Molloy Student Government

November 18, 2014


1.  Call to Order at 3:34pm

2.  Roll Call

3.  Approval of Minutes

4.  Guests

a.  Mad Men: interest meeting tomorrow 3pm. Wilbur 014.

5.  Committees: none

6.  Legislature Officer Reports

a.  Residence Hall

  1. No Report

b.  Public Relations

  1. MSG Facebook Page: to post event on FB. Posting weekly events and PR the day of the event. A separate FB page is s good idea because they know MSG is running it. More likely for students to like or follow the page if it is run by Molloy students. The FB will supplement the twitter. All the classes have their own Instagram so this page will tie it all together. Constant posting will get people more interested. Send everything to PR so we keep track of everything going up. PR president will be in charge of forwarding everything over.
  2. December-January Events for Stall Talk: combining December and January. Need to have events emailed by Thursday.

c.  Community Service

  1. Food Drive: currently going on. No cans are in boxes so please donate. Going on till next Tuesday. Bring a non-perishable for next Tuesdays meeting. A table day might help get donations. Communication is a better way to inform people. Monetary donations are also an option.
  2. Santa’s Workshop
  3. December 6th, 11 am – 1 pm, Public Square: mandatory event. all the clubs have donated their crafts already

d.  Academic Programming

  1. 5 Minute Party
  2. December 8th, 4 pm, Public Square Lobby: a big distressing event before finals.
  3. Music: we need 2 or 3 songs to get people pumped up quickly. One direction is a popular suggestion. Send suggestions to the Academic programing committee.

e.  Class Officers

i.  Seniors

1.  Mr. Molloy:

a.  Thursday, November 20th, Madison Theatre 8 pm: sign up sheet going around so they can assign people jobs. A lot of help is needed. Justin and Eric have to sing and dance during the intermission. Mary is a Pilgrim. Suzie is a Clown.

2.  Sweatshirt Sale: more designs coming in. you can get either grey or black.

3.  Chump Change: made $149.05

  1. Thank you for help in midnight munchies. Going to do it again but starting at 10pm. On Monday, December 8th. They might need help next time

ii. Juniors

  1. Sweatshirt Sale: $700 fundraised. They are in and being picked up this week
  2. Islander Tickets: this Saturday. Only 6 are left. $30 each
  3. Shirt Giveaway
  4. Hockey Tournament
  5. Saturday, November 22nd, 1 – 5 pm,Quealy Gym: make a team or come support the event. Prize is islander tickets for that night. It is inside so it is not cold.

iii.  Sophomores

  1. De-Stressor
  2. Wednesday December 3rd, 12 – 2 pm: Wilbur Lobby. Costs a dollar. Hot chocolate, coffee, and bubble wrap will be given out. Mike Russo’s sticky quotes is pairing up with them. It is the same day as hats and stockings.

iv.  Freshmen

  1. Box and Socks Fundraiser
  2. December 1st, 12 – 2 pm, Public Square:

f.  H.O.P.E.

  1. Sponsor a Family: collecting till next week so please donate. A table day maybe be made.

Motion for the necessary funds not to exceed $250 for sponsor a family by Craig G.

Second: John B.

Discussion: a list of Christmas presents wanted by members in a family is made and people donate those items. It will go towards 2 families for a total of 8 ppl. In order for all of us to be involved each sector should donate to one person. All the classes and the sector will each donate a present.

All in favor

Motion passes

  1. Food Drive Donations:

g.  S.A.A.C.

  1. Men’s Basketball Home Opener
  2. November 29th at 12 pm: thanksgiving weekend.
  3. Women’s Home Opener
  4. December 3rd at 6pm

ECC is having a vote for the coolest logo. We are in first place right now. Please share and vote in the Mad Men group. We will probably win some type of monetary prize.

7.  Executive Board Reports

a.  President

  1. Office Computers: a work order has been put in and nothing is fixed so we will be getting new computers as of Friday.
  2. Residence Hall Position: Olivia has resigned. The position is opened until special elections in January.
  3. Christmas Party
  4. Friday, December 12th: this day is picked because after finals ppl will be gone. 7-8 ice skating at twin rinks. Dinner at Bertucci’s after. 11 dollars to skate and 4 dollars for rental. We can all order pizza and pasta so its cheap. We need a reservation 2 weeks before then so email Liz with responses ASAP. Becca can teach us!!!
  5. MSG Spring Semester Mandatory Planning
  6. Friday, January 16th, Multi-Purpose Room, 7:30 – 9:30 pm: to be informed about points and mandatory events. A good time to plan events. Half off apps will be after. It will not be a regular conference. We will look into doing a government Olympics.
  7. Christmas tree lighting at 445 next Tuesday. December 2nd is secret Santa. It will be a quick meeting. Motion for things next week since secret Santa is the following week.

b.  Vice President

  1. Member of the Month: October was MK!!!
  2. Sector of the Month: Community Service!!!
  3. Hall of fame for the winners every month with a note saying how well they did

c.  Treasurer

  1. No Report: same as last week

d.  Student Activities Coordinator

  1. No Change

e.  Programming Coordinator

  1. Hats & Stockings
  2. December 3rd, Public Square Lobby, 10am-4pm: a lot of help needed to personalize stocking. The first one is free and all the other s are 2 dollars. Animal print, red, and elf hats. Regular stockings. Motioning next week for that. Google Doc will be sent out soon. Need people with neat handwriting. Extra hats or stocking will be brought to hats and stockings and will cost 2 dollars for the public and donated to Camp Boggy Creek

f.  Secretary

  1. No Report

8.  Old/Unfinished Business

Motion for $815 for Islanders tickets by Robby

Second: Justin

All in favor

Motion Passes

Motion for the necessary funds not to exceed $60 for pizza for walking dead by Jess B.

Second: Anna D.

Discussion: pizza and drinks for free. Watching it on the big screen in hays. Rally towels will be given out during trivia games. Open doors at 8:30 since it starts at 9pm

Abstain: none

Opposed: none

All in Favor

Motion Passes

9.  New Business

10.  Announcements : clubs might sign in With Anna at the end of the meeting. Gaming club has an interest meeting on Thursday.

As a class the juniors are going to get sister Diane a sweatshirts as well as two people from the midnight runs from their personal funds.

Presidents Christmas party Dec 4th. We should all get individual invitations. Starts at 5pm

6 months till graduation

11.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:21pm by MaryKate M.

Second: Tracey B.

Abstain: none

Opposed: none

All in favor

Motion passes