The constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. Ben Franklin
Directed by RokoBelic
Dr. Ed Deiner
Positive Psychology
50% Genetic set point
10% circumstances, job, money, social status, health
40% unaccounted for intentional behavior, things we can do on a regular basis
Dopamine neurotransmitter
Flow people who experience flow on a regular basis are happier than those who don’t.
Psychologists tell us that most people overestimate how much impact both good and bad events will have on them in the future.If something very good happens, people are ecstatic for a time, but they soon go back to baseline. If something bad happens, people are bereft, but eventually, usually quickly, they go back to baseline. Generally people do really well when things go really bad. Do you agree or disagree. Use in your response the example of Melissa Moody, the woman whose disfigured when her face was run over by a truck. She says it took her nine years to recover and her face is still badly scarred.
things happen to them have – devastated for a short time; ecstatic for a short time
Melissa Moody – debutant – beauty
How did Melissa Moody, the pretty women whose face was run over by a truck deal with her loss.I don’t understand and I don’t need to understand, and that’s OK accepting all of my life is very healing
9.5 years totally disabled, abused as a child, 30 surgeries, divorce, amgry I was alive,
akey ingredient is to recover from adversity quickly – come back to baseline quickly.
Will money make you happy? Money buys happiness once basic needs met more money doesn’t buy more
Hedonic treadmill – whatever you have, you will want more.
Close supportive family and friends –
Intrinsic goals inherent satisfying - inherent psychological needs (personal growth, community feeling – help the world be a better place; reporting more happiness less depression) extrinsic (money, image, status – generally report less satisfaction) in opposition.
Why Bhutan 50% forrest?
What is ultimate goal for a society?
Co-housing community – why happier?
Who is the happiest person that you know? What makes them happy?
Compare the most happy person you know with a person who is not happy. What differences account for the difference in happiness?
Switch from what don’t I have to what do I have that I can share.
Spiritual feelings that connect them to other people or to the universe
Keeping people connected
Social bonding social interaction and cooperation is programmed to be instrinsicallyrewarding to humans
That’s how we inhibit our self-interest
When given the opportunity to cooperate or compete – will cooperate – releases dopamine
53:28 – 55:55 --
Responsible for eachother’s health and well-being
Meditation on compassion on loving Kindness – decrease depression more than anti-depressants –
We through intention can change our brain
Count bleessings on a regular basis
Commit acts of Kindness – most effective
Gratitiude. compassion caring love – spiritual emotion -htye make you think about things bigger than yourself
In a way you can transcend your own life, your own death by caring
lead you to think about things beyond yourself
Loan given from god, I will give this loan back but with interest
Life is a loan given from God. Give the loan back but with interest
Important to show that someone cares
Just to lift his little bent body mylife has a meeting. He asks for a glass of water. It is very little … it is like a symbolic act for me my life is like a loan given from god but I will pay this loan back but with interest.
Gratitude, compassion, caring, love, these are to me what I would call the spiritualemtions and they make you think of things Bigger than yourself. If you only seek your own happiness it can be a selfish thing.
Once you more to the spiritual emotion and your live grows, you care about something bigger than yourself. In a way you can transcend your own life and your own death by caring about these things that are bigger than yourself.
If each of us even spent a smidgen of time each day actually practicing to cultivate happiness and also to cultivate other virtuous qualities like compassion and altruism. The world would really be a better place. And we’d all be transforming our brains in very positive ways.
)***It’a not about – the trick is to be authentically you
We should think of happiness as a skill which is no different than learning to play the violin or learning to playing golf
The formula for happiness is not the same for everyone. But the good news is that the things we like to do are the building blocks of a happy life. Play having new experiences, friends and family, doing things that are meaningful, appreciating what we have. These things that make us happy and they’re free. And with happiness the more you have the more everyone has.