April 8, 2013
City Council**City Hall*7:00 p.m.
Adopted Meeting Minutes
Board of Equalization Hearing opened at 6:00 p.m.
Council Present: Darrell Nissen, Brent M. Pavelko, Andrea Monson, Bruce Bakalyar, Darrel Hage
Others Present: Byron Kroeger-Media, Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Jason McCaslin, Heidi Moss, Maria Kay, Harold Jacobsen, Jim Koep
A Board of Appeal and Equalization training session will be held June 24, 2013 at Jackson County Courthouse, 7:00 p.m. June 24, 2013. Call Heidi Moss at Assessor’s Office to RSVP attendance.
Jackson County saw a 40% increase in value on tillable land.
Commercial sector didn’t see enough qualified sales to show an increase. The greatest effect is the new construction throughout the county.
County residential saw no major increase except in the City of Jackson; they saw a city wide increase of 13%. 2014 is an expected change to how agricultural property will be evaluated. Land in the cities will be re-evaluated. Work to find the properties in the cities that do not have a property value that “makes sense”.
Commercial properties in all cities in Jackson County are in process of being evaluated. They are in the cycle for this evaluation.
Harold Jacobsen 24.291.0010 valued at $14,000. Motion to reduce the value of the lot to $10,000 made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried.
No other properties presented to adjust.
Motion to close the hearing at 6:50 pm made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried.
City Council Meeting opened by Mayor Nissen at 7:00 p.m.
Council Present: Darrell Nissen, Brent M. Pavelko, Andrea Monson, Bruce Bakalyar, Darrel Hage
Council Absent:
Others Present: Byron Kroeger-Media, Jim Koep-Superintendent, Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Andrew Konechne-Police Chief, Kim Rients
Minutes Approval – Motion to approve the minutes of March 18, 2013, made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried.
Accounts payable –Motion to approve accounts payable, as presented in the amount of $94,085.74 made by Hage/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.
1. Certification of Plan approval for Emergency Operations Plan – Resolution 13-08 – Motion to approve Resolution 13-08 and authorize Mayor Nissen to sign appropriate documents made by Monson/Hage, all yes, motion carried.
2. Windows at Multi-Purpose Center replacement – Superintendent Koep is collecting price quotes for replacement windows. Fairmont Glass and Northwest Glass Company and Worthington Glass have been contacted for pricing of windows. It is expected quotes will be available at the next meeting. He is also pricing an option of blinds inside the windows.
3. Storm sewer North end of Main Street – several catch basins were inadvertently not connected into the storm sewer system during the Main Street project in 2012. 120’ of storm sewer needs to be installed. This will be done as soon as possible, weather permitting, to complete this project. A local contractor and city crews will complete this project.
4. Sanitary sewer on Broadway – 2 homes are attached to a single sanitary sewer line. This line needs to attention. (see attached map) Superintendent Koep recommends installing a sewer line to connect the properties correctly for proper flow. Also install the line with a clean out that would be able to address future issues for properties that are currently piped across private property. Approximately 200’ of sewer line needs to be installed. Motion to take care of the sanitary sewer problem and fix it properly made by Monson/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.
1. Water tower house – Who owns it, who can purchase it, what can the city do to try and get it on the market? Superintendent Koep will inquire about this property.
2. Bush Street House (fire damaged) – owner is working on demolishing the house and placing a modular home on the property. She stated she is collecting bids for demolition at this time. This property will continue to be monitored.
1. Department Head Report
2. Sale of Bakery
3. Main Street Dedication – Saturday, April 13, 2013 @ 1:00 in front of City Hall
4. Land Use Plan meeting – Tuesday, April 9, 2013 @ 5:30 p.m. in City Hall
5. Police Department Report
1. Next council meeting Monday, April 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.
Motion to close the meeting at 7:55 p.m. made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.
Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Darrell Nissen, Mayor