Dagstuhlseminar: Preliminary Program – Draft

Monday: 21.07. 2003

Seminar Opening
845 - 900 / Peter M. Athanas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Jürgen Becker, Universität Karlsruhe
Gordon Brebner, Xilinx Inc., USA
Hossam ElGindy; University of New South Wales, Australia
Opening Keynote - Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Becker , Universität Karlsruhe
900 - 1000 / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner W. Hartenstein , Universität Kaiserslautern
“A Mead-&-Conway-like Break-Through is Overdue”
1000 - 1030 /


Session 1 – Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing.Reiner W. Hartenstein , Universität Kaiserslautern
1030 - 1100 / Gordon Brebner , Xilinx Inc.
“Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures for Message Processing”
1100 - 1130 / Prof. Jim Tørresen , Universitetet i Oslo
“Context Switching Reconfigurable Logic”
1130 - 1200 / Peter M. Athanas , Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
“User Adaptable Secure Wireless Platform”
1200 - 1230 / ?
1230 - 1400 /


Session 2 – Chair: Prof. Peter Athanas , Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1400 - 1430 / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Becker , Universität Karlsruhe
“Multigrain System-on-Chip Adaptivity: Requirement and Perspective”
1430 - 1500 / Martin Vorbach , PACT XPP Technologies AG
“Enhanced Reconfigurable Architectures for Mobile Phones and PDA's”
1500 - 1530 /


Session 3 – Chair: Dr.Wayne Luk , Imperial College London
1530 - 1600 / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich , Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
“ReCoNets - Networks of Reconfigurable Nodes and Interconnect”
1600 - 1630 / Dr. Markus Weinhardt , PACT XPP Technologies AG
“Programming Tools for the Pact XPP Architecture”
1630 -1700 / ?
1700 - 1730 / ?
Evening Discussions

Tuesday: 22.07.2003

Session 4 – Chair: Prof. Hossam El Gindy , University of New South Wales
845 - 915 / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Waldschmidt , Universität Frankfurt
“What reconfiguration can learn from parallel architectures and vice versa: - The SDAARC architecture –“
915 - 945 / Dr. Sergej Sawitzki , Philips Research Laboratories
“Architecture Template and Design Flow to support Parallel Processing via Reconfigurable Computing”
945 - 1015 / ?
1015 - 1045 /


Session 5 – Chair: Dr. Gordon Brebner , Xilinx Inc.
1045 - 1115 / Prof. Peter M. Athanas , Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
“User Adaptable Secure Wireless Platform”
1115 - 1145 / Dr. Paul Master , Quicksilver Technology
“Adaptive Algorithms/Network Processing”
1145 - 1215 / ?
1215 -1400 /


Session 6 – Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich , Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
1400 - 1430 / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Hardt , Technische Universität Chemnitz
“An Approach for Dynamic Interface Reconfiguration”
1430 - 1500 / Prof. Sanjay Rajopadhye , Colorado State University
“A Dynamically-switchted Interconnect for Systems-on-a-Chip”
1500 - 1530 / ?
1530 - 1600 /


Session 7 – Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Waldschmidt , Universität Frankfurt
1600 - 1630 / Dr. Bernd Klauer , Universität Frankfurt
“The SDAARC Architecture: Programming and Compiling Techniques”
1630 - 1700 /
1700 - 1730 /
Evening Discussions

Wednesday: 23.07.2003

Session 8 – Chair: Prof. Hans Christoph Zeidler , Universität der Bundeswehr
845 - 915 / Dr. Wayne Luk , Imperial College London

“Customising Processors: Design-time and Run-time Opportunities”

915 - 945 / Dr. Marco Platzner , ETH Zürich

“Reconfigurable Operating Systems”

945 - 1015 / ?
1015 - 1045 /


Session 9 – Chair: Prof. Neil W. Bergmann , The University of Queensland
1045 - 1115 / Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Franz J. Rammig , C-LAB, Paderborn, Germany

"Modelling Reconfigurable Computing

Using Reconfigurable Higher Level Petri Nets"
1115 - 1145 / Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Oppold , Universität Tübingen

“Processor-like Reconfigurable Hardware”

1145 - 1215 / ?
1215 - 1400 /


1400 –1730 /

Social Event: Hiking

Evening Discussions

Thursday: 24.07.2003

Session 10 – Chair: Dr. Christian Hochberger , Universität Rostock
845 - 915 / Prof. Neil W. Bergmann , The University of Queensland

“Reconfigurable System-on-Chip for Real-Time Systems”

915 - 945 / Prof. Heiko Schröder , Royal Melbourne Institute

“Reconfigurable Computing On-board Small Satellites”

945 - 1015 / Dipl.-Ing Thilo Pionteck, Darmstadt University of Technology
Function-Specific Reconfigurable Architectures for Wireless Comm. Systems
1015 - 1045 /


Session 15 – Chair: Prof. Dr. Martin Middendorf , Universität Leipzig
1045 - 1115 / Uwe Tangen , BioMIP

“Progress in Digital Evolution: Largest 4-Bit Multipier Evoluing using Reconfigurable Hardware”

1115 - 1145 / Dr. John Snowdon , Heriot-Watt University
“Status of Information Photonics and its Impact on Reconfigurable Architectures”
1145 - 1215 / Dr. Elena Trichina , University of Kuopio
“Experiment in Programming Coarse-Grained Reconfirgurable Processor
(A Case Study for a Beamforming Algorithm)”
1215 - 1400 /


Session 12 – Chair: Dr. Andreas Koch , TU Braunschweig
1400 - 1430 / Prof. Milan Vasilko , University of Bournemouth
  • “Design Automation for Reconfigurable Systems: Developing EDA Solutions for Uncertain Target Platforms and Applications”

1430 - 1500 / Dr. Theodore Marescaux , IMEC
“Operating Systems and Application Design for Reconfig. Systems on Chip”
1500 - 1530 / Jozsef Vasarhelyi , University of Miskolc
Perturbation Generated by the Reconfiguration Process of control Systems
1530 - 1600 /


Session 13 – Chair: Dr. Markus Weinhardt , PACT XPP Technologies AG
1600 - 1630 / Dr. Toomas Plaks , South Bank University
“Adaptive Modules” (tentative title)
1630 - 1700 / Dr. Damian Dalton , University College Dublin

“FPGA's as a Processor Technology”

1700 - 1730 / ?
Evening Discussions

Friday: 25.07.2003

Session 14 – Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Hardt , Technische Universität Chemnitz
845 - 915 / Prof. Andrej Zemva , University of Ljubljana

“Configurable Systems for Video and Image Processing”

915 - 945 / Dipl.-Ing. Adronis Niyonkuru , Universität der Bundeswehr
“Evaluation of Runtime Reconfiguration for General Purpose Computing”
945 - 1015 / Bernd Scheuermann , Universität Karlsruhe
“FPGA Implementation of Population-based Ant Colony Optimization”
1015 - 1045 /


Session 11 – Chair: Dr. Marco Platzner , ETH Zürich
1045 - 1115 / Dr. Markus Weinhardt , PACT XPP Technologies AG

“Programming Tools for the Pact XPP Architecture”

1115 - 1145 / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer G. Spallek , TU Dresden

“Compilation for Reconfigurable Architectures”

1145 - 1215 / ?
Closing Remarks
1215 - 1230 / Peter M. Athanas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Jürgen Becker, Universität Karlsruhe
Gordon Brebner, Xilinx Inc., USA

Hossam ElGindy; University of New South Wales, Australia

1230 /
