The students will be dismissed from school at 3:15 p.m. from Door #4. Please be on time to pick up your child. If at any time there is a change in the person who regularly picks up your child, please write me a note or notify the school office.
Indoor Shoes:
For physical education class, and to keep our classroom and school clean, your child will need a pair of indoor running shoes that will be left at school. Please print your child’s name on the inside of the shoes so your child can easily identify his/her shoes.
Lunch and Snacks:
If your child remains at school for lunch, please provide him/her with a healthy and litterless lunch, and two small healthy snacks (such as fruits and vegetables) for the am and pm recess time. Please note that we are a peanut free school. We have many students who are allergic to peanuts and nut products. Please do not send food containing nuts of any kind. If your child has any diet restrictions or allergies, please notify me at once.
Washrooms & Water Breaks:
Your child should use the lunch hour and recess time to go to the washroom and drink water so as to minimize the amount of times he/she needs to leave the classroom during instruction times. It is a good idea for your child to have a water bottle that he/she can bring in the classroom.
Students should have all their belongings (backpack, indoor shoes, boots, jackets, lunch bag, water bottle, etc.) labeled with their names.
We will celebrate students’ birthdays with song and good wishes in non-food ways. Due to allergies, and dietary restrictions, please DO NOT send sweet treats to school such as cupcakes, cookies or candies. If the birthday child wishes to bring something to school, we suggest items that they can use in the classroom such as pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners or highlighters to share with classmates.
Please make sure you check and sign your child’s agenda every day for any notes or important upcoming events. I will also be checking it everyday for your notes.
READ! READ! READ!: Daily reading keeps the mind sharp and alert & makes everybody happy!
- Please encourage your child to read every day.
- Read with your child every day
- Share your child’s favourite books and have fun reading every day!
Reading is so much FUN!
I will be teaching all the subjects to the class except Dance/Drama, Music and Physical Education.
Depending on how much work has been completed in the classroom, your child might sometimes bring work home to finish. Note that most work to be done at home will involve practising concepts that have been taught already in class. Students should be able to complete their work independently. Parents are invited to help their child. However, if students have difficulty with their homework, they should bring it to the teacher’s attention as soon as possible.
Please support and encourage your child to complete his/her homework when necessary.