Microbiology test (Chapters 24,25) STUDY GUIDE / REVIEW

Need to know:

·  Characteristics of Archae- and Eubacteria (habitat, characteristics, differences, etc)

·  Common shapes of bacteria

·  Diagram and parts of a typical bacterial cell

·  (pilus, capsule, plasmid, flagella, petidoglycan wall, etc)

·  Bacterial reproduction (fission, conjugation, etc)

·  Growth conditions (blooms, spores, etc)

o  Chemosynthesis, photosynthesis, saprophytic heterotrophs, pathogens

·  Bacterial classification:

o  Gram staining differences

o  Obligate and facultative (aerobe/anaerobe)

o  Heterotrophic/photoautotrophic/chemoautotrophic

·  Name some diseases caused by bacteria

·  Toxins, endospores

·  Name some ways bacteria can be helpful to us

·  Uses of genetically engineered bacteria in medicine


·  Mutualism

·  Commensalism

·  Parasitism

o  Pathogen

o  Vector

o  Body defenses against disease-causing organisms

o  Antibiotics

o  Vaccines

o  Antibodies

o  Immunity

o  Interferon

·  Virus structure (capsid, nucleic acid)

·  How viruses are classified, their mode of action

·  Retrovirus

·  Reverse transcriptase enzyme

·  Diagram and steps in LYTIC and LYSOGENIC cycles (differences/similarities)

·  Name some disease caused by viruses


____ 79. The earliest known group of living organisms on Earth was

a. / viruses. / c. / bacteria.
b. / fungi. / d. / protists.

____ 80. Bacteria can be classified according to their

a. / type of cell walls. / c. / Gram-staining characteristics.
b. / methods of obtaining energy. / d. / All of the above

____ 81. Refer to the illustration above. Which of the diagrams has a shape like the Bacillus bacterial genus?

a. / Organism “A” / c. / Organism “C”
b. / Organism “B” / d. / None of the above

____ 82. Refer to the illustration above. The shape represented by Organism “C” is called

a. / coccus. / c. / bacillus.
b. / spirillum. / d. / filamentous.

____ 83. When tested with a Gram stain, gram-positive bacteria are stained

a. / green. / c. / pink.
b. / yellow. / d. / purple.

____ 84. Which of the following comparisons is incorrect?


a. / smaller larger
b. / circular chromosomes linear chromosomes
c. / binary fission mitosis
d. / chloroplasts mitochondria

____ 85. Structures found in a eukaryotic cell but not in a bacterial cell are

a. / cell nuclei. / c. / membrane-bound organelles.
b. / chromosomes. / d. / All of the above

____ 86. Cell organelles that E. coli and other bacteria have in common with eukaryotes are

a. / chloroplasts. / c. / nuclei.
b. / mitochondria. / d. / ribosomes.

____ 87. Bacterial cells such as E. coli transfer pieces of genetic material in a process called

a. / binary fission. / c. / conjugation.
b. / mitosis. / d. / sexual reproduction.

____ 88. A pathogen is an agent that is

a. / beneficial to humans. / c. / harmful to living organisms.
b. / harmful only to plants. / d. / nearly extinct.

____ 89. viruses : nucleic acids::

a. / water : ice / c. / simplicity : complexity
b. / brick : wood / d. / a jigsaw puzzle : individual pieces

____ 90. Viruses that use reverse transcriptase to cause their host cells to transcribe DNA from an RNA template are called

a. / bacteriophages. / c. / retroviruses.
b. / antibodies. / d. / capsoviruses.

____ 91. Unlike viruses, prions

a. / are capable of reproducing outside of a host cell.
b. / are composed only of protein.
c. / can infect brain cells of mammals.
d. / can be treated with antibiotics.

____ 92. A typical virus consists of

a. / a protein coat and a cytoplasm core.
b. / a carbohydrate coat and a nucleic acid core.
c. / a protein coat and a nucleic acid core.
d. / a polysaccharide coat and a nucleic acid core.

____ 93. Refer to the illustration above. Which labeled structure could possibly be made of RNA?

a. / Structure “B” / c. / Structure “D”
b. / Structure “C” / d. / Structure “E”

____ 94. Viruses

a. / are cellular organisms.
b. / reproduce only in living cells.
c. / have nuclei and organelles.
d. / are surrounded by a polysaccharide coat.

____ 95. In which type of cell cycle(s) does viral DNA become integrated into the host cell’s DNA?

a. / lytic / c. / neither lytic nor lysogenic
b. / lysogenic / d. / lytic and lysogenic

____ 96. Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections because

a. / viruses are protected inside their host cells.
b. / viruses have enzymes that inactivate the antibiotics.
c. / antibiotics interfere with metabolic processes that viruses do not perform.
d. / viral protein coats block the antibiotics from entering the virus.

____ 97. Which of the following is not a viral disease of humans?

a. / hepatitis
b. / rabies
c. / shingles
d. / All of the above are viral diseases of humans.

____ 98. Which of the following is not a virus linked to cancer?

a. / Ebola / c. / hepatitis B
b. / human papillomavirus / d. / Epstein-Barr

79. ANS: C

80. ANS: D

81. ANS: B

82. ANS: B

83. ANS: D

84. ANS: D

85. ANS: D

86. ANS: D

87. ANS: C

88. ANS: C

89. ANS: D

90. ANS: C

91. ANS: B

92. ANS: C

93. ANS: B

94. ANS: B

95. ANS: B

96. ANS: C

97. ANS: D

98. ANS: A