Preschool Bible Buddies/Play Dates Classes

Bible Buddies and Play dates are an extension of the Our Lady of the Wayside Preschool Curriculum. These programs will be offered to half day Preschoolers on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. During this time participants will enjoy lunch together, listen to Bible stories, and engage in activities that tie into the Bible lesson of the day, and/or engage in structured play.

Parents will sign-up their child(ren) each session. There are four sessions each school year: September/October, November/December, January/February, and March/April/May. Once registered you can choose to participate every session or choose to only attend those sessions that are convenient for you. NEW this year you can choose to sign up your child for the entire school year for a particular day. Wednesday will be Bible Buddies. Monday, Thursday and Friday will be Play dates class. You may sign up for one Bible Buddies class and one Play date Class. Depending on the school schedule, each group will meet approximately 6-8 times a session. The cost will vary from session to session based on the number of days the program runs.The program will begin the week of September 14, 2015.

The schedule is as follows:

11:00 Students enrolled in the sessions will be escorted to Elementary Building Room 206 at dismissal.

11:10-11:20*Students will be introduced to the lesson for the day.

11:20-11:50*Lunch (see attached guidelines)

11:50-12:20*Activities related to lesson for the day.

12:30Pick up will be at Elementary Building Door 2A.

*Times may vary slightly from day to day.

Cost: Initial Registration fee: $35.00Daily fee: $13.00 per session, per child

Your overall cost each month will vary depending on the number of times your child’s group meets each

month. For example: Monday- 4 sessions x $13 per session = $52.00

Lottery:Each session you will be asked to identify your preferences for the day(s) of the week in which

you would like to participate and rank them first, second, or third. The day of the week with the most

requests will be subject to lottery first if needed.Eighteen names will be randomly selected. Anyonenot

selected will enter the lottery for their second or third choice.

If you are interested in participating, please return the attached one time initial registration form and

fee to your child’s classroom teacher by September 4, 2015

Preschool Bible Buddies/Play Dates

Initial Registration Information

Initial registration: $35.00 per family – Due September 4, 2015

Please returnthis form and payment to your classroom teacher.Cash or checks payable to Our Lady of the Wayside School.

Families registering this month will be the first to receive sign-up information infuture months. You are encouraged to register now even if you do not plan tomake use of the program in September and October. Families choosing not toregister now may inquire about joining later in the year but will only be allowed tosign-up ifspace is available and after all early registrations are complete.

Parents Name______

Email Address______

Child’s Name______

Child’s Classroom Teacher______

Please circle the day(s) of the week in which you are most likely to register.


Does your child have any food allergies or special medical concerns? Please list and explain.


_____I would be interested in signing up for a particular day the entire year.