
Our Lady of Good Help Catholic Primary School

South Drive Liverpool L15 8JL Tel: 0151 733 6937 Fax: 0151 280 0430

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Headteacher: Miss S Peacock

10th November 2017

In Monday’s whole school Collective Worship, we listened to Matthew 23:1-12. In this scripture, Jesus warns us to be careful when we are deciding what sort of people we want to be. We are asked not to be too proud but to help one another.

Jesus describes people who want others to notice them and do whatever they tell them. But he reminds his friends that we must always listen to God first.

Jesus reminds us of the way that he teaches us. Jesus does not act proud or like a king. He acts like a servant because we should be like servants, loving and caring for each other.

How can we make sure we behave in a way that would show our love for others this week?

Christ Jesus, you came into the world to show us how to live as servants to others. Let our love for you be shown in how we care for all people, especially those who are poor.

When we wear a poppy we are remembering all the men and women and their families whose lives are affected by war since the First World War.

The poppy and Remembrance Day are about remembering or thinking about all those people whose lives are affected by war, including the families of those who are at war. For 100 years the poppy and the Two Minute Silence have been a chance for us all to think about the people hurt by wars, and is rooted in a tradition of hope that the future will be peaceful.

Because the poppy had grown on the battlefields of Western Europe, where so many men had fought, it was adopted as a symbol. A symbol helps us to remember, but the symbol was not to be sad, by using the flower it was to be a symbol of hope.

The poppy had been the only thing that had still grown on the battlefields amongst so much fighting – it was a little flower of hope that showed that things could survive even when the whole world seemed to be in a terrible mess.

Year 6 led the whole school in prayer today – remembering those who have been affected by war and praying for a peaceful future. Thank you Y6 you led us reverently and thoughtfully.

Section 48 Inspection

On Tuesday 7th November, we welcomed two inspectors into school who were coming to inspect many aspects of school life:


• The extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school

• The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school

• How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for the Catholic Life of the School


• How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in Religious Education

• The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in Religious Education

• How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for Religious Education


• How well pupils respond to and participate in the school’s Collective Worship

• The quality of Collective Worship provided by the school

• How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for Collective Worship

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children, families, staff and governors for their dedication, support and care throughout the inspection process. The children, as always, shone brightly and made me very proud to be their headteacher!

As with all inspections, we have to wait for two weeks to receive the official inspection report which I will send out to all families as soon as I can.

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is National Anti-Bullying week and this year’s focus is promoting uniqueness and diversity!Throughout the week, all pupils will participate in sessions to emphasise this.

Don’t forget your odd socks on Monday to promote uniqueness!

Operation Christmas Child

During assembly this week, the children learnt about the Operation Christmas Child mission. The mission is to show God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with communities worldwide, to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Since 1990, more than 146 million children in over 150 countries have experienced God's love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child.

Thank you to all the children who have brought in their shoeboxes, we have now extended the collection date to -Wednesday 15th November.

Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair will be held on Friday 8th December.

Bring-in days(OWN CLOTHES DAY)

Friday 17th November – Toiletries

Friday 24th November – Bottles (Wine, beer, soft drinks etc)

Friday 1st December – Toys (New)

Friday 8th December - Chocolates

If any parents/family members are able to help on the day or donate any prizes for our Christmas Fair raffle, please contact the School Office.

Matball Competition

On Wednesday some of our Year 1 & 2 children took part in a Matball Competition at the Firefit Centre, Toxteth. The children played 7 games and played so well winning 2 of their games. Well done children!


YEAR 1 / 89.1%
YEAR 2 / 96.4%
YEAR 3 / 94.6%
YEAR 4 / 89.1%
YEAR 5 / 96.4%
YEAR 6 / 94.3%

Star of the Week

Reception – Drew Horsley-McGuinness

Year 1 – Mia Taylor Year 2 – Leah Lawler

Year 3 – Daniel Hennessy Year 4 – Finlay Mears

Year 5 – Courtney Gorman Year 6 – Patrick Davies

Behaviour Award

Reception – Daniel Yates Year 1 – Erin Williams

Year 2 – Jake Wilson Year 3 – Ella Hughes

Year 4 – Jacob Wegrzyn

Year 5 – Hannah Davies Year 6 – Elyse Goulding

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 16th November – Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics at SFX

Thursday 23rd November – Parish Mass (9.30am)

Thursday 23rd November – Open Afternoon (2pm)

Friday 8th December – Christmas Fair (3.15-5.pm)

Tuesday 12th December – Y5/6 Waterpolo Comp Aquatics Centre

Thursday 14th December – Parish Mass (9.30am)

Thursday 21st December – School closes at 2pm