Attendance Area & Facility Ad Hoc Committee
Summary of Meeting Notes
April 1, 2015
The meeting of the 14-15 Citizens Ad Hoc Committee began at 6 p.m. in the Board Room.
Cindi Blansfield welcomed the group. She went over the time line and activities for the remaining Ad Hoc meetings.
The Ad Hoc subcommittees shared their recommendations. Sherri Greco presented the attendance subcommittee recommendations and Jeff Grose presented the facilities subcommittee recommendations.
After questions and comments, the committee dispersed into the two subcommittees. The facility subcommittee met in the IMC and the attendance subcommittee met in the boardroom.
The next Ad Hoc Committee meeting is Wednesday, April 15 at 6 p.m. in the JPF Administration Building Board room.
The subcommittee meeting notes are below.
Attendance Subcommittee
Meeting Date: __April 1, 2015___
Subcommittee: Attendance Area
District Staff: Ryan Foster/Rhonda Larson
Community Lead: _Sherri Greco__
Summary of discussions:
Updated data was disseminated to the group on the impacts of the consensus for the elementary schools recommendations.
Updated middle school data was disseminated and groups worked together and came back as a whole and reached consensus on the middle school recommendations.
Group discussion was held about a recommendation that the board look at addressing the capacity issues with Lakeland Hills when a new elementary school is built in the south end. Group reached consensus.
Additional Information/Resources Needed:
Action Items for Next Meeting:
- No meeting 4/8 as writing subcommittee will be drafting up report to be shared at 4/15/15 mtg.
- Review draft report of Attendance Subcommittee
Facility Subcommittee
Meeting Date: April1, 2015
Subcommittee: Facilities
District Staff: Rod Luke/Jeff Grose
Community Lead: Demi Troncoso
Summary of discussions:
6:30pm subcommittee members were welcomed.The evening’s agenda includes the review of past questions; review recommendations from March 25; review and reach consensus on accommodating growth if new schools and replacement schools are not built; and review the next steps. There is no meeting April 8. The next meeting is April 15.
Questions asked previously by the subcommittee were revisited and answers were provided.
A power point presentation was used to review facilities subcommittee recommendations and rationale made during the March 25 meeting these include:
Recommendation: ASD create a schedule for acquiring property, building new schools and replacing aging schools as shown on the 10 Year Plan: Target Recommendation at $7.11 Tax Rate + Elementary School Capacities;
Recommendation:ASD utilize portable classrooms on a temporary basis to address:
A shortage of classrooms resulting from localized enrollment growth.
A shortage of classroom space resulting from class size reductions
This recommendation confirmed the following:
Recommendation:For new and replacement schools schedule:
- Purchase property for two new elementary schools as soon as possible.
- Build two new elementary schools within 4 years.
- Replace the following schools at their current site within 10years:
Chinook Elementary School
Dick Scobee Elementary School
Lea Hill Elementary School
Pioneer Elementary School
Terminal Park Elementary School
Olympic Middle School
Recommendation: The plan for interim schools should be developed as part of the plan and schedule established by the school district for replacing aging schools. The interim school plan should consider an interim school’s impact on cost, school activities, students and families.
In reviewing the Elementary School Size Recommendations, specifically will an elementary school with a 650 student capacity be able to accommodate programs, the subcommittee added the following recommendation bullet: ASD conduct a comprehensive planning process to prepare Education Specifications that will define the design requirements and ensure the school will fully accommodate the educational programs, support facilities and operational needs of a 650 student school.
The subcommittee discussed howthe school district might accommodate enrollment growth and class size reduction if new or replacement schools are not built during the next 10 years?
Factors considered:
- In 10 years, after the addition of 33 portable classrooms for a total of 84, the school district will have a projected shortage of 2,770 seats at the elementary school level.
- In 10 years, after the addition of 3 portable classrooms for a total of 16, the school district will have a projected shortage of 243 seats at the middle school level.
- In 10 years, after the addition of 10 portable classrooms for a total of 25, the school district will have a projected shortage of 77 seats at the high school level.
- Portable classrooms are currently being used to increase student capacity.
Options for accommodating growth and class size reductions without new schools:
- Add portable classrooms.
- Portable classrooms can provide additional classroom space
within a relatively short period of time.
- Portable classrooms can be paid for with School Impact Fees.
- Cost to lease a portable for 4 years is roughly equivalent to purchasing a portable.
- Portable classrooms have disadvantages.
- Rent or lease non-district school facilities.
- Churches and private schools may have space to rent.
- Rental and lease costs would need to be paid for from the schooldistrict’s General Fund.
- Implement school program or operation measures to increase school capacity or
to improve school facility utilization. Measures that should be considered should include:
- Do not reduce elementary class size and forego funding for
smaller class size.
- Use Learning Specialists in classrooms where the number of students exceeds state-mandated class sizes.
- Change attendance areas to balance enrollment levels among
- Restrict or prohibit out-of-district waivers into Auburn
School District. 2014-15 data shows:
- 581 out-of-district waivers
- 1,023 in-district waivers K-12 within the ASD
- 482 students waivered out of district
- Utilize double-shifting to allow more students to attend a school during the same day.
- Utilize year-round schools to allow more students to attend a school.
- Offer extended day classes at middle and high schools.
- Provide greater utilization of middle and high school distance (online) learning programs to reduce day time school enrollment.
- Provide programs that will assist students in graduating from high school within 4 years rather than taking more than 4 years.
- Provide greater utilization of high school Running Start program that reduces high school enrollment.
- Encourage students to graduate from high school early by earning a GED.
- Utilize surplus spaces at middle schools and high schools for elementary students.
The subcommittee recognizes that recommendations regarding these options require research and analysis based upon school programs and operations.
- ASDestablish an Ad Hoc Committee within one year to review and evaluate the measures identified above to accommodate enrollment growth and class size reduction.
- Utilize Learning Specialists in elementary school classrooms where the number of students exceeds state-mandated class sizes.
- Add portable classrooms up to an average of six per elementary.
Additional Information/Resources Needed:
- None
Homework for Next meeting
- Review draft recommendations to be sent out April 13
Action Items for Next Meeting:
Agenda for Wednesday, April 15, 2015:
- Review draft report of Facilities Subcommittee