Welcome to Mrs. Goad’s8th grade math class!

Dear Parents,

I am excited about having your son or daughter in my classroom. We will striveto enhance their knowledge of mathematics through inquiry based learning opportunities, direct instruction, hands-on activities, group activities, projects, quizzes, games, homework and examinations. My goal is for your son or daughter to walk away from their8th grade math class with the skills needed to be successful in their high school math courses.

The 1stnine weeks we will be exploring the following objectives:

  1. Properties of Exponents
  2. Squares and Square Roots
  3. Rational and Irrational Numbers
  4. Scientific Notation
  5. Preforming operations on numbers written in Scientific Notation
  6. Functions


Practice makes perfect, especially in mathematics. Students will be assigned homework at least 4 days a week. The assignments will not be lengthy, but it will help increase your child’s retention of the material as the course progresses. It is very important that students show their work and explain their thinking on allmath problems. Please encourage your student to attempt all problems, even ones that may seem challenging. Please check agendas daily! Assignments will be listed daily on my calendar on the Hixson Middle School website ( Click on staff, then Destini Goad and the calendar will be on the home page). Assignments will also be listed on google classroom. Students will be able to log in to google classroom using their google email.

Assessments and Tests

Students will have a test every Friday on the material that has been covered previously in class. Tests will be multiple choice, multiple select, short answer and performance based. Students will also have a Project to complete every nine weeks that will count as 2 test grades. There will be checks for understanding made frequently throughout the week. Please check Powerschool weekly to help your son/daughter keep track of their progress.

Math Composition Book

Students are expected to keep a Math Composition Book that will be used to record their thinking on mathematical topics, class generalizations, notes, graphic organizers, class goals, and much more!


Students are encouraged to attend school every day; attendance increases the likelihood of a student being successful. If your child is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get the missing assignments from the ‘while you were out board’. Students have 5 days to complete any worked missed without penalty.

Late Assignments

Any late work will be deducted 10 points for each day late unless there is an emergency. All work that is more than a 3 days past due will not be accepted.

Behavior Policy

In order to maximize learning, it is expected that students come prepared to class, participate daily, complete homework, follow classroom procedures, adhere to teacher instruction and are respectful to each other. Students that choose not to comply will be subject to the following consequences.

Number of offenses / Action Taken
1 / Warning/Sign Agenda
2 / Sign Agenda/parent contact/Detention
3 / Parent Contact/Sign Agenda
4 / Office Referral

On the other hand, students that constantly choose to make the right decisions will be subject to positive in class consequences such as: positive notes/phone calls, homework passes, candy, and other incentives.

Grade breakdown

Students will complete a variety of tasks to show mastery/proficiency of the 8th grade state standards. The following percentages show the how the students’ grade will be configured.

10% Warm-up (completed upon entering class to spark engagement)

30% Classwork activities (journals, group work, independent practice, quizzes, and class activities)

10% Home work (see above)

25% Tests (multiple response, multiple choice and short answer. Tentative dates: 8/26, 9/9, 9/23, and 10/7)

25% Performance Tasks (Tentative dates: 9/2, 9/16, and 9/30)


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Mrs. Goad

(423) 847-4810 ext 287