LEEF Goals for 2016 - 17

Logan Elm District Goal: Administer and Develop the College and Career Readiness Plan

Logan Elm Foundation Goals:

  • Develop and follow annual goals for LEEF that support the LE District goal and the needs expressed by the LE staff;
  • Develop and follow a budget reflective of the annual goals of LEEF and goals set by Standing Committees;
  • Promote fund raising efforts that enable LEEF to achieve its goals;
  • Ensure that LEEF projects support equitable educational opportunities for a diverse population of staff and students;
  • Promote LEEF to the broader LE community through press, social media and direct contact;
  • Continue to recruit and involve new members for LEEF committees;
  • Develop a Culture of Gratitude; how we say “thank you”;
  • Review our projects and consider the research/assessment information they may provide for the district.

Standing Committee Goals

Chair / Committee / Goals
Betsy Weller
(Cathy) / Emily Smith,
Rod and Marcia Smith,
Diane Maxson,
Grace King,
Carlee Neff,
Kari Karshner,
Beth and Matt Kim,
Brooke Summers
Nicole Bennington / - Review and develop plans for LEEF’s main fund raiser, setting a goal for funds to be raised,
- Host an annual fund raiser ; evaluate its success upon completion
- Plan and execute an annual fund raiser for LEEF and encourage other fund raising efforts that come available,
- Engage alumni, encouraging their support of LEEF and their continuing relationship with the LE community.
Finance -
Heidi White
(Cathy) / Monica DeLong / - In cooperation with Standing Committee Chair, develop a budget that reflects the 2016-17 goals of LEEF,
- Provide a vehicle for the LE School Community to donate to LEEF approved projects,
- Provide monthly financial reports to the LEEF Board,
- Provide an accounting of funds raised through development projects and donations,
- Develop an Investment Policy in cooperation with Steven Moore and LE Treasurer,
- Work with Chairs and LE Treasurer to develop a Gift Acceptance Policy.
Grants –
Sally Kleon
(Perry) / MaryBeth Reichelderfer / - Encourage and review fast track grants which complement LEEF and LE District goals and provide unique opportunities for students and staff,
- Promote and select a yearly scholarship recipient for LEEF and renew past scholarship awards when appropriate,
- Track success of grants, scholarships and summer enrichment so that information can be used for fund raising and assessment,
- Review ways to support both college-bound and career -bound students,
- Continue to review ways to provide educational opportunities for all students,
- Review local grants that could provide funds for a LEEF project and submit applications for these grant opportunities.
Student, School & Community –
Amy Colburn
(Perry) / Lyndi Ross
Molly Caudill
Christie Mills,
Winnifred Carstensen,
Heidi Woods,
Kassandra Starkey, NicoleBennington,
Tonya Whittridge / - Consider ways that LEEF can support professional development activities for staff,
- Increase student achievement and success by improving student transitions between schools,
- Increase communication between the community, schools, students and LEEF; encouraging involvement in LEEF projects and committee work,
- Continue to address/discuss/ build awareness of educational issues with the LE staff and community,
- Collect and share success/accomplishments of LE students and staff for recognition by LEEF,
- Coordinate the recognition of a LE staff member by LEEF,
- Continue development of the Career Contact Data database and encourage involvement by these businesses/professionals within the schools,
- Develop summer enrichment activities that support LEEF and LE district goals.
PR and Marketing-
Stephanie Lane
(Perry) / Keitha Lane
Gregg Adams
Michelle Borland / - Work on promoting LEEF’s mission and message to the LE community,
- Promote LEEF and its activities through messages to community groups, the Circleville Herald, social media, and the LEEF & LE websites,
- Announce LEEF meetings and events on community calendars and websites,
- Continue to develop the LEEF website, Face-book, and Twitter accounts,
- Solicit funding and donations through an annual mailing to alumni, staff, and community members; this mailing can encourage planned and memorial giving.
Risk Management –
Kyle Jones
(Cathy) / - Review all decisions made by the LEEF Board,
- Review and revise the By-Laws as needed,
- Work with the Treasurer to accept and distribute funds,
- Obtain and review an annual audit of LEEF.