Revised 1/21/11
II. Student Learning Outcomes and Instructional Support Services
A. Student Learning Outcomes
1) Please describe the process(es) your program employs in developing student learning outcomes and assessment plans.
Discussion and analysis:
I&T division faculty members develop SLOs as they are revising and modifying Course Outlines. SLOs are reviewed and approved by Industry Advisory Committees, Industry Educators, and faculty within the discipline before being submitted to the CurricUNET system for approval. SLO Assessment Plans are developed by full time faculty members. In the unique instance of a full time faculty member and an adjunct faculty member teaching the same course with the same SLOs, the full time faculty member introduces the assessments to be used to the adjunct faculty member. If an adjunct faculty member is the only instructor teaching the course, a full time faculty member is assigned to develop and manage SLOs and Assessment Plan with that instructor.
2) Please list course name and SLO assessment progress for each course including the development of learning outcomes, assessment plans, results analyzed and dialogue complete. Also include the last date the course outline was updated. (Note: all courses should be updated a minimum of every 5 years) (Place an “X” in all columns completed for each course)
(the entries in tables are for example purposes only!)
Course Number & Name / Date Last Updated / Learning Outcomes Developed / Assessment Plans Developed / Assessment Plans Analyzed / SLO Dialogue Response PlanAERO
AERO210 / 5/11/11 / X / X / X
AERO211 / 5/11/11 / X / X / X
AERO212 / 5/11/11 / X / X / X
AERO213 / 5/11/11 / X / X / X
AERO214 / 5/11/11 / X / X / X
AERO215 / 5/11/11 / X / X / X
ARCH010 / 1-30-09 / X / X / X
ARCH011 / 1-30-09 / X / X / X
ARCH013 / 1-16-09 / X / X / X
ARCH014 / 1-16-09 / X / X / X
ARCH020 / 4-10-08 / X / X / X
ARCH021 / 10-2-09 / X / X / X
ARCH070 / 9-5-08 / X / X / X
ARCH071 / 9-5-08 / X / X / X
ARCH120 / 3-31-08 / X / X / X
ARCH121AC / 3-27-09 / X / X / X
ARCH130 / 3-24-08 / X / X / X
ARCH133 / 1-16-09 / X / X / X
ARCH134 / 1-16-09 / X / X / X
ARCH151AD / 10-22-09 / X / X / X
ARCH160 / 8-28-09 / X / X / X
ARCH161AD / 11-2-10 / X / X / X
ARCH162 / 2-6-09 / X / X / X
ARCH163 / 10-20-09 / X / X / X
ARCH190AD / 11-13-09 / X / X / X
ARCH251AD / 11-6-09 / X / X / X
AUTO 130 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 131 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 132 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 133 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 134 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 135 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 136 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 137 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 138 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 142 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 143 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO 190AD / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO253AD / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO254 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO255 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO256 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO262AD / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO263AD / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO264AD / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO265 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO267 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
AUTO269 / 3/1/2006 / X / X / X
CT100 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT101 / In Cnet / X / X / X
CT105 / 4/11/11 / X / X / X
CT109 / 6/13/11 / X / X / X
CT214 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT215 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
CT218 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT219 / 6/13/11? / X / X / X
CT130 / 6/13/11 / X / X / X
CT132 / 5/09/11 / X / X / X
CT250 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT160 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT161 / IN Cnet / X / X / X
CT162 / IN Cnet / X / X / X
CT271 / 4/11/11 / X / X / X
CT272 / 10/11/10 / X / X / X
CT273 / 10/11/10 / X / X / X
C274 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
CT275 / IN Cnet / X / X / X
CT276 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT180 / N/A
CT205 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
CT270 / 6/21/10 / X / X / X
DRFT016AD / 3-9-07 / X / X / X
DRFT112 / 3-9-07 / X / X / X
DRFT113 / 3-9-07 / X / X / X
DRFT114 / 3-9-07 / X / X / X
DRFT115 / 3-9-07 / X / X / X
DRFT151AD / 10-15-07 / X / X / X
DRFT190AD / 1-16-07 / X / X / X
DRFT251AD / 10-17-07 / X / X / X
ECT 200 / 10/13/2009 / X / X
ECT 201 / 10/13/2008 / X / X
ECT 260 / 06/21/2010 / X / X
ECT 261 / 11/03/2008 / X / X
ECT 262 / 06/09/2008 / X / X
ECT 263 / 10/13/2010 / X / X
ECT265 / 4/20/2010 / X / X / X
ECT266 / 5/07/2008 / X / X / X
ECT 280 / 10/13/2008 / X / X / X
ECT 281 / 11/13/2008 / X / X / X
ECT 282 / 11/03/2008 / X / X / X
ITEC 241 / 11/03/2008 / X / X / X
ITEC 242 / 11/03/2008 / X / X / X
ELEC160AC / 9/1/2010 / X / X
ET 200 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET 201 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET 202 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET 203 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET 204 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET 205 / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET 220 / 11/3/08 / X / X / X
ET206AB / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
ET207AB / 3/14/11 / X / X / X
GD159 / 9-4-08 / X / X / X
GD160 / 1-29-10 / X / X / X
GD161AD / 3-26-09 / X / X / X
GD162AD / 3-21-09 / X / X / X
GD163AD / 3-21-09 / X / X / X
GD164AD / 7-23-09 / X / X / X
GD190AD / 11-13-09 / X / X / X
GD251AD / 11-6-09 / X / X / X
GD151AD / 10-22-09 / X / X / X
IT210 / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT211AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT212AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT220 / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT221AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT222AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT223AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT230AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT231AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT232AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT233AC / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT190AD / 9-1-2010 / X / X
IT251AD / 9-1-2010 / X / X
ITEC100 / 5/5/2006 / x / x
ITEC101 / 5/5/2006 / x / x
ITEC105ad / 3/2/2011 / x / x
ITEC216AD / 11/03/08 / X / X
ITEC220 / 6/21/110 / X / X
ITEC221 / 6/21/10 / X / X
ITEC274 / 1/28/2011 / X / X
ITEC276 / 4/22/2010 / X / X
ITEC280 / 4/14/2008 / X / X
ITEC281 / 4/14/2008 / X / X
ITEC300 / 6/09/2008 / X / X
ITEC302 / 6/09/2008 / X / X
ITEC304 / 6/09/2008 / X / X
WELD 105 AC / 4/10/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 106 AD / 4/8/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 161 / 3/9/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 162 / 2/10/2011 / X / X / X
WELD 171 / 6/21/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 172 / 2/4/2011 / X / X / X
WELD 175 / 6/21/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 276 AC / 2/12/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 273 / 3/10/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 274 / 6/21/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 275 / 4/10/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 264 / 6/21/2010 / X / X / X
WELD 181 / 6/21/2010 / X / X / X
3) Please describe assessments and results for SLOs of courses. Please include the data from the assessments. Include the assessments identified in your previous Annual Updates.
(the entries in tables are for example purposes only!)
Course Number, Name & Learning Outcome / Assessments(include dates of assessments) / Assessment Results
AERO 210 safely and effectively operate aircraft by demonstrating mastery of the following flight operations to private pilot helicopter standards: preflight preparation, airport and heliport operations, hovering maneuvers,
takeoffs, landings and go-arounds, performance maneuvers, navigation, emergency operations, special
operations and post-flight procedures. / Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). / Success rate for this exam was 97%.
AERO 211Demonstrate through written tests, practical tests, and appropriate records, that he/she meets the
knowledge, skill, and experience requirements necessary to obtain a Private Pilot Certificate. / Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). / Success rate for this exam was 95%.
AERO 212 pass a written exam on aeromedical factors as applied to instrument flight, attitude instrument flying
technique, radio instrumentation and navigation systems introduction. / Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). / Success rate for this exam was 98%.
AERO 213 Given a helicopter, the student will perform the approved areas of operation for an instrument rating to an FAA designated examiner. The flight shall be conducted to the FAA approved standards for instrument pilot helicopter. The student must demonstrate mastery of the aircraft while operating under IFR with the
successful outcome of each task performed never seriously in doubt; demonstrate sound judgment and aeronautical decision making and skilled competencies in crew resource management. / Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). / Success rate for this exam was 100%.
AERO 214 Effectively correlate weather information, aircraft performance, knowledge of the national airspace
system and FAA regulations regarding commercial pilot privileges and limitations to demonstrate sound
judgment and effective decision-making as pilot-in-command of a helicopter conducting commercial
operations. / Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). / Success rate for this exam was 97%.
AERO 215 Upon completion of Practial Exam, student will receive additional training to instruct in the Robinson
R-22 and Robinson R-44 aircraft to meet SFAR 73 (Special Federal Aviation Regulation #73 requirements) / Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). / Success rate for this exam was 100%.
ARCH010 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH011 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH013 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH014 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH020 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH021 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH070 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH071 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH120 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH121AC / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH130 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / Course has not been offered as of this date (enrollment challenges)
ARCH133 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / Course has not been offered as of this date (enrollment challenges)
ARCH134 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / Course has not been offered as of this date (enrollment challenges)
ARCH151AD / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH160 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH161AD / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH162 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH163 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH190AD / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
ARCH251AD / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
Auto 130 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 131 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 132 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 133 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 134 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 135 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 136 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 137 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 138 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 142 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
Auto 143 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO 190AD / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO 201AD / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO253AD / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO254 / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO255 / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO256 / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO262AD / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO263AD / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO264AD / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO265 / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO267 / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
AUTO269 / Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT100 / Each student has a portfolio assessment at the completion of the semester. / 80% of the students completing the class completed portfolio work to industry standards.
CT101 / Each student has a portfolio assessment at the completion of the semester. / 80% of the students completing the class completed portfolio work to industry standards.
CT105 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 79%.
CT109 / Students are tested at semester end by comprehensive test related to course content. / New course not yet having been taught.
CT214AB / Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT215 / Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT218 / Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT219 / Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT130 / Students given test at end of semester on course content. / New course not yet taught
CT132 / Students are given test at end of semester on course content / Currently being taught for first time this semester.
CT250 / Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT260 / Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT261 / Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT271 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 79%.
CT272 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 82%.
CT273 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 83%.
CT274 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 81%.
CT275 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 82%.
CT276 / At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. / Success rate for this exam was 85%.
CT205AB / Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. / Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses.
CT270 / Students are tested by answering questions after each text chapter. / Success rate for this exam was 70%.
DRFT016AD / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
DRFT112 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
DRFT113 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
DRFT114 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
DRFT115 / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.
DRFT151AD / Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) / 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards.