Curriculum Area: / English
Subject Area: / Sound and Letter Knowledge
Lesson Title: / Alpha Pig!
Suggested Grade Level: / K-2
Lesson Time: / A 5 day lesson plan, running for 30 minutes each day with discussion time at the conclusion of each lesson.
Equipment Needed: / Technology:access to computer lab, internet connection, mouse, keyboard, speakers, printer access
Software: Flash Player, Quick Time Player, RealPlayer, Adobe Reader, Windows Media Player
Other:Prior to lesson teacher set up of tabs for quick links to web page.
Focus Questions: / What did you learn from Alpha Pig?
How did that game work? How does it help you with your alphabet skills?
How is that game like this game? What if you were a Super Reader? What would you look like? What would your super power be?
Learning Objectives: /
  • "Recognise the letters of the alphabet and know there are upper and lower case letters" (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
  • "Identify familiar and reoccurring letters and the use of upper and lower case in written text in the classroom and community" (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
  • "Using familiar and common letters in handwritten and digital communications" (Australian Curriculum, 2010)

Students Prior Knowledge: / Beginner levels of alphabet knowledge. Students are at various levels of progress regarding the letters, both upper and lower case. Students are familiar with basic computer function, assist where needed.
Objectives: / The goal of this lesson is to enhance students knowledge of both upper and lower case letters from the alphabet in an interactive and entertaining manner.
Instructions: / Each lesson will begin with a refresher of the letters of the alphabet. This will be done by resighting the alphabet as a group. Followed by asking individual students to recognise and name letters around the room. Students will then make their way in pairs to the computer lab.
Students will stay in their pairs and choose a computer. They can open the Internet browser, where a fast link tab has been set up,

icon shown above,on the browser toolbar for the students that will take them to the Super Why! homepage
When all students are set up on the Super Why! homepage they can then be instructed to click on the Alpha Pig character, shown below:

The Alpha Pig link will direct students to a range of interactive alphabet associated games.

The play icon (as shown above) will load the selection of alphabet interactive games for the students to play.

The students can use the arrow keys to select their game and then proceed by clicking the play button.
Day One: / The students are to follow the above instructions to log onto the interactive Alpha Pig game: Amazing Alphabet Match Up!. The details of the games are detailed in the available activities section.
Students are to work through the game levels; easy - hard for the 30 minute session.
Day Two: / The students will now be familiar with the Alpha Pig interactive resource and be able to navigate to the next game: Lickety Letter Bingo. The details of the this game are detailed in the activities available section.
Students are to work through the game levels; easy - hard for the 30 minute session.
Day Three: / Students will work through the Paint by Letters - Alpha Pig activity. Students can print out there interactive creations and kept as a souvenir.
The students are again to work through the levels ranging from easy to hard for the 30 minute session.
Day Four: / Alpha Bricks - Students are to work through the levels; easy - hard for the 30 minute session.
Day Five: / Final day. Students are to complete the Super Reader Challenge working through each of the challenges. The students can print their prizes and hand them in.
Formative Assessment: / Teacher will observe students during the Alpha Pig interactive alphabet games. Student’s progress and understanding throughout the task will be noted and assessed throughout the task by individual and group question and answer opportunities.
Debrief: / Group reflection and discussion time will be conducted at the end of each day, to point out achievements or misconceptions made by students. Opportunity to review and sum up lesson requirements and student progress.
Ask students focus questions about the activity. They need to justify their response.
Awards: / The submitted printed prizes each student received after completion of the Super Reader Challenge, will be laminated with a certificate. The Certificate of Success - Alpha Pig graduate. Which will be presented at the end of day five to each student for their own records.
Summative Assessment: / An end of each lesson group discussion will allow the teacher to assess their understanding and progress of letter recognition. Students will display one of their traffic light cards to express their comprehension of the lesson.
Red; still do not understand.
Amber; almost understanding, still some areas of confusion.
Green; full understanding and confident in their ability.
Evaluation of Curriculum and Technology Integration: / The teacher will assess the level of benefit from the interactive lesson through observations of enjoyment and engagement. Students will also be asked for their input regarding the outcome of the lesson and whether they found the lesson to be beneficial towards their understanding of the alphabet.

This lesson plan template has been adapted from the Language Arts sample lesson plan developed by Shelly, Gunter & Gunter (2010, p.420).


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2010). The Australian Curriculum. Retrieved from

PBS Kids. (2007). Super Why!. Retrieved from

Shelly, G., Gunter, R., & Gunter, G. (2010). Teachers discovering computers: Integrating technology and digital media in the classroom. (6th Ed.). Boston, USA: Cengage