1 May 2014
Dear Councillor
You are summoned to the Annual Meeting of Fulford Parish Council to be held on
TUESDAY 6th May 2014in the Social Hall, School Lane, Fulford commencing at 7.30pm.
Annual Meeting
- To receive any apologies for absence
- To accept nominations and appoint Chairman for forthcoming year.
- To accept nominations and appointVice-Chairman for forthcoming year
- To appoint Committee Members, Officers and Representatives for the forthcoming year.
(Please note that Committees and working groups will appoint Chairman at the first meeting)
a)General Purposes Committee
b)Cemetery Committee & working group
c)Planning Committee and working group
d)Social Hall working group
e)Open Spaces working group
f)Sports Club Representative(s) (2)
g)YLCA representatives (2)
h)Publicity Officer (if appropriate)
i)Health & Safety responsibility
j)Staff matters and appraisals etc.
k)Residents’ Committee representatives
l)Trustees of Mary Key charity (all councillors are trustees)
- To approve the Accounts for Year ended 31 March 2014 and agree that the Chairman sign the Annual Return including,after consideration, the Statement of Assurance.
- To re-appoint the Clerk as the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer.
- Internal Financial Control
a)To confirm the detailed annual review of the council’s system of internal control carried out by GPC on 23th April 2014.
b)To confirm detailed annual review of the effectiveness of internal audit carried out by GPC on 23rdApril 2014.
c)To confirm internal auditor for 2014/15 as J Bennett, Yorkshire Audit Services and to consider and confirm the current audit plan.
d)To confirm the Council’s Financial Risk Assessment and Financial Regulations for 2014/15 including delegated powers.
e)To confirm the Council’s Health & Safety Policy for 2014/15
f)To confirm other council policies and protocol including data protection, information technology, freedom of information/ publications policies, gifts policy, staff interests, equality and complaints procedure.
g)To agree figure for revaluation of assets (at cost priceas recommended in Practitioners Guide
( including land and buildings) to £135,041 and to agree to review risk and insuredvalue of assets and to seek three quotations prior to renewal on 1st October.
h) To confirm bank mandate cheque signatories on current and wages accounts.
- To resolve to renew annual membership of YLCA, ICCM, LGYH, SLCC and to decide on membership of YRCC, NPFA/YPA.
- To remind members toreview their Register of Interests and update if necessary.
- To confirm that wages and salaries will be in accordance with recommendations of NJC agreement for local government workers and that all staff is eligible to join the North Yorkshire Pension Scheme. It will be necessary for the Council to draw up a new Discretionary Policy in the light of changes that came into force 1 April 2014. Wages and salaries should be reviewed annually.
Wages will continue to be paid weekly by direct debit and in the case of the Clerk salary will be paid monthly.
11. To decide on arrangements for staff appraisal.
12. To agree limits for payment of Staff and Councillor training courses and reimbursement of printing costs.
13. To set the times, dates and place of ordinary meetings of the full council for the year ahead.
14. To decide whether to set the times, dates and place of working group meetings in advance.
Ordinary Meeting
To receive any declarations of interest on any agenda items not already notified to Monitoring Officer.
Members are asked to sign the attendance book.
To approve minutes of the meeting of the council held on 9th April 2014 and General Purposes Committee of 23rd April 2014.
4.Report of chair of general purposes committee including recommendations.
5.Standing Orders
To consider recommendation of GPC to adopt the model standing orders as circulated for comment in advance of the meeting.
6.Financial Regulations
To consider adopting the new NALC model financial regulations.
To consider any applications to fill the current vacancy by co-option.
AGermany Beck site east of Fordlands Road (AOD/14/00120)
Details required by Conditions 12 (scheme of archaeological work) and 19 (site investigation) (01/01315/OUT) | Germany Beck Site East Of Fordlands Road York
BFulford Vicarage, 1 Fulford Park (14/00185/TCA)
Fell Maple, Cherry & Mountain Ash (T1-T6), Crown clean Horsechestnut (T&) it is recommended that the tree be crown cleaned. Trees in the Conservation Area for Mr Graham Andrews.
C36 Heslington Lane, Fulford (14/00787/FUL)
Two storey side and single storey rear extensions with replacement porch to front for
Mr & Mrs McCardle.
D56 Naburn Lane, Fulford (14/00837/FUL)
Two storey rear extension for Mr Dominic Richardson
EThe Beeches, 21 Fulford Park (14/00877/TCA
Fell Cherry tree in the Conservation area for Mrs Lynne Scott
F20 Fulford Park, Fulford (14/00725/FUL)
Single storey side and rear extensions, porch to front and replacement windows for Mr Jamie Holden.
G20 Cherry Wood Crescent, Fulford (14/00696/FUL)
Single storey rear extension, porch to side and detached garage with work shop to side for Mr John Dawson.
H52 Cherry Wood Crescent, Fulford (14/00950/FUL)
Extension to existing dormer to front for Mr H Kabir
IAdministration Office, York Designer Outlet (14/00239/TPO)
Various tree works including felling 16 x trees, protected by Tree Preservation Order 7/1987.
J29 Heslington Lane, York (14/00471/FUL)
Erection of iron railings to existing boundary wall –Approved
K 15 Heslington Lane, Fulford (14/00699/TCA)
Fell Lombardy Poplars x 3, Trees in the Conservation Area – Consent given
L2 Pasture Farm Close, Fulford (14/00442/FUL)
Single storey side extension – Approved
9.planning report
a)To receive report of planning wg on meeting held on 28th April
b)Local Plan
10.germany beck - update
a)Report of chair of wg meeting including success on grant application.
b)Users in April
a)Report of Chair of Open Spaces
b)Update on Sport England award if any
c)Report of allotment meeting held 30 April
a)To receive reports of Cemetery Superintendent
b)To receive report of cemetery wg meeting held 23 April 2014.
c) Cemetery Lodge
e) Military contract
To receive information on the following ongoing matters and to decide appropriate action where necessary:-
a) To receive schedule of website changes
- slight alterations to Social Hall description – remove bar area facility.
-Add new cemetery fees from 1 April 2014
b)Information on Quality Councils
c) Booking form for stall at Fulford Show
15.analysis of income and expenditure comparison to budget at year end
16.bad debts – Resolution to write off bad debts for social hall of £116.50 from 2009 and 2011
A Meeting with Julian Sturdy MP re Local Plan – Thursday 15th May at St Thomas’ Church, Osbaldwick 7.00-8.30pm.
18. APPROVAL OF WAGES AND ACCOUNTS (as circulated list)
19.AGENDA for next meeting (3rdJune 2014)
To notify the clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of next meeting.
Full Council – 3rd June 2014.
Working groups – dates to be advised.
Clerk to the Council