Physics Project - 4th Quarter

Purpose: to study the use of electricity in your home

to determine how electricity in dispensed in your home

to diagram the electric circuit in your room

to produce a report in PowerPoint/ Prezi

Materials: electrical devices used in your home

circuit breaker or fuse box in your home

light switches and outlets in your room

Procedure:determine the electricity consumption of any 5 devices in your

House. Typical examples of devices are given, but you can

choose anything in your house. Find the voltage, resistance,

current and power being used by the device

hair dryerclock radiomicrowavetoaster

washerpower toolscomputerstove

televisionvacuum cleanerlamp

map the circuit breaker or fuse box in your home

number each circuit, total amperes in the circuit, destination

draw a circuit diagram of the outlets/switches in your room

one line for incoming power and separate lines for each outlet

Grading:Individual Project

Summative (60 points)

Room circuit - use standard electric circuit symbols – 30 pts

Devices - in form of a chart with brand and details – 30 pts Formative (40 points)

fuse/breaker box - number the circuit, amps, destination,

total house current, location – 30 pts

Title page - colorful, creative cover for your project – 10 pts

Due Date:

Final Grade:Title Page & Presentation______

UL Labels______

Breaker box______

Room circuit______


Electricity Project Rubric
Looking For… / Way! /

Part Way


No Way

Nice title page

/ Colorful, attractive and creative title that sets off your project, animation, sounds / Ordinary page with title in black and white / Boring!
UL labels for electrical devices / Minimum of 4 devices neatly displayed in a chart with current, voltage, resistance, power and cost values (calculations) / Some devices with some of the values / UL label chart missing completely, only used AC adapters
Locate fuse/circuit breaker box / Indicate the exact location of the fuse/circuit breaker box / Give the general location for the fuse/circuit breaker box / Have no clue where the fuse/circuit breaker box is located
Diagram of fuse/circuit breaker box / Clearly label diagram of each circuit with current maximums listed and rooms or devices served / Diagram somewhat resembles your box with some of the circuits labeled and current measures / No resemblance between your diagram and the real world, lost in translation…
Diagram of your room / Clearly draw diagram of your room with straight lines and doors and windows labeled / Diagram resembles your room draw free-hand with some doors and windows / Your room is a disaster and no one has the courage to go inside
Circuit diagram of your room / Proper schematic symbols show the location of outlets, switches and lights in your room / Some schematic symbols show the location of some items in your room / Electricians nightmare, nothing is where it seems or should be
Electrical devices in your room / Each outlet lists the devices that get their electricity from that location / Some of the outlets have some of the devices listed / You have no clue as to what is plugged into what or where