Summer 2017 Fall Line Project and Faculty Awards
“Green Curriculum, Green Campus, Green City”
Documentation of competitive procedures
and qualification and selection process for awards in this program
According to university policy, awards are given only through competitive processes. Award payment requests should include proof that this is a documented awards program, including documentation on the competitive procedures and the qualification and selection criteria.
The Fall Line Project, to be hosted by Academic Sustainability Programs on May 9-10, 2017, will be a faculty workshop and awards program. An award of $500 will be made to each accepted faculty member upon successful completion of the workshop and a revised course syllabus with outstanding sustainability content.
All faculty are invited to apply. Announcements sent out via AU Daily and AU-profs email list in late 2016 and early 2017. Information also posted on the workshop website:
See application form on the last page of this document.
Criteria for selection of faculty:
(1) Tenure-track or temporary Auburn University course instructors who plan to revise or develop a course with substantial sustainability content, that will be taught during the 2017-18 academic year.
(2) Quality of written statement on application form, that explains why the instructor wants to participate in this workshop program, and the types of potential changes they envision making in their course(s).
(3) The 20 best applicants will be selected by the Academic Sustainability Advisory Committee, consisting of faculty from 12 academic units across campus. If fewer than 20 faculty apply, only outstanding applicants will be considered, even if the total number of faculty accepted is small, as judged by the committee.
(4) Sustainability content of the revised course syllabus submitted by each participating faculty member. It must have enough sustainability content to be eligible potentially for inclusion as an elective for the Minor in Sustainability Studies, as described in the minor elective form for faculty on:
(5) Successful completion of the following activities: Reading of materials prior to the workshop; Participation in the 2-day workshop, May 9-10, 2017; Preparation of a revised or new course syllabus and submission in August 2017 (for Fall courses) or December 2017 (for Spring courses) for consideration by the Academic Sustainability Advisory Committee. Only participants who submit an excellent revised course syllabus in August will be considered for payment of the $500 award.
Completed application forms will be processed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs
Application deadline: January 31, 2017
Application for the Fall Line Workshop, May 9-10, 2012
Deadline: March 1, 2012
Send to: Dr. Nanette Chadwick at
Courses currently taught (course number and full title of each):
Name of current/old course you plan to change, or new one you will develop:
Semester and year you tentatively plan to offer this course:
Description of why you want to participate in this workshop, and the types of potential changes you envision making in your course(s):