New Minas Elementary School

34 Jones Road, New Minas,

Nova Scotia, Canada B4N 3N1

Phone: 902-681-4900 Fax: 902-681-4904


Principal: Eric Trahan


Vice Principal: Diana Dunn

E- mail:

Secretaries: Mary Gammon & Brenda Davison


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

The month of February was another very busy and productive month. For instance, we held our second PTA Movie Night and our Scholastic Book Fair. P-5 students enjoyed a variety of Intramural Programs, Fine Arts Presentations, an Art Project as well as a series of Health Promoting Activities such as Golf, Basketball and Creative Movement. A number of our students also took part in the annual African Talent Show, The Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser and a host of other fun and interesting activities.

On the horizon, we have our annual Project Fair on Monday, February 29th and our Primary Registration is being held on Thursday, March 3rd and Friday March 4th. Consequently there will be no school for students in Mme Boudreau and Ms. Murphy’s classes on those dates. Please note that if you have a child who will be starting Grade Primary at New Minas Elementary School, or you know someone with a child who will be starting in September 2016, please phone the school so we can add them to our contact list. Primary Orientation will be on May 6th, 2016.

A reminder that the cut-off date for new primaries starting school is December 31st of the year they are to start school.

Eric Trahan


February was a busy month with staff appreciation, book fair, and movie night!

Despite many storm days, we were able to help make the wonderful staff of NMES feel the love with a potluck lunch, flowers, assorted treats, and a new kettle for the staff room. Thank you to everyone who took part!

The book fair and winter movie night were both successful events that helped us come together and enjoy some time as a school community and raise some funds. The rewards from the book fair will be used to update materials in the activity room and the library.

Next up is the WeDo Lego Robotics program! The package just arrived in the mail! So keep your eyes open for flyers coming home from school for more details J

Mark your calendars….April 23, 2016! The New Minas Elementary PTA is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the Annual Spring Mini Monster Sale. We are taking over the sale from a local mom that started this event 6 years ago. As per last year, there will be tables set up for people to rent for a fee. On the day of the sale vendors come in to set up prior to the doors opening for the public to enter. All items at this sale are geared to children and are new or gently used. This sale will be held at our gymnasium and all proceeds will go directly to the PTA. For more information about the sale or to rent a table please email


Thanks to Atlantic Superstore, County Fair Mall, Jungle Jim’s, A &W, Valley Credit Union, and The Root Family Restaurant who have recently supported our students and programs.

Report Cards

Student report cards will be sent home on Wednesday, April 7th. Please review the reports with your child.

Late Arrivals

Students settle into their morning routine at school each day at 8:05 a.m. Parents and guardians are encouraged to bring their child(ren) to school prior to this time to optimize learning and ensure morning routines can be followed. Children who arrive late miss important morning routines in their classrooms which include a review of the daily schedule. These classroom organizational times establish routine and provide students with a positive start. Thank you for your support with this matter.

Parent/Community Visitors

As per school board policy, please check in with the school office staff to pick up a school visitor tag upon arrival at New Minas Elementary School. This procedure is important to ensure that all visitors are identified to provide safety in the school. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Community Events

Princess Child Attendant for New Minas 2016

Child Attendant, if your child is eight or nine years of age (Male or female) and is interested in becoming the Child Attendant for Princess New Minas, please contact; Erika Brown or Laura Huntley.

The child must live in the residential area of New Minas and attend New Minas Elementary School. The Child must be able to attend as many events as possible during the reign of Princess 2016, especiallycoronation rehearsal, the coronation, and grand street parade

Uncommon Common Art would like to offer art programming in your school next fall. As you know we are a non-profit organization and want to offer this programming at the same low cost as we did last fall. One of the best ways we can raise funds is through advertising and sponsorship in our annual guidebook. Many of the parents in your school community are business owners who might be interested in helping.

Thank you in advance

Terry Draho, UCA Director

Coldest Night of the Year was a huge success with our team raising over $1700.00 for Open Arms. The New Minas Elementary School team was called the ``Bluenosers``. We won the prize for the best theme. Congratulations to all the families who participated.

Jungle Jim’s New Minas Elementary PTA Fundraising Opportunity

During the month of March when anyone associated with New Minas Elementary dines at Jungle Jim’s restaurant 5% of their final bill will be donated back to the NMES PTA. Associates include parents, staff, students and friends!

When you are settling your bill with the server you can either identify yourself as a friend of NMES and we will keep your bill or you can deliver the bill directly to NMES to be collected at the end of the fundraising period. Please have any slips to the school before April 5th.

We can offer this promotion only with regularly priced items and our lunch menu. We cannot apply the donation to any of our weekly features or with any bill with a promotional item associated with it such as Jungle Bucks or promo item cards. It is also only valid at the New Minas location.

If you have any questions about the fundraiser please feel free to contact Jeremy Mott at Jungle Jim's, (902)681-5467.

This is a fantastic opportunity to support a local business and our school at the same time!

Thanks for your support! Happy Dining!