REVIEW SHEET – THE 13 COLONIES (Please realize that although we try to include everything, there might be things on the test that are not on this sheet. Study your class notes!)
Places to Know:
- New Hampshire
- Exeter
- Massachusetts
- Plymouth
- Boston
- Rhode Island
- Providence
- Portsmouth
- Connecticut
- Hartford
- Delaware
- Ft. Christina
- Ft. Kasimir/Casimir
- Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia
- New Netherland
- Ft. Orange (Albany)
- New Amsterdam (NYC)
- New York
- Albany
- Manhattan Island
- New York City
- New Jersey
- Maryland
- St. Mary’s
- Baltimore
- Virginia
- Jamestown
- Williamsburg
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Charles Town (Charleston)
- Georgia
- Savannah
European People to Know:
- John Wheelwright
- Anne Hutchinson
- Roger Williams
- John Winthrop
- Miles Standish
- Thomas Hooker
- King James I
- King Charles I
- King Charles II (his son)
- James, Duke of York (his other son)
- King George II
- Peter Stuyvesant
- Peter Minuit
- Henry Hudson
- William Penn
- John, Lord Berkeley
- Sir George Carteret
- George Calvert (Lord of Baltimore)
- Cecil Calvert (his son)
- 8 Nobles (from the Carolina charter)
- John Smith
- John Rolfe
- James Oglethorpe
Native Americans to Know:
- Wampanoag
- Massasoit
- Squanto
- Metacomet (King Phillip)
- Powhatan
- Chief Powhatan
- Pocahontas (Rebecca Rolfe)
- Narragansett Indians
- Pequot Indians
- Lenni-Lenape
Religious Vocab:
- Anglicans
- Puritans
- Pilgrims/Separatists
- Catholics
- Quakers
- Christians
Terms to Know:
- patroons
- indigo
- plantation
- cash crop
- subsistence farming
- slave codes
- slavery
- Middle Passage
- debtor
- proprietary colony
- royal colony
- staple crop
Events to Know:
- Maryland’s Toleration Act (1649)
- Mayflower Compact (1620)
- British take over New Netherland (1664)
- First Africans arrive in Jamestown (1619)
- Starving Time in Jamestown (1609-10)
- House of Burgesses formed (1619)
- King Phillip’s War (in Massachusetts)
- Pequot War (in Connecticut)
- You need to know the story of each colony’s founding. So, it’s the WHO, WHY, and HOW of the founding. I’m not so interested in the years, as long as you know Virginia was first and Georgia was last.
- You must be able to label the map of the colonies and SPELL THEM CORRECTLY!!!!
- You need to know the characteristics of each section of the colonies (NEW ENGLAND, MIDDLE, and SOUTHERN). How were they different? (geography, economy, government, religion, lifestyle, people, etc.) What did all three sections have in common?
- Organize your notes. Make a big chart of all the colonies. The chart can have columns like Founder, Year, Reason for Founding, Settlements, Important People, Events
- Use the textbook, pages 68 – 87
- Use the Giant Colonial Packet o’ Fun
- Use the HW Quiz packets! (#7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Remember to study your MAP!
- USE YOUR NOTES!!! The best resource!!!!
Some nice images to gaze at while you study!