HIST 1302 N. A. Biehler
Chapter 29 -- Vietnam and the Limits of Power, 1961-1975
1.Trace the background of the French involvement in Vietnam and determine how the Americans came to be involved.
2.How did Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy support the French and later, follow-up in Southeast Asia?
- Develop an understanding of Lyndon Johnson's foreign policy background and beliefs.
- What were the long-range implications of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
- Examine the impact of The Pentagon Papers on American support for U.S. decisions in Southeast Asia.
- How did President Nixon’s response to the crisis in Vietnam challenge our peacekeeping role worldwide?
- Discuss the failures of American foreign policy in Vietnam. How effective was Johnson's policy in Vietnam -- what choices did he have in lieu of prior administration policy?
- Why did we fail in Southeast Asia?
Chapter 30 – America Moves to the Right, 1969-1989
1.Analyze Richard Nixon and his presidency. Trace the evolution of his political and leadership style from pre-presidential days through his administrations.
2.Describe the policy and results of Nixon's policy to end the war in Vietnam.
3.Trace the events of the Watergate controversy. Why did Nixon feel compelled to engage in deceitful politics?
4.Analyze the impact of the Watergate controversy on the American political system.
5.Explain the causes and consequences of the great inflation of the 1970s.
6.List and explain the factors that contributed to the decline of detente and the renewal of the Cold War atmosphere in the late 1970s.
- How did Ford further erode public confidence when he became President?
- What campaign commitments did Jimmy Carter make, if any? How effective was his presidency?
- What were Carter's weaknesses and Reagan's strengths in the 1980
10.Discuss Reagan's Cold War stance toward the Soviet Union and the escalation in the arms race.
11.Evaluate Reagan's policy toward the Middle East and Latin America. Determine what gains the huge buildup in defense made.
12.Discuss the federal budget deficit and the trade deficit. Determine why they were harmful to the economic health of the nation, what solutions were offered and evaluate the success of those solutions.
Chapter 31 – End of the Cold War and the Challenges of Globalization, since 1989
- Examine the end of the Cold War, as communism gave way to freedom in countries all over the world.
- Discuss the short-term and long-term effects of the Persian Gulf War, its impact on Bush's presidency and America's foreign policy.
- Describe the shifting patterns of population from the 1960s to the present. How have they affected African Americans, Asian Americans, and Mexican Americans?
- Evaluate the progress women have made in the recent decade.
- Evaluate the face of change in America with respect to the American family, Gay rights, the AIDS epidemic and increasing drug usage.
- What circumstances created the right climate for a Democratic victory in 1992?
- What kind of evaluation would you give President Clinton in the waning days of his administration?