Director: Dr Sandi Deans
Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) Pilot EQA
Laboratory survey 2015
Many laboratories are developing testing of circulating tumour DNA to detect the presence of pathogenic gene mutations. In order to help laboratories develop and deliver high quality testing, UK NEQAS for Molecular Genetics will offer external quality assessment (EQA) in this field.
To provide an EQA which is useful to laboratories we would like to collect information from potential participants to determine thetype of testing currentlyoffered, research and development underwayand plans for future implementation of ctDNA testing, therefore we invite you to complete this survey.
You can complete this paper copy or an electronic copy of the survey which is available to download from under the ‘NEWS’ items.
1. Clinical testingDoes your laboratory currently provide a diagnostic clinical service using ctDNA testing?If no, then please go to section 2 below. / Yes / No
Does your laboratory currently clinical research using ctDNA testing?
If no, then please go to section 2 below. / Yes / No
If yes, then do you test
Please tick all that apply. / - single genes / Yes / No
- gene panels / Yes / No
- full coding regions of genes tested / Yes / No
- targeted mutation hotspots / Yes / No
- single mutation targets / Yes / No
Please list the disease(s), gene(s) and specific mutations detected (if using targeted testing), or provide details of a panel of genes.
How many samples have your laboratory tested using ctDNA during the period January 2014 to June 2014?
How many samples have your laboratory tested using ctDNA during the period July 2014 to December 2014?
Does your laboratory plan to implement further ctDNA testing? / Yes / No
If yes, then do you plan to introduce
Please tick all that apply. / - single genes / Yes / No
- gene panels / Yes / No
- full coding regions of genes tested / Yes / No
- targeted mutation hotspots / Yes / No
- single mutation targets / Yes / No
Please list the disease(s), gene(s) and specific mutations detected (if using targeted testing), or provide details of a panel of genes.
2. Developing ctDNA testing
Does your laboratory plan to implement a clinical service using ctDNA testing?Not applicable if answered section 1 above. Please go to section 3. / Yes / No
If yes, then do you plan to test
Please tick all that apply. / - single genes / Yes / No
- gene panels / Yes / No
- full coding regions of genes tested / Yes / No
- targeted mutation hotspots / Yes / No
- single mutation targets / Yes / No
Please list the disease(s), gene(s) and specific mutations detected (if using targeted testing), or provide details of a panel of genes.
When do you plan to implement a clinical service using ctDNA testing in your laboratory (month/year)?
3. Methodologies
Which DNA extraction method(s) does your laboratory use?
Which method(s) is used to detect your target, including any in-house or commercial kits?
4. Sample requirements
What sample type(s) does your laboratory accept for testing?
What volume of blood does your laboratory request for testing?
What is the minimum volume of blood your laboratory accepts for testing?
What is the minimumamount of ctDNArequired for testing?
Does your laboratory extract ctDNA from plasma or serum?
What is the minimum volume of plasma/serum used for cfDNA extraction in your laboratory?
How does the laboratory measure the amount of cfDNA?
What is the minimum mutation level to enable reporting?
How does your laboratory report quantitative results i.e. total mutation copies/ml of plasma/serum, ratio of mutation/wild type etc?
What is the limit of detection of mutations for the assay(s) performed?
5. Sample transportation
What is the mode of transport e.g. courier, surface post etc.?
Any specific temperature requirements e.g. on dry ice, ice, room temperature etc?
Which tubes are the samples transported in e.g. EDTA anticoagulant, Streck tubes etc?
Do you have any specific instructions for individuals to perform before sending samples to the laboratory e.g. spin the blood and freeze, samples need to be received within 4 hours, etc.?
Any specific temperature requirements e.g. on dry ice, ice, room temperature etc?
6. Laboratory information
Would your laboratory be interested in participating in a ctDNA EQA scheme? / Yes / No
Name of individual completing survey
Name of Laboratory
Email address
UK NEQAS for Molecular Genetics/Pathology EQA number (if known)
7. Extra information
If you would like to submit any extra information to UK NEQAS for Molecular Genetics then please do so below.
Thank you for completing this survey.
Please return to UK NEQAS for Molecular Genetics by Friday 8th May, 2015
You can either:
1.Return this paper copy by post to:
Dr Sandi Deans,
Scheme Director,
UK NEQAS for Molecular Genetics,
Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
Little France Crescent,
Edinburgh, EH16 4SA,United Kingdom
2. Fax this paper copy to +44 (0)131 242 6882
3. Scan this paper copy and email to
4. Download an electronic copy of the survey from under the ‘NEWS’ items and email to
UK NEQAS for Molecular Genetics 2015 – ctDNA 2015 survey Page 1 of 5