December 14, 2007

TO:Mark Schneiderhan, Chair

Senate Committee on Educational Policy

FROM:Midge Grosch

Director, Programs and Academic Assessment

I am forwarding for review and action by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy the attached Revision of the Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work.

The proposal was approved by the faculty in the Jane Addams College of Social Work on November 6, 2007 and by the Graduate College Executive Committee on December 7, 2007.


Cc:F. Bonecutter

C. Mitchell

Title:Revision of the PhD in Social Work Program

Sponsor:JaneAddamsCollege of Social Work

Description:The Jane Addams College of Social Work requests to re-structure the allocation of credits within the PhD program as follows:

  1. increase by three (3) credits the required coursework that students take within the College with the creation of a second research methodologies course, SocW 509, to create a two-semester research sequence;
  2. reduce by three (3) credits the additional required coursework that students take either within the College or in other departments.

The proposed change is a re-allocation of the distribution of credits and does not affect the minimum degree requirements, which remains 96.

Justification:Currently the program coursework is comprised of credits taken within the College as well as credits taken in other departments (Table 1). The bold sections of the table illustrate the areas of proposed change.

Table 1 JACSW Current Degree Requirements for PhD in Social Work

1. MSW credits 32

2. Required JACSW Courses: 18

SocW 577Social Welfare History 3

SocW 590Analysis of Social Work Practice Approaches 3

SocW 591Social Welfare Policy Analysis and Development 3

SocW 592Models of Social Work Scholarship & Knowledge Development 3

SocW 593Quantitative Methods in Social Work Research 3

SocW 594Dissertation Proseminar in Social Work 3

3. Fifteen Required Coursework Credits Outside JACSW 15

9 credits in one substantive area

6 credits in advanced statistics

4. Additional coursework credits (9 required--either in JACSW or outside) 9

Advanced Methodology (at least 3 credits required)

5. Required Dissertation Credits 22

Total Credits for Degree 96

In the current program structure, students take only one research methods course within the College, SocW 592 Models of Social Work Scholarship and Knowledge Development (3 credits). After two years of assessment and deliberation by faculty and doctoral students, we have determined that students need more coursework on social work-specific research methodologies before they begin courses in other departments.Content in SocW592 has been expanded and the course has been renumbered to SocW 508. Additional content has been added in SocW 509, the proposed second course in the sequence. This coursework expansion will allow students more time to learn the content in greater depth and to apply the content through additional readings, class assignments, etc. We further believe that this expansion will enhance student performance on their Qualifying Examinations and enable them to progress more rapidly through the program.

In order to accommodate the increased coursework, we propose to reduce by three (3) credits the additional required coursework that students take either within the College or in other departments. The bold sections of Table 2 illustrate the proposed change. Note that the proposed change is a re-allocation of the distribution of credits and does not affect the minimum degree requirements.

Table 2 JACSW Proposed Degree Requirements for PhD in Social Work

1. MSW credits 32

2. Required JACSW Courses: 21

SocW 577Social Welfare History 3

SocW 590Analysis of Social Work Practice Approaches 3

SocW 591Social Welfare Policy Analysis and Development 3

SocW 508Models of Social Work Scholarship & Knowledge Development I 3

SocW 509Models of Social Work Scholarship & Knowledge Development II 3

SocW 593Quantitative Methods in Social Work Research 3

SocW 594Dissertation Proseminar in Social Work 3

3. Fifteen Required Coursework Credits Outside JACSW 15

9 credits in one substantive area

6 credits in advanced statistics

4. Additional coursework credits (6 required--either in JACSW or outside) 6

Advanced Methodology (at least 3 credits required)

5. Required Dissertation Credits 22

Total Credits for Degree 96

Catalog Statement:

1) Restructure the allocation of credits within the PhD program.

JACSW CURRENT Degree Requirements for PhD in Social Work
In addition to the GraduateCollege minimum requirements, students must meet the following program requirements:
Doctor of Philosophy
  • Minimum Semester Hours Required 96 from the baccalaureate.
  • Course Work At least 9 semester hours must be earned at UIC in each of two consecutive terms. Students are expected to complete the residence requirement during the first or second year of their study. Students without a Master of Social Work may apply for admission if they have advanced training in other human service professions or in related social sciences. If offered admission, such students must complete all requirements for the Master of Social Work degree before beginning doctoral courses.
  • Required Courses: SOCW 577, 590, 591, 592, 593, and 594.
  • Electives: At least 15 hours must be in courses outside of the Jane Addams College of Social Work. Six hours of the outside credit must be in an advanced statistics course supportive of the dissertation research. At least 9 credits of outside course work should constitute a single substantive emphasis. At least 9 additional course work credits are required (either at JaneAddamsCollege or outside the college), at least 3 of which must be in advanced research methodology supporting the dissertation.
  • Examinations Qualifying Examination: Required.
  • Preliminary Examination: Required.
  • Dissertation Required.
/ PROPOSED Degree Requirements
  • Minimum Semester Hours Required
  • Course Work Same
  • Required Courses: SOCW 508, 509, 577, 590, 591, 593, and 594.
  • Electives: At least 15 hours must be in courses outside of the Jane Addams College of Social Work. Six hours of the outside credit must be in an advanced statistics course supportive of the dissertation research. At least 9 credits of outside course work should constitute a single substantive emphasis. At least 6 additional course work credits are required (either at JaneAddamsCollege or outside the college), at least 3 of which must be in advanced research methodology supporting the dissertation.
  • Same

Minority Impact Statement:None of the proposed changes would have any negative impact on minority students.

Budgetary and Staff Implications:The proposed changes can be implemented with the current staff.

Library Resource Implications:None of the proposed changes would have implications for library resources.

Space Implications:The proposed addition of the second research course, SocW509 Models of Social WorkScholarship & Knowledge Development II would require the use of one additional classroom each academic year.

Unit Approval Date:October 16, 2007 -- Educational Policy Committee of the College approval.

November 6, 2007 -- Jane Addams College of Social Work Faculty approval.

Contact Person:Faith Johnson Bonecutter, Interim Associate Dean


Christopher Mitchell, PhD Program Director

Proposed effective date:Fall 2008

Course Descriptions Social Work (SocW)

508Models of Social Work Scholarship and Knowledge Development I
3 hours. Functions of scholarship in social work, contributions of scholarship to social and economic justice, research methodologies and knowledge building processes for practice and policy analysis. Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Ph.D. in Social Work program or consent of the instructor. (renumbered from SocW 592)

509 Models of Social Work Scholarship and Knowledge Development II
3 hours. Functions and processes of research in social work, knowledge-building

methodologies, and the contributions of multiple research models to the

growth of knowledge for the profession. Prerequisite(s): SocW508. (new course)

Revised on 11/28/07