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"There's Nothing Stronger Than The Heart Of A Volunteer"
Council Website: District Website:
A monthly publication of the Roadrunner District of the Longhorn Council of Boy Scouts of America. Roundtable is held at St. Phillips Presbyterian, located off of Precinct Line & Pipeline, starting in August 2002.
October, November and December 2002 Calendar Dates
October 200204-06 - Lodge 50th Anniversary Conclave
05 – Tiger Cub Adventure Day
Cub Scout Fall Festival
Council Team Extreme Race
Charter Pickup and Training
12 – Scoutmaster Specifics Training
Cub Specific & Essentials Training
Cub Scout Fall Festival
19 - Cub Scout Fall Festival
23 – A Taste Of Scouting – New National
Scout Museum
25 – Rocking Chair Campout
26 - Cub Scout Fall Festival
Cub Derby Days @ TCC / November 2002
01-03 – Council Camporee
06 – Youth Protection Training
09 – University Of Scouting
16-17 – District Cub Shootout
16 – Re-Charter Turn-In
JLT-Brownsea Training / December 2002
04 – Youth Protection Training
06-08 – Roadrunner Rendezvous
14 – Cub Scout Trout-O-Ree
28 – CUB-O 2002
28-31 – Twin Arrow-JLT
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Asst. District Chairman
Gloria Coyle 817-283-7148
Schedule FOS Presentation for 2003
As your unit is planning your pack meeting dates and troops are planning Courts of Honor dates, don't forget to include a FOS Presentation Date, Bill Jesse will be our FOS chairman.
Some Packs and Troops kept continually changing meeting dates and therefore FOS presentation dates as well. When you keep changing dates, you will lose interest from the boys and their parents. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Reminder To Units - Show-n-Sell Campaign
Friday Oct 4 is for those who don't have product to return, you will pay at the council office, with one check. The amount is on the sheet you received at the warehouse. That is with 25% commission. Oct. 5 is for those who DO have product to return. This will be at the same warehouse where the product was picked up. The hours are from 9am-12pm. Please bring one blank check with you to pay. They will figure out the amount there at the returns. Don't forget full cases of product to be returned.
If you have any questions on the amount to pay please call Kathy at the council office 817-624-5505 ask for Kathy. Or email her at I don't not have the amount you will owe.
Hope all did well. Thanks JaDonn
"Keeping the Promise"
This past spring family camping, Pack 320 Cubmaster, Keith Howard and Committee Chair, Yolanda Howard promised to shave his head and dye her hair blue (respectively) at the first Fall Pack meeting if our pack met our profit goal of $1000 at Show and Sell popcorn fundraiser this summer. Well, we did and they did! We are glad to report this positive story of "keeping your promise" an important moral of the story to our scouts.
Denice Taylor, Pack 320 Show and Sell Coordinator
District Commissioner
Dave Kaiser 817-354-5147
Re-Charter Time is Here AGAIN!!!
Charter Pickup and Training:
Saturday, October 5 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Place: St. Philip Presbyterian Church (corner of Pipeline and Precinct Line Road)
Charter Turn-In
Saturday, November 16 9:00 am to Whenever Done
Place: St. Philip Presbyterian Church
Pat Wax 817-571-6776
Remember our district goal is to have 100% of all registered adults trained for their specific positions.
Cub Specific & Essentials Training: The Roadrunner and Trailblazer Districts will hold a joint training on October 12th. The location will be at Northside Church of the Nazarene, 6750 Denton Highway, Watauga. No childcare will be available. Please contact Linda Jones @ 817-267-5818 or check our website as well for further information.
Rocking Chair – Scoutmaster Specific training will be held on October 12th. Outdoor Leader Skills weekend will be held at Hills and Hollow in Denton, on October 26th and 27th. Please contact John Lawrence at 817-283-5079 for further information.
Fast Start training is the first step for any new volunteer and will help them get started and lay the groundwork for their leadership roles. Fast Start may be presented to your unit by the person in your pack or troop who is the designated Cub Pack Trainer or Boy Scout Troop Trainer. If your unit needs a tape, please have your trainer or Committee Chairman contact Pat Wax.
Junior Leader Training (JLT) – Brown Sea, a district level training for Boy Scouts will be held at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch on the weekend of November 16th. All registrations are due by October 18th. Please contact Marty Wax @ 817-571-6776 for further information.
Twin Arrow (JLT), a council level training for Boy Scouts will be held at Shuman Scout Ranch. Course #TA148 – 12/28/02 to 12/31/02 the Course Director is Ken Wardel. Course #TA150- 3/8/03 to 3/11/03 the Course Director is Bill Pinkerton.
Course #TA151- 3/13/03 to 3/16/03 the Course Director is Carl Weber. As Scoutmaster, you must recommend and send in applications for your Junior Leaders.
University Of Scouting will be held on November 9th at the TCC South Campus. Please check the council website for further information.
Outdoor Webelos Leadership Participants
Twenty three people attended Outdoor Webelos Leader (OWL) training on September 21-22 at Hills & Hollows in Denton. The break down was Twelve from Roadrunner, ten from Lakeview and one from Frontier Trails. Way to go Roadrunner! My great staff sent home a bunch of excited Webelos leaders who now know how to take Webelos on overnight campouts. Many thanks a terrific OWL staff of Brenda West, Mike West, Linda Jones, Phil Jones, Pat Browder, Bob Browder, John Lawrence, Donna Hodgson, Jamie McCallum, Peter Riddlebarger, Pat Hadley, Tim Gruver and Gordon Doggett. They sure made my job look easy.
Mark Crowley, OWL Course Director, Fall 2002.
Rocking Chair-Scoutmaster Fundamentals
Does your unit have 100% trained leaders???
Rocking Chair starts Oct 12!!!!!!
Scoutmasters Specific Training
Saturday, October 12 – 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM
First Baptist Church of Bedford, 2045 Bedford Rd.
Friday, October 25, 6:00 PM to Sunday October 27, Noon
Hill & Hollows Scout Camp, Denton
Applications are available at Roundtable and at the Bedford Scout Shop. For information or questions call John Lawrence at 817-283-5079 or by email
Fast Start training is the first step for any new volunteer and will help them get started and lay the groundwork for their leadership roles. Fast Start may be presented to your unit by the person in your pack or troop who is the designated Cub Pack Trainer or Boy Scout Troop Trainer. If your unit needs a tape, please have your trainer or Committee Chairman contact Pat Wax.
Special awards (Knots) are available for all leaders who complete training, tenure, and performance requirements. These awards are given by our Longhorn Council and presented at our monthly roundtable. All of the awards require the completion of Fast Start Training, Essentials Training, Basic Leader Training for your position, Youth Protection Training, and participation in roundtables or a pow wow or University of Scouting. One or two years of registered service in the appropriate position is a requirement for each award, and tenure used for one award may not be used for another. After you complete all requirements please make two copies of your form. Keep one and turn in the original and a copy to Pat Wax at roundtable, or you may mail them to my home.
Pat Wax - District Training Chairman
Youth Protection Training
This is the schedule for the rest of this year in the YPT department: November 6th, and December 4th.
All classes are at Saint Philip Presbyterian Church (roundtable site) in the library and will start promptly at 7:00 pm. No one will be admitted more than 10 minutes after the tape has been started.
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize those who attended youth protection training this past month:
Keil Hubert, Theresa Hubert, Amanda Terrice, Johnny Chan, Mark Taylor, C.L. Langston, Mary Linberg, Richard Radtt, Kati Hinds, Jessie Black, Mark Mulligan, John Lawrence, Tim Gruver, and Tracy Magee. Also in attendance was Truman Marshall from the Trailblazer District. We had a tremendous turnout for our first class of the season and I would like to thank all who participated.
Remember, the next class will be held at Saint Philip Presbyterian Church on November 6th at 7:00 pm. Class will be held in the library and no one will be admitted more than ten minutes after the session has started, so please be prompt. Do plan to attend if you are a new leader or in need of renewal.
Hope to see you there.
Joe Robertson Youth Protection Coordinator
(817) 282-6272
Troop Committee Training
Committee members are considered “Trained” once they complete Troop Committee Training, not Scoutmaster Fundamentals. This is a change this year. Those Troop Committees interested in scheduling the training, call Pat Wax at 817-571-6776.
Boy Scout Roundtable
Joe Marsh 817-540-1963
Boy Scout Roundtable, this month will feature our once quarterly Splits, geared to Troop Positions. Scoutmasters will have the opportunity to talk with other Scoutmasters, Committee Chair will have a chance to talk to other Committee Chair, etc.
We will be offering the New Fast Start Video for the old hands who would like to view that in its new and improved format.
We are working to try and have training choices going on each month at Roundtable. Please contact Pat Wax if you are interested in helping her put on trainings at Roundtable.
We intend to offer our normal program plus New Leaders Essentials and Fast Start at times to tie in with Joe Robertson offering Youth Protection on a regular basis. Training available all the time would be very nice.
Yours in Scouting,
Joe Marsh, Roadrunner District
Boy Scout, Roundtable Commissioner
Cub Scout Roundtable
Doug Bhatt 817-267-4970
Hi all you Cub Scouters, I hope all of you enjoyed the topics from last month and find a great benefit from the upcoming breakouts. As I said last month the best way to get the most from Roundtable is to bring at least four members from each of your packs, that way someone can attend each breakout.
Don't forget that we have Cub Scout Program Helps for $2 each. These were 15-30 page books that were geared toward the next months Cub Scout themes. These Program Helps include theme specific ideas such as Prayers & Poems, Leader Hints, Tiger Ideas, Pack/Den Activities, Fun Foods, Games, Webelos program helps, Pre-Opening Activities, Opening Ceremonies, Audience Participation Skits, Regular Skits, Stunts & Cheers, Songs, Advancement Ideas, Closing Ceremonies, and Web Links.
BSTBP--Doug Bhatt
LDS Roundtable Breakouts
Alden Breinholt - Michele Haynes
817 581-2953 817 284-3153
Looks like most of the Cub packs are getting off to a good start this year with a good measure of participation from the boys and leaders. The 11 year old Scouts had a rare opportunity Sept. 28 when they attended the Stake Merit Badge College with the Troops in our stake. Thank youto the Stake YM Presidency. Final note: Please extend a warm welcome to our newest LDS Unit Commissioner over Cub Scouts, Tammy Merrell
LDS Cub Scouts: LDS Cub and Troop Roundtable Breakouts will resume the same schedule as last year in conjunction with the traditional Roundtable meetings. As always every first Thursday of each month.
LDS Roundtable: Start time: 7:00pm
District Roundtable: Start time: 7:30 pm
Mike Stevens 817-685-0461
2003 Registration Fee Increase
Effective January 1, 2003, the Boy Scouts of America will increase its annual registration fee from $7 to $10 for traditional members. This increase will affect youth and adults registering in packs, troops, teams, crews, and ships, as well as council employees and council and district volunteers.
The $10 prorated fee will be effective for any traditional membership (recharter, new, additional registration, etc.) with a membership effective date of January 1, 2003, or later. For membership with an effective date of December 1, 2002, the $7 prorated fee will apply.
The future success of the Scouting movement depends on its continued ability to provide local councils with the highest level of service possible. This increase will ensure that the support needed will be there as you deliver the promise of Scouting to the youth of your communities.
Boy Scout Advancement
John Lawrence 817-283-5079
New Eagle Project And
Eagle Board Of Review Procedures
There are two copies of the new procedures in the Boy Scouts Troop folders. The largest changes if that the Eagle Project approvals and Eagle Boards will once again be held once a month, on the fourth Thursday. See the procedures for details and deadlines. Make sure to share with information with your Life Scouts, so that they may plan accordingly.
New Eagles
The Eagle’s Nest now numbers 26 for the year!!! Congratulations to the district’s new Eagles.
Sherif Dewshi Troop 758
Danish Moti Troop 758
Samuel Sheridan Troop 250
Eric Andress Troop 250
James Cutforth Troop 757
Eagle Information and Procedures
The following items may be obtained by automated email. Eagle Project and Board of Review Procedures
Eagle Candidate Information and Forms. Send a blank email to , in the Subject line put Procedures for item #1 or Forms for item #2. Please share this procedure with your Life Scouts and Troop Leaders.
To schedule an Eagle Project Pre-certification or Eagle Board of Review – Call John Lawrence at
817-283-5079 or by email at .
Order of the Arrow
Jeff Doggett 817-692-3435
I want to remind everyone of the 50th Anniversary Conclave Oct 4-6 at Worth Ranch. If anyone is interested in going I have ticket for $20 which includes a collectable back patch. If you would like to come out just for Saturday you can by a ticket there for $10.
We are taking nominations for chapter officers. We will be having elections in November. If anyone is interested in running please contact Jeffrey Doggett.
Jeffrey Doggett - Wopalone Chapter Adviser