PROPOSED REVISION TO: REG 02.10.2 Readmission of Former and Suspended Students
Rationale: In response to Chancellor Woodson’s PRR review initiative, we are requesting this regulation
be converted to a rule. The current regulation documents the internal university process for readmitting
students. As such it is more in keeping with the PRR definition of a rule than a reg.
Consultation Process:
4/26/11Vice Provost of Enrollment Management Services authorizes transmittal of PRR for review
4/27/11General Counsel preliminary review
5/2/11 Provost review
7/7/11General Counsel final review, if changes have been made
8/23/11EOM, or official with delegated authority to review PRR
______University Council (notification)
Policies, Regulations and Rules / Authority
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Readmission of Former and Suspended Students
PRR Subject
Contact Info
Department of Registration and Records (919-515-2572)
History: First Issued: February 5, 1999. Last Revised: March 17, 2009. Additional History Information.
Related Policies:
NCSU REG02.05.1 - Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment
Additional References:Department of Registration and Records Website
1. Introduction
An undergraduate degree student who fails to enroll or attend at all, during any regular semester, is considered a "former degree student", and must re-apply for admission to continue. Readmission applications should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 30 days prior to the date of desired enrollment. Former students returning should be aware that enrollment restrictions may be imposed at any time, which may affect their readmission.
A non-refundable charge must accompany all applications.
2. Readmission for Students Eligible to Continue
2.1. Students who were eligible to continue at NC State at the time of leaving and who have a grade point average of at least 2.0 on all courses taken at NC State are eligible to be readmitted to their former program, provided the program has the capacity to accept additional students.
2.2. A student who was eligible to continue at the time of leaving who has subsequently completed academic work at another institution and earned less than a C- average on such work must complete a readmission form and write a letter of petition to the Undergraduate Admissions Committee.
2.3. A student who was eligible to continue at the time of leaving and whose grade point average is less than 2.0 on all courses taken at NC State will be:
2.3.1. Considered for readmission on Academic Warning status if the student's GPA is not lower than the level required to be eligible to continue under the current regulation; or
2.3.2. Considered for readmission on Academic Probation Status for one semester if the student's GPA is below the level required to be eligible to continue under the current policy.
2.4. Former students returning who desire a change of curriculum must be accepted into the desired major based upon current matriculation requirements and submit to the Department of Registration and Records a properly validated Curriculum Change Form (available from the academic department of the desired major) before readmission can be processed. (See Intra Campus Transfers)
3. Readmission for Academically Suspended Students
3.1. A student whose grade point average on all courses taken at NC State is such that the student has been suspended may seek readmission under the rules in Sections 4 through 6 below.
3.2. Readmitted academically suspended students will be on Academic Warning after their first suspension. Students readmitted after any subsequent academic suspension will be on Academic Probation and will not be considered in good academic standing, nor eligible for financial aid, until such time as they meet the appropriate minimum cumulative GPA requirement based upon the University's Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment regulation (at which time the Academic Probation Status will be removed) .
3.2.1. Readmitted academically suspended students will be permitted to register for successive academic semesters provided that, following readmission, each semester GPA is at least 2.5 or the cumulative GPA meets the appropriate minimum requirement based upon the University's Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment regulation.
3.2.2. Failure to achieve the required 2.5 semester GPA and remaining below the minimum overall GPA required by the Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment regulation will result in an additional notice of academic suspension from the University at the end of either the fall or spring semester.
3.2.3. Readmitted academically suspended students will be limited to a maximum of 14 hours registration each semester until such time as the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or greater (any exception must be approved by the adviser and Academic Dean of the College in which the student is enrolled).
3.3. Any academically suspended student needing 14 or fewer credit hours for graduation and having a Grade Point (Quality Point) deficit of 10 or less will be automatically readmitted to the University on Academic Warning Status following their first suspension and Academic Probation Status after any subsequent suspension for one semester upon request to the Department of Registration and Records.
4. Automatic Readmission Based on Academic Performance
4.1. A student who is academically suspended may enroll in NC State University Summer Session courses and NC State University Independent Studies courses in order to attempt to improve their overall academic performance.
4.2. With consent of the academic department in which the student was formally enrolled, a suspended student may enroll in NC State University distance education courses.
4.2.1. Courses taken through this avenue must be consistent with the student's program of study.
4.2.2. To facilitate taking distance education courses, a student must contact his/her academic adviser or the coordinator of advising in the student's major department to request departmental consent.
4.3. Enrollment in NC State University Summer Session, Independent Study, and/or Distance Education courses will be limited to a total of two courses (plus applicable labs) at any given time. An additional one credit hour Physical Education course can be added for students attending on campus summer sessions.
4.4. If grades earned through NC State Summer Session courses, Independent Study courses, or NCSU Distance Education courses are sufficient to remove the suspension, the student may be automatically readmitted in the subsequent semester without admission committee review.
5. Readmission Based on Appeals to the University Admissions Committee
If the student chooses not to pursue any of the above course options or fails to earn grades sufficient to meet the minimum cumulative GPA requirement (based on the University's Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment regulation), the following rules for appeals to the Undergraduate Admissions Committee will apply:
5.1. After First Notice of Academic Suspension*
5.1.1. Upon receiving the first notice of academic suspension from the University, a mandatory one regular semester break in enrollment will be imposed for the semester following receipt of the notice (i.e., the Fall or Spring semester).
5.1.2. During the one-semester break in enrollment, a suspended student may take advantage of an alternative readmission program. This requires a Psychoeducational Assessment offered by the University Counseling Center. The goal of this assessment is to help suspended students identify any underlying educational, behavioral, psychological, or medically related cause(s) of the previously poor educational performance and to make recommendations for adjustments. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in this intervention program. Upon verification by the Counseling Center of completion of the Psychoeducational Assessment the student will be eligible for readmission at the beginning of the next semester without admission committee review. For readmission in the Spring semester, evaluations done at the NC State Counseling Center must be scheduled prior to August 15 and be completed by October 20. Note: Students would not be enrolled during the Fall semester. For readmission in the Fall semester, Evaluations done at the NC State Counseling Center must be scheduled prior to May 1 and be completed by July 15. Note: Students would not be enrolled during the Spring semester. Off-campus, licensed mental health service providers under the guidelines provided by the NC State Counseling Center may also conduct evaluations. Acceptable reports, however, must be filed and discussed by the student with a counselor at the Counseling Center by the October 20 and July 15 dates.
5.1.3. After an absence of at least one regular semester following the first notice of academic suspension, students choosing not to take advantage of the alternative readmission process may petition for readmission through the Admission Committee. The petition should provide evidence of motivation and/or achievement based on any academic work or systematic review of previous performance completed during the suspension period.
5.1.4. Upon readmission the student must meet with their academic advisor to update their plan of study and review their strategies for academic success. This plan of study should limit students to a maximum of 14 hours of registration and require at least a 2.5 GPA each semester. Failure to meet with the adviser and to update their plan of study may result in the cancellation of the student's enrollment.
5.2. Second Notice of Academic Suspension*
5.2.1. Upon receiving the second notice of academic suspension from the University, a mandatory two regular semester break in enrollment will be imposed. At the end of the mandatory period, the student may petition the Undergraduate Admissions Committee for readmission.
5.2.2. Petitions for readmission must be accompanied by: Transcript of any courses (including grades) taken during the suspension, and A detailed plan of study, developed with the assistance and approval of the adviser, or department designee, outlining courses to be taken in each subsequent semester and the level of performance (semester hours and semester GPA of at least 2.5) necessary to complete the degree requirements, and A written evaluation by the adviser candidly discussing the probability the student will be able to meet the performance expectations, and Evidence that the student participated in the specified intervention program following the automatic reinstatement after the first academic suspension.5.2.3 If the Admissions Committee decides to readmit the student: The student as a mandatory condition of continued enrollment must follow the approved plan of study. This plan of study should limit students to a maximum of 14 hours of registration and require at least a 2.5 GPA each semester. This plan of study cannot replace or supersede University graduation requirements, such as the 2.0 overall GPA required for graduation, or any other requirements as may be specified in the student's curriculum regarding grade points, hours of D, etc., for graduation. Failure to follow the plan of study will result in the cancellation of the student's enrollment and a third notice of suspension from the University at the request of the Academic Dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.
5.2.4. If the student performs at a level to earn a cumulative GPA that exceeds 2.0, strict adherence to the plan of study may no longer be required. However, a student whose performance drops in subsequent semesters, will then be subject, to a third suspension for poor academic performance.
5.3. Third Notice of Academic Suspension*
Upon the third notice of academic suspension, the student will be permanently suspended from the University, except as provided for under the Contractual Readmission Policy.
* Retroactively withdrawn semesters will not affect the status of students first, second or third notice of Academic Suspension.
6. Contractual Readmission:
(Appeal to Undergraduate Admissions Committee by Students Who Have Not Been Enrolled at NC State for Three or More Years)
6.1. After not being enrolled at NC State (excluding summer sessions, Independent Studies, and NC State Distance Education courses) for a continuous three-year period or longer, a student whose former academic record at NC State was such that the student was suspended or would have been suspended under current policies, may petition the Undergraduate Admissions Committee for contractual readmission.
6.2. The Committee will decide each case on its individual merits with special regard to the student's written appeal, the productive use of the three or more intervening years, evidence of motivation and achievement based on any academic work done during those three or more years, and a supporting letter from the department offering the curriculum into which the student requests admission. This letter must contain a proposed plan of study agreed to and signed by the student, the department head, and the dean. If the curriculum into which the student requests admission is different from that in which the student was last enrolled, the petition to the Admissions Committee must also be accompanied by a Curriculum Change Form available from the academic department and approved by the accepting dean.
6.3. If a contractual readmission is approved, the following conditions will apply:
6.3.1. The student's entire academic record at NC State will be recorded on any subsequent transcript, including a grade point average on all work attempted at NC State.
6.3.2. For courses attempted prior to readmission, only work of C- or better will count toward fulfilling graduation requirements, providing that such courses meet current curriculum requirements.
6.3.3. For purposes of suspension and eligibility for graduation, a second grade point average will be calculated based only on courses that are attempted after readmission. Total hours for graduation and suspension will be based on all work at NC State after readmission plus former work of C- or better that is acceptable to the department plus hours transferred from other institutions.
6.3.4. The student must maintain an overall grade point average of 2.0 or better on all courses attempted after readmission.
6.3.5. Students who fail to achieve an overall grade point average of 2.0 will lose their contractual readmission status. Their status for subsequent work as a degree student at NC State shall be determined on the basis of total hours attempted at NC State plus transferred hours and their grade point average calculated using all courses attempted at NC State.
6.3.6. A student may be readmitted under this option only once.
7. Notice of Readmission
Once a student has received notice of readmission, the student should pay the semester's tuition at the University Cashier's Office (1101 Pullen Hall) and register for the schedule of courses agreed upon in consultation with her/his adviser. The student's personal ID number will be included in the notice of readmission.
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