Academic Year 2003-2004


The Master of Science (MS) Degree in “Mechanical Engineering”, granted by the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), is offered at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (UTV), Italy.

The Master of Science Degree is organized jointly by the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (UTV), within the framework of the Agreement between the two Universities (UIC and UTV). Two specializations are offered: “Thermal and Fluids Engineering” and “Energy Engineering”.

The courses for the Master of Science Degree will be offered in Rome by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (UTV). The courses are taught in English by Professors of foreign and Italian Universities. At the end of the courses the students must carry out a research project and prepare a final thesis at the Master of Science level. The Master of Science Thesis will be defended at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, USA.

For further information, please contact the Agreement Coordinator:

Prof. Fabio Gori

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica

Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"

Via del Politecnico 1

00133 ROMA - Italy


Tel: (+39) 06 7259 7129

Fax: (+39) 06 2021351


The Master of Science Degree program is open to applicants with a University Degree in a scientific field, equivalent to the European Degree of three years (or Italian Laurea of the new system) or to the European Degree of five years (or Italian Laurea Specialistica of the new system). The Italian Laurea of five years (old system) is considered equivalent to the Degree of five years for the admission purpose.

The students must be fluent in English and they are required to hold the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), with a score equal or above 213, prior to receive the MS Degree. Applicants with the Degree taken in an English speaking country are exempted from the TOEFL certificate.



A limited number of scholarships will be available, for both Italian and non-Italian applicants, depending on contest placements, number of qualified applicants and sponsorship from related Institutions. The “Tuition and fees scholarship” can cover partially the expenses for tuition and fees. The “Transfer to Chicago scholarship” can cover, partially or entirely, the expenses of the applicant to defend the Thesis in Chicago.

Admission, tuition and fees

The applicants with a three years Degree must apply and register to the Corso di Perfezionamento in “Trasmissione del calore, Analisi dinamica e Controllo di sistemi Termomeccanici”, (TACT), at the total cost of 500 € for the Academic Year 2003-2004. Information on the Corso di Perfezionamento “TACT” can be found on the web site of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”:

The applicants with a five years Degree must apply and register to the “MAster of Second level in Termofluidodinamica”, (MAST), at the total cost of 600 € for the Academic Year 2003-2004. Information on the Master “MAST” can be found on the web site of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”:

The applications will be selected by a Committee chaired by the Program Coordinator, Prof. F. Gori.

Tuition and general fees for the Master of Science Degree (UIC) will be charged at the nominal fee for Illinois residents. For the Academic Year 2003-2004 the total expenses for the admission to the fall semester of 2003-2004 are approximately 3,800 USD. Further information for tuition and fees admission to the Master of Science Degree at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” can be addressed at Prof. F. Gori or directly at:

Ms. Iris Torres, Graduate Secretary of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at UIC ;

with cc to :

William M. Worek, Professor and Head,

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,

Director of Energy Resources Center, 851 South Morgan Street,

University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7054

E-mail: , Direct Nos. (312) 996-5610,

Centre Nos. (312) 996-4490 Fax (312) 996-5620.


Deadlines for the admission to UIC:

First Semester (Fall semester 2004 at UIC), March 8 th, 2004,

applications should be given personally to Prof. F. Gori, March 15th, 2004, applications should arrive to UIC. Courses will start on September 27th, 2004 and they will be completed approximately within December 17th, 2004.

Second Semester: courses will resume at the beginning of 2005 after the applicants have completed the payment of the Tuition and fees of the second semester.

Deadlines for the admission to UTV. Within September 17th, 2004.

Application to the Master “MAST”, or to the Corso di Perfezionamento, “TACT”, should be sent to Prof. F. Gori via e-mail: . The admission to MAST or TACT will be communicated to the applicant as soon as it is approved, up to a maximum of 20 applicants, on the base of the dates of application and acceptance. The payment of the registration, 600 € for MAST and 500€ for TACT, must be completed from September 1st to September 24th. Lectures will start on September 27th.

Thesis defense at UIC

The defense of the Thesis for the Master of Science Degree, UIC, is planned at UIC, Chicago, in the Fall of 2005 with the possibility to postpone it.

Thesis defense at UTV

The defense of the Thesis for the Master, MAST, or for the Corso di Perfezionamento, TACT, of UTV, is planned in Rome in the Fall of 2005.

Courses offered at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. During the Academic Year 2003-2004 the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” will offer six courses among the following list, depending on availability of the teaching Professors:

- Convective Heat Transfer

- Thermal and Fluid Dynamics Measurements

- Special Topics in Thermal and Fluid Dynamics

- Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow

- Advanced Thermodynamics: Refrigeration Engineering

- Two Phase Heat Transfer

- Heat Conduction

- Fundamentals of Turbulence

- Thermal Radiation

- Viscous Flows

- Combustion

- Energy Engineering

- Heat Transfer in micro systems

- Heat Transfer in biological systems

Note: the Program will be activated only with a minimum number of registrations.


During the Academic Year 2002-2003 the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” offered the following six courses:

- Convective Heat Transfer

- Thermal and Fluid Dynamics Measurements

- Topics in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics

- Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow

- Two Phase Heat Transfer

- Refrigeration Thermodynamics and Engineering

Abstract of the results of 2002-2003.

The students admitted to the MS in the Academic Year 2002-2003 defended with success their Master of Science Thesis at the UIC, in Chicago, at the beginning of 2004.