City Council
Meeting Minutes1 of 134
December 5/6/7/11/13/14/15/18, 2006
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
PRESENT:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons, R. Hayter,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan,
D. Thiele.
A. B. Maurer, City Manager
D. H. Edey, City Clerk
S. Labonne, Office of the City Clerk
Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.
Councillor K. Krushell was absent.
MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele:
That the December 5/6/7/11/13/14/15, 2006, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following additions:
C.1.a.2007 Budget Discussions – Response to Councillors’ Questions –
Attachments 1 and 2
K.1.a.Funding Priorities for Council’s Special Initiative on Immigration
and Settlement
L.1.b.Impacts of Settlements for Edmonton Police Service, Drainage
Services, and Mobile Equipment Services - Revised Recommendation 1
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
ABSENT:K. Krushell.
Councillor K. Krushell entered the meeting.
A.4.a.Appreciation Plaque (S. Mandel)
Mayor S. Mandel presented Betty Loree, Director of Public Services, Corporate Services Department, with a plaque from the Hindu Society of Alberta, in appreciation for City Hall’s Celebration of Faiths Project, which was launched by the Hindu Festival of Lights Celebration. Mayor Mandel also thanked Joyce Tustian, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, and the entire team at City Hall, for their support of this project.
A.4.b.Alberta Progressive Conservative Party Leadership Election (S. Mandel)
On behalf of City Council and Edmontonians, Mayor S. Mandel congratulated Premier-Designate Ed Stelmach on winning the Alberta Progressive Conservative leadership election, and wished him good luck in his future role.
B.1.a.2007 Operating and 2007-11 Capital Budget and Plan
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
MOVED M. Phair – L. Sloan:
1.That the 2007 Operating Budget be approved as follows:
a.Tax-Supported operations based on a total property, business, and payment-in-lieu tax levy of $674,503,000 (6.8% increase for operating, 0.75% for capital, 0.25% for SLRT Risk Mitigation Strategy, plus estimated real growth).
b.That the tax rate bylaws be brought forward in 2007 generating the tax revenues in recommendation 1.a. above based on:
i.Business tax revenue, including the estimated real growth,
to be $104,595,000;
ii.Property tax revenue, including the estimated real growth,
to be $551,790,000; and,
iii.Payment-in-lieu of taxes, including the estimated real growth, to be $18,118,000 ($976,000 for business and $17,142,000 for property).
c.Mobile Equipment Services with expenditures of $105,035,000 and revenues of $106,627,000.
d.Land Enterprise with expenditures of $16,192,000 and revenues of $23,880,000.
e.Drainage Services Utility with operating revenues in the amount of $127,993,000 and expenditures of $97,269,000.
2.That the 2007-2011 Capital Priorities Plan and Budget be approved with $3,422,719,000 in funded plan expenditures incorporating the following:
a.Authority for $2,534,063,000 in budgeted expenditures includes:
i.New Tax-Supported Borrowing Authority for 2007:
Neighbourhood/District Park Development $ 8,238,000
Recreation Facilities Rehabilitation/Upgrade 11,849,000
North Branch Library Construction 5,560,000
Fred Broadstock Pool Redevelopment 5,478,000
Total Tax-Supported Borrowing $31,125,000
ii.Drainage services capital budgeted expenditures of $420,638,000.
b.Funding earmarked for future capital projects of $889,656,000 as follows:
i. Tax-Supported Programs - $720,026,000
ii. Drainage Services - $169,630,000
(Dealt with on p.131)
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, made a presentation and answered Council’s questions. D. H. Edey, City Clerk, answered Council’s questions.
C.1.a.2007 Budget Discussions – Response to Councillors' Questions
Question #07-283, Emergency Medical Services, an addition to Attachment 1 of the November 28, 2006, Corporate Business Planning Department report 2006CBP033, was distributed to Members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.
P. Tarnawsky, General Manager, Corporate Business Planning Department; and A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
Mayor S. Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Batty presided.
MOVED S. Mandel – T. Cavanagh:
That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan,
D. Thiele.
Deputy Mayor J. Batty vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.
MOVED K. Leibovici – J. Batty:
That the November 28, 2006, Corporate Business Planning Department report 2006CBP033 be received for information. / CBPCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; J. Batty, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons,
R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: B. Anderson, D. Thiele.
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs - Reduction
AMENDMENT MOVED M. Phair – K. Leibovici:
That the Corporate Business Planning Department 2007 Operating Budget – Office of Intergovernmental Affairs be reduced by $30,000, and be allocated to the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.62)
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs - Increase
AMENDMENT MOVED J. Batty – S. Mandel:
That the Corporate Business Planning Department 2007 Operating Budget – Office of Intergovernmental Affairs be increased by $191,000, to fund 2.4 FTEs, on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.62)
D. H. Edey, City Clerk; and A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
Mayor S. Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Batty presided. Mayor S. Mandel left the meeting.
MOVED M. Phair – T. Cavanagh:
That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons,
R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
ABSENT:S. Mandel.
Mayor S. Mandel re-entered the meeting. Councillor J. Batty vacated the Chair and Mayor
S. Mandel presided.
ARB Complaint/Outcomes Management System
AMENDMENT MOVED M. Phair – K. Leibovici:
That Project No. 06-44-1216 ARB – Complaint/Outcomes Management System, in the amount of $150,000, be added to the funded capital plan in 2007, with funding from a tax increase.
(Dealt with on p.105)
E.1.a.Office of the City Auditor 2007 Proposed Budget
D. Wiun, City Auditor, answered Council’s questions.
MOVED M. Phair – K. Leibovici:
That the October 27, 2006, Office of the City Auditor report 2006OCA010 be received for information. / City AuditorCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; J. Batty, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons,
R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel,
M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: B. Anderson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Mayor S. Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Batty presided.
Office of the Mayor
AMENDMENT MOVED S. Mandel – K. Leibovici:
That the Office of the Mayor and Councillors 2007 Operating Budget – Office of the Mayor be reduced by $50,000, and be allocated to the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.63)
Deputy Mayor J. Batty vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.
W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
Urban Forest Management Service
AMENDMENT MOVED L. Sloan – E. Gibbons:
That the Asset Management and Public Works Department 2007 Operating Budget – Urban Forest Management Service be increased by $302,000, to fund:
- forestry technicians to assist with inventory and tree health assessment monitoring/management (2.5 FTEs);
- an additional urban forester to support inspection and monitoring of contracted tree services, plan watering routes, planting, pruning and fertilizing schedules, and perform evaluations and assessments as necessitated by the Corporate Tree Policy (1 FTE);
- a Principal of Forestry – person to lead the development and implementation of strategic management plans for the maintenance and preservation of the urban forest (1 FTE); and
- reinstatement of seasonal pest lab staff to assist with surveillance requirements of various insect pests, both mosquito and trees-based
(0.7 FTEs),
on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.65)
Council recessed at 12:01 p.m.
Council reconvened at 1:30 p.m.
Councillors B. Anderson, R. Hayter, K. Krushell and J. Melnychuk were absent.
W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered Council’s questions.
Councillors B. Anderson, R. Hayter and J. Melnychuk entered the meeting.
Mayor S. Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Batty presided.
MOVED S. Mandel – M. Phair:
That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT:K. Krushell, D. Thiele
Deputy Mayor J. Batty vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.
W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; A. B. Maurer, City Manager; and L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department, answered Council’s questions.
Mayor S. Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Batty presided.
MOVED S. Mandel – M. Phair:
That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
ABSENT:K. Krushell.
Deputy Mayor J. Batty vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.
W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
Winter Trail Maintenance
AMENDMENT MOVED K. Leibovici – J. Batty:
That the Asset Management and Public Works Department 2007 Operating Budget (Parks) – Winter Trail Maintenance be increased by $140,000, to fund Winter Trail Maintenance on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p. 65)
AMENDMENT MOVED K. Leibovici – S. Mandel:
That the service package related to Cornerstones be denied, leaving the full $5,000,000 in the Cornerstones budget and, if necessary, Asset Management and Public Works Department provide a report to Transportation and Public Works Committee justifying any further requests for operational funding from the Cornerstones budget.
(Dealt with on p.66)
Drainage Dividend
AMENDMENT MOVED J. Batty – M. Nickel:
That the drainage dividend be increased by $1,000,000, on a one-time basis, and used to reduce the tax levy to fund one-time items.
(Dealt with on p.66)
Commonwealth Stadium Upgrade
AMENDMENT MOVED J. Batty – K. Leibovici:
That Project No. 04-75-4693 – Commonwealth Stadium Upgrade be reduced by $1,000,000, and be released back to the general financing budget for 2007.
(Dealt with on p.105)
Energy, Environment and Natural Areas
MOVED M. Phair – K. Leibovici:
That the Asset Management and Public Works Department 2007 Operating Budget – Energy Environment and Natural Areas be increased by $300,000, to fund the Rebate Program and CO2RE initiatives on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.67)
Capital City Clean Up – Cigarette Litter Management Pilot Project
AMENDMENT MOVED M. Phair – J. Batty:
That the Asset Management and Public Works Department 2007 Operating Budget (Waste Management) – Capital City Clean Up be increased by $313,400, to fund the Cigarette Litter Management Pilot Project on a one-time basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.67)
Edmonton Nordic Ski Club Snow Making
AMENDMENT MOVED B. Anderson – M. Phair:
That Project No. 07-21-5740 – Edmonton Nordic Ski Club Snow Making, in the amount of $300,000, be added to the funded capital plan in 2007, 2008 and 2009 as follows:
- $175,000 ($125,000 one-time funding – Ed Tel Fund special dividend, if available, and $50,000 from the 2006 Council Contingency) be added to the funded capital plan in 2007.
- $67,000 (one-time funding – Ed Tel Fund special dividend, if available) be added to the funded capital plan in 2008.
- $58,000 (one-time funding – Ed Tel Fund special dividend, if available) be added to the funded capital plan in 2009.
(Dealt with on p.105)
Bill Hunter Arena Upgrade Phase 1
AMENDMENT MOVED E. Gibbons – L. Sloan:
That Project No. 06-75-2506 – Bill Hunter Arena Upgrade Phase 1, to fund additional upgrades and other costs, in the amount of $446,000, be added to the funded capital plan in 2007, with funding from a tax increase.
(Dealt with on p.106)
Borden Park Soccer Fields
AMENDMENT MOVED E. Gibbons – D. Thiele:
That Project No. 07-28-5260 – Sportsfield Conservation (Borden Park Soccer Fields on the gravel parking lot), in the amount of $200,000, be added to the funded capital plan in 2007, with funding from a tax increase.
(Dealt with on p.106)
Mill Woods Branch Library Design/Land Purchase
AMENDMENT MOVED D. Thiele – T. Cavanagh:
That Project No. 03-20-0019 – Mill Woods Branch Library Design/Land Purchase (2 acre site), in the amount of $1,000,000, be added to the funded capital plan in 2007, with funding from one-time increased revenue – Corporate Programs.
(Dealt with on p.107)
Parks Irrigation Projects
AMENDMENT MOVED L. Sloan – D. Thiele:
That Project No. 04-21-5304 – Parks Irrigation System Rehabilitation (including tree watering irrigation projects), in the amount of $1,833,000, be added to the funded capital plan in 2007, with funding from a tax increase.
(Dealt with on p.108)
Electronic Records Project/Corporate Records Advisory Services
MOVED J. Melnychuk – M. Phair:
That the Office of the City Manager - Office of the City Clerk 2007 Operating Budget – Electronic Records Project/Corporate Records Advisory Services be increased by $170,000, on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.63)
G.1.a.Edmonton and Area Land Trust – Operational Funding
MOVED T. Cavanagh – K. Leibovici:
That the November 22, 2006, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2006PW1003 be received for information. / AMPWA. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: K. Krushell, M. Nickel.
Energy Environment and Natural Areas – Edmonton Land Trust
AMENDMENT MOVED M. Phair – L. Sloan:
That the Asset Management and Public Works Department 2007 Operating Budget – Energy Environment and Natural Areas be increased by $275,000, to fund Edmonton Land Trust on a one-time basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.67)
Energy Environment and Natural Areas – Endowment for Core Operational Costs for Edmonton Land Trust
AMENDMENT MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele:
That the Asset Management and Public Works Department 2007 Operating Budget – Energy Environment and Natural Areas be increased by $2,500,000, to fund an endowment for core operational costs for the Edmonton Land Trust on a one-time basis, depending on the 2006 year-end surplus.
(Dealt with on p.68)
Councillor K. Krushell entered the meeting.
G.1.c.Bylaw 14409 – Sewers Bylaw 9425 Amendment No. 10
G.1.d.Bylaw 14410 – Surface Drainage Bylaw 11501 Amendment No. 3
G.1.e.Bylaw 14408 – Sewers Use Bylaw 9675 Amendment No. 22
G.1.f.Bylaw 14443 – Waste Management Bylaw 13777 Amendment No. 3 – Waste Management Fees
W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.
MOVED M. Nickel – J. Batty:
That Bylaws 14409, 14410, 14408 and 14443 be postponed to December 11, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.
Members of Council requested that the motion on the postponement be split for voting purposes.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, L. Sloan.
OPPOSED:E. Gibbons, M. Phair.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, M. Nickel, L. Sloan.
OPPOSED:E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, J. Melnychuk, M. Phair.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
M. Nickel, L. Sloan.
OPPOSED:J. Melnychuk, M. Phair.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
SUMMARY OF COUNCIL’S DECISION ON BYLAWS 14409, 14410, 14408 and 14443
That Bylaws 14409, 14410, 14408 and 14443 be postponed to December 11, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.
(Dealt with on p.55)
MOVED M. Phair – T. Cavanagh:
That Council recess for 15 minutes.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
Council recessed at 3:18 p.m.
Council reconvened at 3:38 p.m.
Councillors J. Batty, E. Gibbons and D. Thiele were absent.
L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department, answered Council’s questions.
Councillors J. Batty, E. Gibbons and D. Thiele entered the meeting.
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council’s questions
Emergency Medical Services – 11 FTEs and 1 Transport Capable 24/7 Unit
AMENDMENT MOVED L. Sloan – D. Thiele:
That the Community Services Department 2007 Operating Budget – Emergency Medical Services be increased by $956,000, to fund 11 FTEs and 1 Transport Capable 24/7 Unit on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.69)
Emergency Medical Services – Public Health Emergency Preparation
AMENDMENT MOVED L. Sloan – D. Thiele:
That the Community Services Department 2007 Operating Budget – Emergency Medical Services be increased by $92,000, to fund public health emergency preparation on a one-time basis, with funding from 2006 Council Contingency.
(Dealt with on p.70)
Dispute Resolution Program – Community Alternate Dispute Resolution Program/Community Building Partnership Program
AMENDMENT MOVED L. Sloan – J. Melnychuk:
That the Community Services Department 2007 Operating Budget – Community Alternate Dispute Resolution Program/Community Building Partnership Program be increased by $50,000, to fund the continuation of mediation services via referrals from Bylaw Enforcement and Emergency Response on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
(Dealt with on p.72)