Minutes of Meeting – 23 July 2008
Meeting of Primary Care Support Agency /Management Board
Held on Wednesday 23 July2008 at 10.30am
in Meeting Room C, King Square House
Bath & North East Somerset PCT to Chair
Present: / Julia Griffith (JG), in the Chair, Bath & North East Somerset PCTJessica Wilson (JW), Bristol PCT
Penny Hynds (PH), North Somerset PCT
Julie Cooper (JC), General Manager, Avon Primary Care Support Agency
In attendance: / Helen Bond, APCSA (Notetaker)
Rebecca Bull, Management Accountant, Bristol PCT.
Apologies were received from South Gloucestershire PCT. Grant Addison, who commences employment with them on 28 July 2008 will be the PCSA Board representative.
2Minutes of Previous Meeting –4 June 2008
All members agreed that they were an accurate record.
3Matters Arising/Actions
Agenda Item 13 (2 April 2008) – PCT News
JW advised the group that Wendy Crew will be the lead for the GP Tackling Violence Service for Bristol PCT from 1 September 2008.
Agenda Item 4.1 (4 June 2008) - Annual Report
JC advised the group that RB had supplied confirmation of total PCT recharges for 07/08 and that this information was sent along with the minutes of the meeting.
Agenda Item 6 (4 June 2008) – Home Oxygen
JC reported that plans are in place to begin this work.
JC said that PCSA have visited B&NES PCT to see how monitoring is currently taking place and will begin monitoring for Banes on 1 September 2008. JC is also aware that monitoring is taking place in South Gloucestershire PCT. PH confirmed that some work is being undertaken by Debbie Campbell in North Somerset PCT.
Agenda Item 10 (4 June 2008) – Pharmaceutical
JG confirmed that the terms of reference for their Primary Care Commissioning Group had been sent to PH.PH will share any findings with the group regarding the commissioning, governance and decision making processes.
Action PH
Agenda Item 13 (4 June 2008) – PCT News
B&NES PCT has informed JC that Elm Hayes Surgery are unlikely to move to their new premises until June 2009.
Item 16.1 (4 June 2008) – PCT Finance meeting 4 April 2008
JC confirmed that Nigel Crew was contacted and hopes to provide a presentation to the PCT/PCSA Finance Group of the work he has undertaken around benchmarking in September.
JC advised the group that a letter from Ben Dyson, DH Director of Primary Care has been sent to SHA Directors of Commissioning. The letter outlines the impact of DDRB recommendations on PMS Practices. JC asked if PCTs would wish PCSA to begin calculations to determine how this may affect PMS Practices locally.
PH advised the group that they are setting up a working group to look at inequalities of funding so they will look at SHA recommendationsas part of this process.
JW suggested JC talk to Liam Williams to ascertain cross over and/or involvement by Nigel Crew and the work that he has been carrying out for PCTs.
All PCTs agreed to attend the PCT Finance meeting to be held on 26th September 08, 10-12.00 am, room C.
Action JC & PCT’s
Agenda Item 17.1 (4 June 2008) - Procedures for payment of locum costs etc
JC has circulated procedures for payment of locum costs, agreed changes and these have subsequently been published on the PCSA website and copied to Avon Local Medical Committee.
Agenda Item 17.2 (4 June 2008) - Procedures for dealing with Registration and Assignment of Patients and Closed Lists
JC confirmed that reviewed procedures have been published on PCSA website and copied to Avon Local Medical Committee.
4Service Level Agreement (SLA)
All SLA’s have now been signed off.
5.1 PCSA Budget Report
Nothing of note to report
5.2 PCSA Child Health budget report
JC informed the group that the current overspend on non-pay was due to the annual order of child health record books.
5.3 Income received for pharmaceutical applications
JC reported that fees charged to date are £1500. This will continue to be reported and, in the future, members will agree how the PCT recharge should be adjusted.
6Update on PCSA staff resource issues/workload issues
6.1 Restructure of Patient Data Department
JC briefed the group on the proposed re-organisation of Patient Data.
7Risk Register
JC said that she had reviewed the previous risk register fully and risks are now being reported in the same format as for Bristol PCT.
8Performance Reports
JC provided a further analysis of the number of assignments for each PCT for the previous quarter. Assignments were made up of the following:
Bristol (36) – 26 Haven assignments, 9 Nursing Home, 1 patient who regularly changes GP
South Gloucestershire (11) –All Haven
North Somerset (12) – All requested assignment after going through PALS service and wished to transfer from their existing GP
B&NES – just 1 patient who regularly changes GP
PH added that she will talk to practices regarding their ability to take on additional patients as assignments are not currently being made to one practice in the North Somerset PCT area.
Action: PH
Nothing to report from PCSA.
JC reported that the number of pharmaceutical applications has dropped since the introduction of fees, however any benefits of a reduced workload are yet to be seen.
PH asked what processes PCTs have in place to monitor the opening of 100 hour pharmacies?. No processes are currently in place.
JC agreed to try to source proposals used by other PCTs.
Action JC
JW raised a concern regarding patients being made aware of 100 hour pharmacy opening times. If a pharmacy is closed details of 100 hour pharmacies are not displayed and patients then have to contact NHS Direct.
Covered during Health & Social Care Act meeting.
JC advised the group that PCTs in Devon have circulated a letter inviting expressions of interest to run the call and recall system on their behalf. JC said that there are no plans for PCSA to tender for this.
13PCT News
JW informed the group that Vicky Walker is leaving the Bristol PCT Commissioning Team to work in Public Health. Wendy Crew will be the Contracting Manager for the south of the locality with effect from 1 September 2008.
JG said that new Dental Practices have/will be opening in Bath and Keynsham.
PH confirmed all clinical governance issues regarding applications for the performers list should now be sent to Sylvia Pilkington and Marie Davies, and not her. Penny still covers Pharmacy, Control of Entry.
14National Programme for IT
JC advised the group that although the contract with Fujitsu has been terminated the migration of the Exeter system to the PDS (Personal Demographic Service) will continue. Locally it may just take longer for GPs to have systems that are fully compliant with PDS.
15 Relocation of PCSA
JC informed the group that the move is planned for 18/19 October 2008, however the lower ground floor will not be ready until early November. A decision will be taken regarding delaying the move until November. If the move takes place before the lower ground floor is ready for PCSA it will mean working on two sites to enable medical records to be received, filed and despatched.
16Reports from PCSA/PCT Meetings
16.1 PCT Finance meeting 27 June 2008
The contents of the minutes were noted. JC added that the final PCSA Internal Audit referred to in the minutes should be tabled at the next PCSA Board meeting.
16.2 Flu Campaign meeting 16 July 2008
JC commented this would be similar to previous years.
17Any other business
Applications from GP Practices to change their boundary
JW said that the approval of changes to GP Practice Boundaries is still an issue where the boundary impacts on another PCT area. After a long discussion is was agreed that all PCTs covering the geographical area should approve changes to boundaries regardless of who holds the contract.
JC agreed to table the current procedure for boundary changes to the September Board meeting.
Action: JC
Date, time and Venue of next meeting:
Wednesday 24 September 2008 – 10.30am-12.00 noon
Room C, King Square House, North Somerset PCT
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