
America's Job Bank This job bank posts thousands of new jobs daily from all across the U.S.

Analyze Your Career

This site contains an extensive free career and college search database. For a membership fee students can also take personality, occupation, and aptitude inventories to assist them in making the perfect career match.

Association for Career and Technical Education The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education associationdedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers.


A great website for the job ready graduate. Job Seekers can post resumes, build their personal portfolio, turn it into a personal website all in a matter of minutes. Search jobs and submit your resume directly to the companies that interest you.

The #1 job entry website. Get help with Job Preparation, Career Info, Job Search Advice, Resumes, Cover Letters, Employer Research, Job Postings, Interview Prep, Salaries, Job Offers, and finding a new job.

Introducing Career Clusters

“It’s never too early to start learning about earning!” Six Power Point lessons on CD ROM with classroom and school wide activities for introducing the six career clusters to fifth and sixth graders, by Etta Zasloff.

This site interviews students in order to recommend the top six majors likely to be of interest to them. It considers the students' actual high school experiences, as well as their preferences and values. The majors are selected from the most common, generic 70 majors (such as art, biology, computer science) offered at four-year colleges and universities. Further information about the majors is also provided.

Occupational Outlook Handbook The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. Revised every twoyears, the Handbook describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations. This comprehensive publication and search guide gives students the opportunity to search careers by job title or by career cluster. It is publication of and direct link to the US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS

School to Careers

School to Careers is a career development project for 7-12th grade students, educators and parents. Through video, Web and interactive activities students are introduced to career professionals, projects and ideas that help them identify their interests and plan for their futures. Over 200 career professionals are profiled on the Web. Through discussion boards and interactive activities students gain a realistic portrait of a variety of career pathways.

The Career Key The Career Key will help you in choosing a career, a college major; changing a career; and career planning. It includes a professional career test that measures students’ skills, abilities, values, interests, and personality. Identify promising jobs and get accurate information about them.


How to Interview Like a Top MBA: Job-Winning Strategies from Career Counselors, Recruiters, and Fortune 100 Executives Shelly Leanne

Interview Strategies That Will Get You the Job You Want by Andrea Kay

Job Skills for the 21st Century A Guide for Students by Lawrence K. Jones

What's Your Career?

by Clyde Ekbom, Ed.D.

Here is an extension of the What's Your Story? card sort to help students make career choices. Begin by using the "people" cards from What's Your Story? Ask the students to select cards to represent working family members and significant others. Discuss these people to determine the authentic basis upon which each person builds an existence--and a career. Shift to the student’s life, asking which wedge of the life orientation pie--people, ideas, experiences, or facts--best applies. Colorful charts and cards are used to clarify occupational interests. Follow up

information can be obtained from O*Net Online or the Occupational Outlook Handbook. The kit contains an instructional manual, full color charts and cards.