Chemistry in the CommunitySemester II FinalStudy Guide

Unit 2A

1)At STP, 22.4 liters of gas is known as what?

2)What happens to pressure if force remains constant and surface area increases?

3)How do you convert °C to K? and vice versa?

4)If the temperature of a gas in a rigid tank is decreased by half then the pressure of the gas is doubled. (True or false….if false why?)

5)What is the graph for the relationship of P & T? V & T? P &V? Which are directly proportional? Indirectly proportional?

6)What is the relationship of Pressure and volume if temperature remains constant? Whose law is this?

7)Know the equation for pressure.

8)STP stands for what and the representative numbers are what?

9)101.3kPa (kilopascals), 760 mmHg (millimeters of mercury), 1atm (atmosphere) and 34 ft. of H2O (feet of water) are all the standard units for what factor?

10)At what temperature in Celsius will a gas occupy 50 liters if at STP the gas occupies 15 liters? 637°C Assume constant pressure. (Be aware of the units for temperature in the problem and the answer)

11)Water will not enter an inverted glass placed in water….why?

Unit 2B

12)What is the volume of 12.2 moles of hydrogen at STP? Answer: 273L

13)The motion of a particle in a gas is ______, ______, and ______. (slow or rapid, random or in a set pattern, constant or intermittent)

14)Know the parts of the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT)

15)Which phase of matter (solid, liquid or gas) has the greatest and least attraction among its particles?

Unit 2C

16)Most important gas in the atmosphere to human life is? What percentage is it in the atmosphere?

17)What percentage is nitrogen in the atmosphere?

18)Is air a compound? If no, then what word describes it?

19)What are the layers of the atmosphere in order from the ground up?

Unit 4A

20)Know the definition of the following terms: Compound, Colloid (and examples), Suspension (and examples), Solution (and examples), Qualitative, Quantitative, mean, median, mode, range, heterogeneous mixture (and examples), homogeneous mixture (and examples)

21)Which is most dense, oil or water? How do you know?

22)Know the Unique characteristics of water: strong attraction forming hydrogen bonds, high boiling and melting points, high surface tension, expands when frozen

23)Describe a water molecule in terms of the locations of hydrogen and covalent bods and the charges on each of the atoms

24)Is water a compound? If no, what word describes it?

25)If a liquid has no settling of particles and a beam of light aimed through it shows no beam in the liquid, what kind of mixture is this liquid? (colloid, suspension or solution?)

26)Why does water have an abnormally high melting and boiling point?

27)What is the only substance found naturally on Earth as a solid, a liquid and a gas?

28)Equation for density

Unit 4B

29)Know the definitions of the following: Concentration, Saturated, Unsaturated, Solubility,

30)Know how to read the solubility chart on page 436

31)Know how to read the chart of oxygen solubility on page 438

32)Which substances in the solubility lab were soluble in lamp oil?

Unit 4C

33)Write the chemical formulas for the following: Magnesium hydroxide, Calcium hydroxide, Magnesium chloride, Iron (II) Sulfate, Sodium bicarbonate (Pg. 70)

34)What are the 2 rules for writing the correct formula of an ionic compound?

35)Ion concentration for an acid

36)Ion concentration for a base

Unit 4D

37)From the lab called Foul Water, what was the order of the 4 steps of the purification of the foul water?

38)On a deserted island, what process would allow the most purified drinking water assuming you have access to bleach?