John Ernest Fowler was born at Marietta, Ohio, of Quaker parentage, on May 20, 1879. He was educated in the public schools of Chillicothe, Ohio, and graduated fromRayen School of Youngstown, Ohio, having specialized in mechanics. After graduation, he was employed in Chicago, Illinois, until 1901, as a machinist and draftsman. He would returned to Chillicotheand serve as Deputy County Auditor until 1904,when he came West and entered the retail lumber business with his father at Seattle. In 1906, he came to Aberdeen where he engaged in the lumber industry in Grays Harbor.
He always took an active interest in civic matters and in those various things that contributed to the welfare of the community in which he lived. While there was no deviation in his loyalty to Ancient Craft Masonry he belonged to other orders. He enjoyed his membership in the Elks at Aberdeen and took great interest in the Masters and Wardens Club and Grays Harbor Past Masters Association. He held membership in the Chapter and Council in the York Rite at Aberdeen, and he was enrolled in the Grays Harbor Scottish Rite Bodies. He was a Past Patron of the local Chapter of the Eastern Star, and his own Lodge made him a life member and an honorary member, and the Sister Lodge at Aberdeen, Concord Lodge, No. 273, likewise honored itself in making him an honorary member thereof.
Our Past Grand Master was raised in Scioto Lodge No. 6, F. & A. M., at Chillicothe, Ohio, January 21st, 1903. He affiliated with Aberdeen Lodge, No. 52, F. & A. M. in Aberdeen on March 9th, 1909. He served this Lodge in many capacities and was its Worshipful Master in 1916, and he delighted in his further service as Secretary in the years 1920-1922. His contact with Grand Lodge began in 1913 and thereafter his attendance was regular. He was early at Masonic labor as a member of the Charity Committee in 1917 and acted as Grand Marshal in 1917-1918. His principal contribution prior to his elevation was as member and chairman of the Board of Custodians in which he was prominent from 1921-1925.It was he who was responsible for the members of this committee visiting every Lodge within his district and reporting the condition and problems of each one, at no cost to the Grand Lodge,
He was elected Junior Grand Warden in the year 1925, was regularly advanced and served this jurisdiction as its Grand Master in the year 1928-1929.
As Grand Master and as one of the trustees of the Masonic Home, the groundwork he laid for the Masonic and yet business-like handling of the affairs of this Charity were well remembered and frequently praised by those Grand Masters who were fortunate to follow immediately in his footsteps and to have his counsel and his guidance.
Though prominent in the lumber industry in Grays Harbor for a long period of time, he devoted his later years to the general insurance business. In route to his office,Most Worshipful John Ernest Fowler was struck by an automobile, and the injuries therefrom resulted in his death on November 17th, 1936.