Community Advancement Division Council
Meeting Notes
February 9, 2009
Present: Martha Aaron, Jose Anaya, Maryann Cohan, Espie Corrado, Darling Garcia, LauraLee Garinger, Maricela Vital
A scheduled meeting of the Community Advancement Division Council convened at 1:00 p.m. in the Business Training Center, Room 21.
Review of Minutes from January 9, 2009 meeting
Minutes approved as written.
Department Updates
o Workplace Learning Resource Center – Maryann Cohan:
Maritime Training Classes
1) Los Angeles Times is doing an article on an unemployed US veteran who took the Standards for Training Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) class. They took pictures during the CPR/First Aid class and spent 4 hours at the swimming pool on Saturday. The article should appear in the LA Times in a few months.
2) A 32-hour Medical Provider class is scheduled to begin March 3rd. The class will be held at the Business Training Center in Hawthorne and the instructor will be Judith Morgan, R.N. Once certified and approved by the US Coast Guard, the Medical Provider will be a first responder to injury or sickness on a ship.
3) There will be a Lifeboat class on February 17th. In the future, the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) will send individuals for training through the state approved employee training program. This will allow dislocated workers to have the class paid for by the state.
4) STCW class scheduled for February 24th is full.
Solar Power/Wind Generating
1) Mr. Pandolfi has become certified as an instructor for solar power installation.
2) An application for a grant to train students on solar power panel installation will be submitted.
1) Parenting class began on February 9th at the LA Metro Detention Center.
2) The Mock Job Fair will take place at Terminal Island. Inmates prepare resumes and interview with selected employers.
CTE Initiative Hub Grant
1) The scope of the service is targeting the community college level relationship and may be expanded to assist middle and high schools in California to develop authentic curricula pathways that articulate with their community college partners, leading students into successful high-wage, high-skilled career of the future. Melanie Sharp has a statewide role and is working collaboratively with the Chancellor’s Office and all 12 WpLRC directors to be the initiative’s liaison to community colleges and ideally middle schools and high schools.
o Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Darling Garcia:
1) Second Fastener class started at Compton Center with 25 students.
2) In process of submitting a grant application to the Department of Labor for two grants.
3) Received Career Technical Education (CTE) funding for a QuickStart program which introduces middle and high school students to engineering.
4) Recently contacted by Senator Gloria Romero’s office to create an aircraft technician apprenticeship program for high school students.
o Center for International Trade Development – Darling Garcia:
1) Continue to work on International Trade Compliance Institute (ITCI) website.
2) Currently supporting the Governor’s office with market research on the information.
3) Continue to work on several Best Market Reports (BMR).
4) Currently conducting paid export seminars in partnership with the LA Area Chamber of Commerce.
5) Continue to introduce high schools to the International Business Practice firm (IBPF) curriculum.
6) Successfully started a paid US Customs Brokers exam preparation class with 36 students in partnership with the LA Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association.
o Small Business Development Center – LauraLee Garinger:
1) Winter/Spring workshop brochures were mailed in January. They cover classes offered through June 2009.
2) The Caltrans grant is in its second year. The mandatory statewide California Construction Contracting Program (CCCP) meeting will be attended by Star Van Buren and Charles Lowe. CCCP cost-free workshops will be offered from March to June to aid small businesses and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) in bidding on Caltrans and transportation related projects.
3) The SBDC is working with San Pedro Chamber to possibly offer counseling on-site in that area.
4) The new SBDC website will be ready in mid-February and will be hosted by the lead center. A link to this site will be provided on the college website.
o Contract Education & Community Education – Maricela Vital:
Employee Training Panel (ETP)
1) The ETP program is slowly picking-up momentum. Weber Metals, Adel Wiggins Group, Nearfield Systems, Inc. are currently receiving training or have just completed training. An ETP on-site training audit was conducted at Nearfield.
Contract Education
1) City of Redondo Beach continues their ten, eight-hour module training which will continue through 07/30/09.
2) Air New Zealand completed two training courses in January.
California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
1) Program is in full swing at El Camino. Program orientation/information sessions for Compton Center are set for February 11 (5-7 pm) and February 14 (10-11 a.m.) and the classes will start on February 17th.
o Workforce Development – Espie Corrado:
1) The Compton website is ready for page editing per Lew Chin. Ron Way’s NSF grant for Aerospace Manufacturing Education website is live under the Industry and Technology page. The Nursing web page has been updated extensively with new banner images, student and clinical information.
2) In the process of printing the Women in Industry and Technology welding brochures.
3) The Career Placement Services brochure is presently being worked on and will hopefully be printed this year.
4) VTEA surveys will be distributed this month for the spring semester.
Career Placement Services
1) Annual Career Expo and Majors Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22nd.
2) There are on-going resume writing and interviewing skills workshops every month.
3) The CPS office is now in line with most of the Student Services Center by closing Fridays at 1:00 p.m.
4) Tallies for January were: 59 new job postings, 18 new employers and 205 total number of students using services.
Career Technical Education
1) CTE is continuing work on the CTE catalog.
El Camino Language Academy
1) Orientation held on February 3rd. Classes will start on February 9th. Currently 40 students are enrolled.
Women in Industry and Technology/Career Technical Education
1) Change in staff. Idania Reyes has accepted a position with the STEM program as of February 1st. Connie Zandate and Josefina Bedolla will be overseeing the program.
o Budget Updates: The State Budget has still not passed. There will be a four month delay in payment to the college due to cash flow problems. The positive note is the stimulus package from the federal government will benefit community colleges. It will ensure stabilization of funds and infrastructure.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Next meeting: Monday, March 9th from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.