Summer Reading Study Guides for Seventh Grade
Study Guide for The Magician's Nephew, by C.S. Lewis
When school begins in August, you will be tested over the summer reading books. You will not have to present the answers to this study guide in class. Its purpose, however, is to guide your reading of the book and prepare you for the test. This becomes your study guide; it will not be reviewed or discussed before the summer reading test. Be sure that you answer these questions in such a way that you can study from them.
Chapter 1 – “The Wrong Door”
1. Find four setting clues for this story (time period/ place)
2. Name three reasons for Digory’s bad attitude about London
3. Why did Digory think that his Uncle Andrew was mad?
Chapter Two – “Digory and His Uncle”
1. What do we know of Mrs. Lefay’s background?
2. What were the promises Mrs. Lefay asked of Uncle Andrew?
Chapter 3 – “The Wood Between the Worlds”
1. With adjectives, describe the Wood Between the Worlds and how it made people feel.
2. What are the similarities between the Wood and the tunnel.
3. What is the difference between Uncle Andrew’s ideas about the rings vs. the “real” story of how the rings work?
Chapter 4 – “The Bell and the Hammer”
1. List four major events in this chapter that involve sight or sound (in order)
Chapter 5 – “The Deplorable Word”
1.Explain the destruction of Charn
2. List some similarities between Uncle Andrew and Jadis
3. Define deplorable and tell what it means here as “the deplorable word”
Chapter 6 – “The Beginning of Uncle Andrew’s Troubles”
1. What new information do we learn about the rings?
2. What were gains and losses for Jadis in Other Worlds (the Wood and London)?
Chapter 7 – “What Happened at the Front Door”
1. What new information do we learn about Digory’s mother?
Chapter 8 – “The Fight at the Lamp-post”
1. Give a description of the empty world
2. List 10 events (in order) in the creation of this new world
Chapter 9 – “The Founding of Narnia”
1. List items of unusual growth in Narnia and tell how certain characters reacted
Chapter 10 – “The First Joke and Other Matters”
1. Explain a joke and this first one in Narnia.
Chapter 11 – “Digory and His Uncle are Both in Trouble”
1. What was the animals’ decision about Uncle Andrew?
2. Who got new names and jobs?
Chapter 12 – “Strawberry’s Adventure”
1.List similarities between Aslan and Digory
2. What was Digory’s Quest
Chapter 13 – “An Unexpected Meeting”
1. Name 3 reasons Digory considered the apple for himself.
3. What was Mother’s advice and the Witch’s fatal mistake?
Chapter 14 –“The Planting of the Tree”
1. What was the heart’s desire and despair of Jadis?
Chapter 15 – “The End of this Story and the Beginning of All the Others”
1. What was Aslan’s warning and command?
2. What was the ultimate fate of the apple?
3. What happened to Uncle Andrew?