December 9, 2014 / Time:
10:00 a.m. to noon / Presiding:
Greg Speed, Mike Armstrong / Recorded By:
Shauna Moses
Present: Mike Armstrong (via conference call),Bob Budsock (via conference call), Alan DeStefano (via conference call), Harry Postel, Greg Speed, Cheryl Marks Young (via conference call)
Staff: Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Approval of the minutes from the October 7, 2014 meeting / N/A / The minutes were m/s/p. / N/A / N/A
New members: Center for Vocational Rehabilitation, Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey (Integrated Healthcare Council); Next-Step Solutions (Information Technology Council) / Shauna Moses noted that the Center for Vocational Rehabilitation’s membership application went through the approval process: i.e., the Governance Committee and then the Board.
Council members do not need approvals. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Member recruitment / Greg Speed thanked the staff for having a table about membership and member services at the fall conference. Shauna reported that the benefits of membership, along with testimonials, were featured in the recent issue of NJAMHAA News. She noted that a survey on member services and publications is being developed.
To engage hospital systems, Debra Wentz suggested sending a formal invitation to hospital leaders (current members and nonmembers) to a networking event.
(continued) / The survey will be completed and a postcard will be sent to main contacts, inviting them to complete it online.
It was suggested that Deborah Hartel be asked to host and help plan the event, to be held in late February or March. It was suggested that Trina Parks also be involved in the event planning. / January 2015 / Shauna Moses, Jeremy Timberman, Debra Wentz
Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Member recruitment (continued) / Debra stated that NJAMHAA offers the following that the hospital association does not: in depth focus on behavioral health issues; expansive focus on hospital-based behavioral health programs; detailed information on mental health and substance use disorders (we are a specialty trade association).
Greg added that NJAMHAA can offer smaller hospital systems and those without strong behavioral health relationships the value around integrated care (educate them about this) and help them with their bottom line from the medical point of view (e.g., SBIRT in ERs) – show that behavioral health care can help with all medical conditions.
Debra noted that hospitals and Accountable Care Organizations are based on the medical model. As part of the Good Care Collaborative, NJAMHAA could promote the habilitative and recovery models and engage with the behavioral health community. / Key individuals in all hospital systems who oversee behavioral health need to be identified. Shauna will conduct research and develop a list of hospital systems’ contact information.
Greg emphasized that Board members should reach out to nonmembers in their respective counties.
It was suggested that Dr. Jeffrey Brenner also be invited to the networking event. He is Executive Director of the Camden Coalition of Health-care Providers, which established the Good Care Collaborative. / Before the next committee meeting / Shauna Moses
Board Agenda: Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Outreach: Board Members
Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Possible new member categories / Debra noted cultural changes: for example, National Council for Behavioral Health now also works with individual practitioners. Another example is NAMI, which started working with families and then expanded to working with consumers and then children. She noted that new members do not (continued) / Debra suggested considering individual practitioners, as well as small group practices. / Next meeting – February 10, 2015 / Governance Committee
Possible new member categories (continued) / have to be voting members and that new categories would help strengthen NJAMHAA and present opportunities for revenue growth.
It was suggested that dues could be $350 for Newswire, NJAMHAA News and Bits & Bytes subscriptions and discounted conference registration rates.
Greg noted a strong value would be if NJAMHAA could offer CEUs. He added that many providers have in-house pharmacies, which may present opportunities on the commercial side.
Bob Budsock suggested adding a lower tier of membership dues for agencies with budgets under $300,000.
Greg noted that people who retire and become consultants may also be interested in membership.
Mike noted that students may also be interested. / To be considered
Greg suggested that the in-house pharmacies could be associate members. Debra stated they could be on the Pharmaceutical Advisory Council.
Bob offered to develop a list of providers with budgets this size. Shauna will send the current dues structure to committee members, as well as the dues worksheet, which is used each year to capture each agency’s budget and increase their dues as appropriate if their budgets increase. / Next meeting – February 10, 2015
Next meeting – February 10, 2015
Dues structure and worksheet to Committee members – following this meeting
List of providers with budgets – by the next meeting, February 10, 2015 / Governance Committee
Governance Committee
Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy / Greg explained that he developed the drafts after reviewing other organizations’ documents and requested feedback. He recommended that the approved documents be used for orientation of new Board members and to have all Board members sign statements relating to them each year. / Shauna will send the documents to the Board requesting their feedback prior to voting at the next Board meeting. / Send for feedback following this meeting
Vote on January 21, 2015 / Shauna
Agenda: Shauna
Facilitate vote at the Board meeting: Deborah Megaro
Bylaw changes / Article VI, Section 1: Third paragraph: reword “A partial term…full fiscal year” to “A year or any part thereof served is considered a full year.”(continued) / These changes will be made and presented to the Board for a vote at the next Board (continued) / January 21, 2015 Board meeting / Agenda: Shauna
Facilitate vote at the Board meeting: Deborah Megaro
Bylaw changes (continued) / “Vacancies in any class, whether by reason of death, resignation, failure to elect a full class or otherwise, shall be filled by election of the Board of Directors.” - need to repeat this under Officers – Article IV, Section 5 (adding this section) / meeting, followed by a full membership vote / Full member-ship vote in March 2015 / Shauna, Debra
Future meetings / It was noted that monthly meetings are not necessary. / It was agreed that future meetings will be held every other month. / The dates are Feb. 10, Apr. 14 and June 9, 2015 – all from 10:00 a.m. to noon at NJAMHAA
(Jan. 13, March 10 and May 12, 2015 meetings are canceled.) / Notices to members: Shauna