Minute of the Building Stronger Communities Group

held on Thursday, 20th November 2014

Tayside Deaf Hub, 23 Brown Street, Dundee

Present: Alice Bovill - Strathmartine Forum

Alison Anderson - Environment Department

Christina Cooper - Dundee Voluntary Action (for Third Sector Interface)

Gordon Reid - City Development (Planning)

John Hosie - Regeneration & Health

Julie Bruce - Angus Housing Association

Nancy Farquharson- Housing Department

Paul Davies - Dundee Partnership Team

Peter Allan - Community Planning (Chair)

Rena Smith - East End Forum

Ron Neave - North East Forum

In Attendance:

Carole Jenkins - Community Regeneration Team

Doug Rennie - Communities

Natalie Mackland - Community Regeneration Team

Apologies: Alan Bell - City Development (Property Management)

Gladys Ramsay - Lochee Forum

Joyce Barclay - Social Work

Margaret Milne - Maryfield Forum

Maria Deick - Coldside Forum

Mike McLaughlin - City Development (Property Maintenance)

Morna Wilson - Dundee Voluntary Action (for Third Sector Interface)

Neil Gunn - Communities

1. / Introductions & Apologies
Introductions were made. Apologies received are listed above.
Peter thanked Natalie for arranging the more accessible venue at short notice.
2. / Minute of August Meeting
The minute was agreed as accurate.
3. / Community Asset Transfer
Carole provided a verbal update on what is currently happening in relation to asset transfer, summarised below:
·  The Community Empowerment Bill (CEB) is expected to come into force in early 2015
·  Dundee has a Community Asset Transfer Strategy in place, with relevant forms, guidance and a list of ‘surplus to requirements’ properties available online (http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/communities/assettransfer) or directly from Carole
o  Once an application has been progressed to stage 2, the name of the organisation(s) will also be shown online
·  Evaluation / scoring of applications is being developed at present, with Community Benefit receiving a 50% weighting. Other factors include Governance and Financial Viability
·  In most cases there is one application per property, though Kemback Street has attracted nine applications. Carole is meeting with each of these applicants and investigating possible partnership work that could be carried out. The final decision will be taken at Committee by elected members
·  Appeals may be an issue in future, and at present the Scottish Government are deciding where these should be dealt with
·  At present DCC decides what properties are added to the availability list. The CEB may make allowance for communities to approach DCC with ‘participation requests’ in respect to buildings in use that they think could be run better
·  The list at present does have a large range of properties / sites, ranging from a small bothy to large areas of land
·  Applicants also vary widely, from small community groups to national charities
·  Carole plans to deliver briefings to the 3rd Sector via DVA, and will also brief individual groups on request
·  Carole requested that group members take a look at the documentation available and provide feedback on it to her, as changes can still be made for clarity or to correct any omissions
Discussion on the topic followed, with the main points summarised below:
·  A query was raised over what information the Committee will receive to assist with making a decision on the Kemback Street site
o  They will be provided with information on the risks and potential benefits of each application. The group that oversees asset transfer may also make a recommendation to Committee
o  Clear guidance on asset transfer will also be provided to councillors, with some having already attended a briefing, and others already being supportive of some applications
·  Letters of support have been requested from some forums and other community groups. In these cases it will be useful to have full information before expressing support
·  Regeneration Staff are expected to provide objective support to groups in relation to asset transfer applications. DVA can also provide additional support to groups, and Community Ownership Support Scotland (http://www.dtascommunityownership.org.uk/) are also offering workshops
·  Some complications arise when groups do decide to work in partnership. In particular they need to decide what ‘legal entity’ applies for the asset transfer
·  Funding for asset transfers can come from ‘the usual sources’ i.e. The Big Lottery, Trust funds, etc.
John agreed to provide updates on asset transfer as part of future Local Community Planning updates / All
4. / West End Ward Presentation
Natalie gave a presentation on progress, activities and challenges in the West End. The main points are summarised below;
·  Has continued commitment from Partners, including four community and one voluntary sector representatives
·  Good links are made with the wider community, largely through the community representatives, with issues identified usually being championed from within the community
·  Of the actions in the Local Community Plan, 48 are complete, 20 on schedule, and 13 behind schedule. Partners outside of DCC need to be encouraged to take more ownership of some items
·  The Plan was reviewed in April, with some changes being made. Not all themes are progressing well, with Health & Wellbeing in particular proving difficult
DP Community Regeneration Funding
·  The £10k that was agreed for 2014-15 has been allocated to a range of projects tackling deprivation, substance misuse, health / mental health / loneliness, and providing early intervention
·  The process involved the LCPP identifying areas that could be worked on, followed by Natalie working on identifying agencies that could deliver on these. Commissioning forms (similar to application forms seen by Forums in other Wards) were then able to be approved by the LCPP before these joined the normal BSC / Policy & Resources Committee route for final approval
·  Continuation of the funding for 2015-16 would be useful as several potential projects have already been identified
·  Overall the funding has helped to increase the ‘energy’ of groups locally, and increased the number of involved people
Long Term support has been provided to a number of groups, including; West End Community Council, Community Spirit Action Group, Friends of Riverside Nature Park, Friends of Magdalen Green. The latter group has raised £163k towards a new play park in Roseangle, with work due to start onsite in a few weeks
Short Term support has also been given to groups including; the Festival Group, Allotments Group, a number of Faith-based groups and groups involved in a planned ‘Christmas Fortnight’ of activities
Issues & Challenges
·  Sustaining the involvement of community representatives. Groups they are involved in need to remain relevant to communities
·  Progressing all themes
·  Maintaining community structures
·  Encouraging increased / wider involvement in community matters
·  Ensuring that the £10k allocation of funds is continued
5. / Matters Arising
·  Peter has asked Glasgow Poverty Leadership Panel for a copy of their position statement with respect to volunteering (attached with this minute). The PLP are in discussions with DWP on this topic
·  Christina Cooper and Pat Longhaugh will attend this meeting in December to provide an update on Reshaping Care for the Elderly
·  Paul to circulate the Community Safety Annual Report for information (attached with this minute)
·  Additional points to be fed back to Police Scotland with respect to community policing by John are;
o  If an officer is unable to attend, a written update should be provided for the group
o  It is important for community groups to have an ongoing relationship with the police. These have been very strong in the past and effort should be made to maintain these
o  With respect to community festivals and galas, John has an email for the Divisional Coordination Team () which can be used for queries and assistance in relation to events
o  It was also noted that Conrad Trickett is moving on to a new post. Ongoing changes within Police Scotland are aiming to get more police on the streets
o  Brief discussion took place as to whether this would be a suitable topic for a community conference. On the whole these have focussed on areas where the Partnership can make a difference and the consensus was that current discussions at LCPP meetings was sufficient
·  Paul confirmed that Solar Cities had begun to liaise with the Housing Department in relation to plans for internal insulation in the Logie area
·  The application form for Hogmanay celebration funds was circulated after the October meeting / JH
6. / Priority Updates:
6.1 / Fairness
A Fairness Commission is to be set up for Dundee. Its purpose will be to look at how well we are doing as a city in relation to tackling poverty and deprivation and determine what more could be done by the Dundee Partnership, and DCC. It is expected that the Commission will include a range of people with expertise in this field, and also invite people to present evidence on identified topics.
Peter suggested that for 2015, Fairness updates could be given quarterly unless there were particular items that needed brought to the attention of the group. This was agreed. Paul to factor this into the 2015 schedule. / PAD
6.2 / Community Facilities Improvements
Doug provided an update on developments across the city, summarised below:
·  Ardler – a lighting upgrade is planned for the small hall (Feb 2015); First floor toilets are to be installed adjacent to the theatre (Jan 2015)
·  Kirkton – upgrades to be made to toilets and changing rooms (out to tender for a Jan/Feb 2015 start); phase two of the window replacement (Feb 2015); upgrade to the lounge is planned; work on the air conditioning system is being planned for 2015-16
·  FinMill – work on the main entrance is being planned (March 2015)
Carole provided an update on The Ferry
·  Capital funds have been allocated for use in 2016-18. Diane Milne is assisting the Friends of the Ferry Library group in sourcing and applying for additional funding that will be required
·  A community led project group is being set up to oversee development as the community council doesn’t currently have the capacity to do this
John provided an update on Lochee
·  Significant developments have taken place with plans now drawn up for the three shop front units identified in Lochee. Two units would be knocked together, with the other developed for larger scale activities
·  DCC has allocated £200k with further capital funds being sought from the ADP. Revenue funding is also being sought but may prove difficult to get
·  Potential staffing is also being looked at, with respect to coordinating drop-ins and activities, but this has also yet to be identified
·  John hopes to have further information for the December meeting
A query was also raised with respect to the Community Centre Non-User Survey. Doug indicated that work on this had stalled due to staffing changes, but he expected it would be completed by the end of the year.
6.3 / Strategic / Local Development
Items from the plan have received a number of awards recently;
·  Tayplan’s work with young people has received a Young Placemakers award for raising the profile and increasing the involvement of young people in planning (http://www.pas.org.uk/news/young-placemakers-set-make-scotland-greener-smarter-stronger/)
·  The Crescent received a commendation for Delivering in Partnership at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning
(http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0046/00462648.pdf). It also received a Dundee Civic Trust Award
Since the recent approval of the plans, there has not been a great deal of activity to report on, but consultation is taking place on a Household Design Guide in January. This includes advice on how best to go about making changes such as installing a new drive, changes to fences, adding extensions, etc., and what to avoid doing in these cases. It will also include guidance on how to respond to planning applications. Gordon will make this available for circulation and welcomes any comments on it.
Gordon reminded the group that Planning operates a duty officer system to deal with any queries, and this can be accessed in person at Dundee House or by phone to 433105. / GR
7 / Dundee Community Regeneration Fund
7.1 / Grant Applications
All forum recommendations for grants were approved.
Natalie commented that the new process worked well in the West End, with all 2014-15 funds now allocated, and thanked Paul for his support in implementing this.
Brief discussion took place on the value of community celebrations, with all present agreeing that these are generally good for improving wellbeing. Alice noted to the group that the Festival Trust still has funds available should local groups wish to apply (the application form and guidance is available at http://www.leisureandculturedundee.com/festivaltrustaward)
7.2 / Projects Failing to Report
Three projects were reported as late in reporting on grant awards:
·  B2G Experience – LY1405 – Survive ‘14
·  Stobswell Events Group – M1410 – Celebration in the Park
·  Finmill LMG – NE1413 – Fintry Gala Day
In the case of the Finmill group, Ron pointed out that the lateness of the report was due to not having received an invoice from the council for services provided at the Gala Day. Paul indicated that a report could be submitted to the DP Team stating that a DCC invoice was still outstanding and the team would treat this as having been reported on, with final details to be recorded as soon as the invoice was received. (PAD Note: after the meeting I was told there was a similar issue with M1410, though this related to an invoice from a private company)
The above add to the list of those currently ineligible:
·  Boomerang Out of School Club – EE010 – Holiday Activities
·  B2G Experience – C1311 and MY1311 – Survive
8. / Chairs Group – Issues & Information Sharing
Further discussion on the remit, membership and activities of the Scrutiny Panel took place, though several members felt this was a topic better suited for discussion at other, housing related, groups.
·  Paul tabled a paper to the BSC group (also attached with this minute) containing an update from John Wolstencroft on this topic. Anyone with further queries should contact John or his team directly (John - 437369, Mary Docherty - 437331, or Nicola Mitchell – 437330)
The bulk of the meeting was used to discuss the remit and membership of the Chairs Group. This may lead to fewer, less relevant topics being brought up at the meeting. Angie Hastie is drafting up a document summarising the group remit for further discussion at their December meeting.
9. / Local Community Planning
John highlighted tw areas of work that are being developed at present:
Strengthening Local Democracy
·  To be discussed at the Decentralisation Briefing on 21st November, from which John will bring feedback to this group
·  Reference made to a useful paper, Reconnecting with Communities, that John will send to Paul for circulation
·  If group members are aware of additional opportunities to engage with people on this topic, they should let John know
o  This led to a brief discussion around DP Community Conferences and it was decided to add this to the agenda for the December meeting in order to facilitate planning for the next conference
CLD Strategy
·  This needs to be developed by September 2015 and a timeline has been proposed that will meet this (attached with this minute)
·  A community needs assessment has to be carried out, beginning with consultation with the DP Theme Groups. Further discussion to take place at the December BSC meeting
·  Consideration will also be given as to how the strategy fits with existing strategies e.g. Tenant Participation Strategy. Nancy suggested that it would be useful to involve John Wolstencroft in discussions, and an invitation will be extended to the December meeting
·  All those who are involved in the consultation will be invited to a stakeholder event that is planned for early May 2015 / JH
10. / AOCB
A number of groups find that they need to make use of signers to help include deaf members of their groups. This is not only expensive due to the low number of available signers, but hard to find ongoing funding for
·  Paul mentioned that one option he has used before (though still expensive) was to use an audio typist to provide a large text, real-time transcript on a screen for a deaf / partially sighted group member, and this did help greatly with including them in the meeting
Earlier Meetings
The group was asked whether a 9:30 start to meetings would be practical to enable an earlier finish in light of other commitments for some group members on Thursday afternoons. After brief discussion, the group agreed to keep the current 10:00 start time
Local Update on DWP and Volunteering
Paul tabled copies of an email from Marie Dailly, Adult Learning Manager, summarising a recent meeting between CLD staff and Michelle Rumgay from DWP. This highlighted the positive views DWP have towards volunteering but that volunteers must still meet the terms of their claimant commitment.
11. / Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 11th December, 10:00am in Committee Room 2, 14 City Square, Dundee
