Application for Courseware Development

Please complete this form electronically and then print, sign and return to the address at the end.

An electronic version of this form and further information about courseware development is available on the web at:

Proposer Details

(please add all relevant staff, starting with primary contact first)







Contact information

Title and Short Description

Educational Aims (what do you want the courseware to achieve?)

For use in module(s):

Date Required by:


Please outline what content is already available and what else you’d need to produce to facilitate production of this courseware, including estimated timescales/completion dates:


Does/will all content (including text, images such as diagrams, screenshots etc.) have appropriate clearance?


Appropriate clearance means that either the materials are 100% created ‘in-house’ (i.e. copyright and IPRUniversity of Bradford) or any non-UoB content has perpetual clearance for unrestricted use without special conditions.

Items protected by copyright include, but are not limited to content (articles, images etc) from books, journals and websites, whether a verbatim reproduction or derivative work.

Access restrictions

We suggest that all courseware created via TQEG should be available for redistribution (e.g. via Jorum - a JISC national repository of materials for re-use by UK FE and HE institutions). If you answer ‘YES’ to the question below and your bid for courseware creation is successful, your materials will be available for use by other staff/students within the University of Bradford and be accessible without restriction from off campus. In addition, we may upload materials to services such as Jorum for redistribution.

Can your materials be distributed outside the University?


If ‘NO’, please explain why below:

Please note that TQEG may use courseware in demonstrations/presentations/workshops etc. when disseminating work both internally and externally.

Other Information

If you have already discussed this project with TQEG, please include details below (e.g. who you discussed it with and any comments).

If there is anything else relevant to this proposal, please include it below or send with this form.



Signature of School Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching & Date:

Please return completed forms to:

Courseware Development Submission

TQEG, 01.59, JB Priestley Library, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP, UK