Aboriginal field assessment recording form

Forest Practices Authority
Aboriginal field assessment / (office use only)
Survey number:
This report assessed by
A 1:25 000 map showing the location of the survey, where you actually surveyed and any sites located should be appended
Please return completed form to:
Forest Practices Authority 30 Patrick Street Hobart 7000
Report by Date
Survey location (please attach a 1:25 000 map) this is must know information
Map (1:25 000): District/Company:
………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….
Coupe name/number/
Name of road / FPP number
Potential zone
(if State forest) / state reason for zoning
Operation type/(s) 1:
3: ………………………………………
Survey description (note whether road line, coupe etc)
Estimated area covered (give area in hectares)
  1. Environmental and visibility conditions encountered

  1. Archaeological findings
(note: if you find a site, a site recording form should be completed and submitted) grid references should be provided here.
Evaluation and recommendations
All Aboriginal sites are protected under the Aboriginal Relics Act 1975
A permit may be applied for under this Act

Tasmanian Aboriginal heritage site index (TASI)

Site recording form

Office use only TASI number: registered by: Date:

Site/place name:
(centre point of site)
Datum: GDA 94 AGD 66
grid reference:
1:25,000 map name and number:

/ Recording accuracy
+/-1m (differential GPS)
+/-10m (handheld GPS)
+/-25m (1:25,000 map)
+/-100m (1:100,000 map)
Recorder information
Contact details:
Aboriginal heritage officer/consultant / Aboriginal Heritage Tas
PWS staff / Archaeologist
Other (specify)
Field number: / Date of field recording:
Reference to Aboriginal heritage investigation report in which site is reported (if applicable): / Office use only
trim id number:

Reason for recording:

Aboriginal heritage investigation (surface)research

Aboriginal heritage investigation (sub-surface)opportunistic find

other (specify)

Site type (mark more than one if necessary):

isolated artefactengravingoccupied rock shelter

hut depressionmodified treeunoccupied rock shelter

rock markingquarry/source

midden scatterconcentrated midden

artefact scatter ------→ estimated amount

other (specify)

Site size (include length, width, depth and height where appropriate)

Site description

Water source
distance to closest water source
lake creek
River lagoon
other (specify)
Vegetation (mark more than one if necessary)
dry sclerophyll heath grass wet sclerophyll
swamp button grass rainforest non-eucalypt woodland
tee tree scrub coastal scrub agricultural introduced plants

other (specify)
Landscape (describe the surrounding area)


full (100%)high (75%)medium (50%)low (24%)none (0%)

Land tenure
Land status
crown national park private
state forest other
Tenure type:
Commonwealth state government company
local government individual road reserve
other (specify)
Land owner/manager

Threat(s) to site developmentnatural
Mud map
Site plan
Site images prints attached cd attached

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Version 1 June 20122012/66584

Hardcopies of this document may not be up to date. Please refer to the FPA website for the latest version.