies the rank of a Planetary Priest. ‘99’ signifies the rank of a Planetary Prince.

Notice that both Quai-Gon Jinn (1061) of the Light Side and Darth Plagueis (888) of the Dark Side are mentioned as having defeated Death. In Greek gematric language there is a synonymy of both Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Plagueis with Jason (1061) or Jesus (888), the Master(s) that crossed the Symplegades of Death, the Cross (777), and returned.

An important detail: In the whole ‘Star Wars’ series, there is no mention of any God or any higher Authority that any of the ‘Star Wars’ heroes recognize. This attitude is promoted only by the Grays, the main agents in the subliminal and subconscious control of humanity, who state emphatically that they recognize no God whatsoever; not even the 666 Fire Titan who is employing them. The Old Authorities under Lucifer recognize the non-authority Universal Father (of the Trinity) and the Adamites recognize the Heavenly Father, head of our Galactic System. As for religion-353, we mention in the footnote on page 1 that this is a Hermes-353 ritualistic practice or superstition for the weak-minded like the Gungans.

The Grays present themselves in the movie as the ‘Cloners’ on planet Camino, a most elegant and gentle species. This is extremely self-flattering. Their workers are actually only about 1.10m or 3ft 8in tall with their leaders about 25-30 cm taller and, though not aggressive, they are neither elegant nor gentle and have no vocal speech. The global city Coruscant, except for its very high-rise buildings, is similar to the capital of their World which was destroyed hundreds of thousands of years ago.