Thursday, Oct. 13, 3-4:30: Alice Peters Auditorium
Pre-Conference Student Panel: “Interfaith Dialogue and Community Service (the Obama Interfaith Service Challenge)” Moderated by Don Ramsa
Thursday, Oct. 13, 6 -7 PM: Gallery
Thursday, Oct. 13, 7-8 PM: Alice Peters Auditorium
Introduction: Andrew Fiala and Vincent Biondo, California State University, Fresno
Introduction: Jeffrey Cummins, California State University Fresno, Department of Political Science
Featured Speaker: JeddMedefind,Christian Alliance for Orphans; “Tolerance is No Longer Enough: Why only a commitment to a robust pluralism can rescue America’s civic life”
8:00-9:00 PM Reception in the Gallery
Friday, Oct. 14: 8:30 AM: Gallery
Registration and Coffee
Friday, Oct. 14: 9-10:00AM: Alice Peters Auditorium
Featured Speaker: Amir Hussain, Loyola Marymount University, “Religious Diversity and Public Education: The Example of American Muslim”
Session Chair and Introduction: TBA
Friday, Oct. 14, 10:15-12:15: Morning Panels
ROOM 192Session CHAIR: Thomas Higgins / ROOM 194
Session CHAIR: Robert Maldonado
Jeffrey Dueck, Nyack College
“Religious Exclusivism and the Ethics of Diversity” / Bruce Grelle, California State University, Chico
“Promoting Civic and Religious Literacy in Public Schools: The California 3 R’s Project”
Tim Mosteller, California Baptist University
“Religious Diversity, Truth, and Tolerance” / Jonathan Herman, Georgia State University
“Educating the Educators: The AAR Guidelines for Teaching About Religion”
Edward Antonio, Iliff School of Theology
“Religion as a Source of Civic Virtue in the Modern World” / Colleen Windham-Hughes, California Lutheran University
“Relational and Procedural Literacies in the Study of Religion”
NeginTahvildary, California State University, Fresno
“Diversity without Discrimination: Teaching Religious Tolerance in Public Schools”
Friday, Oct. 14, 12:15-1:30 PM: Lunch in the Gallery
Friday, Oct. 14, 1:30-2:30 PM: Alice Peters Auditorium
Featured Speaker: Diane Moore, Harvard University, Director of the Religious Literacy Project
“High Stakes Ignorance: Religion, Education, and the Erosion of Democracy”
Session Chair and Introduction: TBA
Friday, Oct. 14, 2:30- 4:30: Afternoon Panels
ROOM 192Session CHAIR: Andrew Fenton / ROOM 194
Session CHAIR: Sharon Meinhoff
Rudy Busto, University of California, Santa Barbara
TITLE Needed / Martha Smith-Roberts, University of California, Santa Barbara
“American Religious Pluralism in Historical Perspective”
Bill Nericcio, San Diego State University
“21st Century California Writers Now: Pre-Apocalyptic”
/ Henry Goldschmidt, Interfaith Center of New York
“World Religions and Lived Religion in Secondary School Religious Studies Curricula”
Dennis Quinn, Cal Poly Pomona and
HendGilli-Welewy, Cal Poly Pomona
“Religion and Critical Pedagogy: Engaging with Students’ Faith Perceptions in an Interdisciplinary Classroom”
Robert Maldonado, California State University, Fresno
“A Polyglot Bible in a Polyglot Classroom: Diversity Then and Now?
Transportation to Arte Americas will be arranged by University Business Center
Friday, Oct. 14: Evening Lecture and Reception at Arte Americas
6:30-7:15: Reception
7:15-8:30 PM: Featured Speaker: Ruben Martinez,Loyola Marymount University, “DESERT AMERICA: The Question of the Neighbor in the Borderlands”
Introduction and Session Chair: Bill Nericcio, San Diego State University
8:30-9:30PM: Reception and Entertainment by Cerro Negro
Transportation to hotels arranged by University Business Center
Saturday, Oct. 15,9:00-11:00 : Morning Panels
ROOM 192Session CHAIR: TBA / ROOM 194
Session CHAIR: TBA
Max Mueller, Harvard University
“Schools for the Saints: Utah Civil Religion In Public Education” / Emile Lester, University of Mary Washington
“Teaching for Religious Tolerance: The Required World Religions Course in Modesto, CA”
Kile Jones, Claremont School of Theology
““Church-State Relations and Civil Liberties in the Mount Soledad Cross Controversy”” / Susan Harding, University of California, Santa Cruz
“Curricular-Encoded Civilities: The MACOS Project”
Jack Benninga, California State University Fresno
“Enhancing American Identity and Citizenship in Schools” / Erica Andrus, University of Vermont
“Beginning a Dialogue: A Model for Service Learning in "Religion in America" at the University of Vermont”